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Azure NAT Gateway

Module Overview

Module creates an Azure NAT Gateway with public IP and attaches to a provided subnet. Includes the following resources:

  • azurerm_public_ip
  • azurerm_public_ip_prefix
  • azurerm_nat_gateway
  • azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_association
  • azurerm_nat_gateway_public_ip_prefix_association
  • azurerm_nat_gateway_association


Software dependencies

  • terraform >= 1.2.6

Terraform providers

  • Azure provider >= 3.0.0

Module dependencies

This modules makes use of the output from other modules:

  • Azure Resource Group -
  • Azure VNet -
  • Azure Subnets -

Example Usage

module "resource_group" {
  source = ""

  resource_group_name = "mytest-rg"
  region              = var.region

module "vnet" {
  source = ""

  name_prefix         = "mytest"
  resource_group_name =
  region              = module.resource_group.region
  address_prefixes    = [""]

module "subnets" {
  source = ""

  resource_group_name =
  region              = module.resource_group.region
  vnet_name           =
  ipv4_cidr_blocks    = [""]
  acl_rules           = []

module "azure-nat_gateway" {
  source               = ""
  nat_gw_name          = "mytest-nat"  
  resource_group_name  =
  region               = module.resource_group.region
  subnet_id            =



This module has the following input variables:

Variable Mandatory / Optional Default Value Description
resource_group_name Mandatory The resource group to which to associate the NAT gateway
region Mandatory The Azure location into which to deploy the NAT gateway
nat_gw_name Mandatory The name to give the NAT gateway
subnet_id Mandatory The id of the subnet in the vnet to which to associate the NAT gateway
existing_public_ip_name Optional "" Name of an existing public IP to which to associate the NAT gateway (if not provided will create one)
public_ip_name Optional "" Overwrite name to apply to the created public ip (will append "-pip" to the nat_gw_name if not provided)
public_ip_prefix_name Optional "" Overwrite name to apply to the created public ip prefix (will append "-ipPrefix" to the nat_gw_name if not provided)
public_ip_allocation_method Optional Static Public IP address allocation method
public_ip_sku Optional Standard Public IP SKU
public_ip_zones Optional [ 1 ] List of Azure availability zones to which the public IP should be located
public_ip_prefix_length Optional 30 The public IP prefix length
nat_sku_name Optional Standard The NAT SKU name
nat_idle_timeout Optional 10 The idle timeout for the NAT gateway in minutes
nat_zones Optional [ 1 ] List of Azure availability zones to which the NAT gateway should be located
tags Optional [ ] Mapping of tags to assign to the NAT gateway


The module outputs the following values:

Output Description
id The Id of the deployed NAT gateway
ip_address The address of the created or supplied public IP
public_ip_id The Azure Id of the created or supplied public IP
fqdn The FQDN of the A DNS record associated with the public IP