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Collecting and Aggregating Information From Source Computing

This repository provides a features of collection and aggregation for all source computing information. This is a sub-system on Cloud-Barista platform and utilizes CM-Beetle to migrate a multi-cloud.


Collecting and Aggregating Information From Source Computing framework (codename: cm-honeybee) is going to support:

  • collect and aggregate information from source computing about intrastructure, software, data
  • provides the Agent for collecting source computing information
  • Source Computing
    The source computing, serving as the target for configuration and information collection, for the migration to multi-cloud
  • Target Computing
    The target computing is migration target as multi-cloud

Execution and development environment

  • Tested operating systems (OSs):
    • Ubuntu 24.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Rocky Linux 9, Windows 11
  • Language:
    • Go: 1.23.0

How to run

1. Build and run agent (Run on the source computing environment you want to import.)

1.1. Write the configuration file.

(You can skip this step and the default settings will be used instead.)

  • Configuration file name is 'cm-honeybee-agent.yaml'
  • The configuration file must be placed in one of the following directories.
    • .cm-honeybee-agent/conf directory under user's home directory
    • 'conf' directory where running the binary
    • 'conf' directory where placed in the path of 'CMHONEYBEE_AGENT_ROOT' environment variable
  • Configuration options
    • listen
      • port : Listen port of the agent's API.
  • Configuration file example
            port: 8082

1.2. Build and run the agent binary

cd agent
make run

Or, you can run it within Docker by this command.

make run_docker

2. Build and run server

2.1. Write the configuration file.

(You can skip this step and the default settings will be used instead.)

  • Configuration file name is 'cm-honeybee.yaml'
  • The configuration file must be placed in one of the following directories.
    • .cm-honeybee/conf directory under user's home directory
    • 'conf' directory where running the binary
    • 'conf' directory where placed in the path of 'CMHONEYBEE_ROOT' environment variable
  • Configuration options
    • listen
      • port : Listen port of the server's API.
    • agent
      • port : Port of the agent's API.
  • Configuration file example
            port: 8081
            port: 8082

2.2. Build and run the server binary

cd server
make run

3. Register source group

Check your source group ID (sgID) after register.

  • Request
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "description": "test migration group",
  "name": "test-group"
  • Reply
 "id": "b9e86d53-9fbe-4a96-9e06-627f77fdd6b7",
 "name": "test-group",
 "description": "test migration group"

4. Register connection info

Register the connection information to the source group.

  • Request
curl -X 'POST' \
 '' \
 -H 'accept: application/json' \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 -d '{ "description": "NFS Server", "ip_address": "", "name": "cm-nfs", "password": "some_pass", "private_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n******\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----", "ssh_port": 22, "user": "ubuntu" }'
  • Reply
  "id": "2f678139-e6e6-43e8-9722-33b834efc563",
  "name": "cm-nfs",
  "description": "NFS Server",
  "source_group_id": "b9e86d53-9fbe-4a96-9e06-627f77fdd6b7",
  "ip_address": "",
  "ssh_port": 22,
  "user": "ubuntu",
  "password": "O6fiNHqV71q5cXbJ31Y7i5xefELacROcugMz8rdo42vbJVHsN3Geh+5iqQqYJlT+gFGY2DoH8EgftrI3jWFbofUIhEe0gJWQakIO+1T3mVNb458ZFg9agoqZucAf2JJlCQFw5Wddswd88KegFcE3nqTXalQX1rspV2v2M/rJ/d7DHVh7Ej2sMxn+7ZKSdtnk3tSthJ5Z6zAcLlaequ210UZHcwGk58ByP6A+2Ga08pxoqd++z+OTkXCWCLMRpd85LBo0VHc2qDLrWhkxZDv4OBqTeT3RpgCTX9PDyjNXt7/4srSBOb7Al9DNx6ITCme+rcBRUSCmeulECCBr9CZFQ==",
  "private_key": "CNTS7NvcwUj09/ZFL43GotzE68x/l6pesSRvp6/hv85ISDe1ynCxy/V8SxRIvzji2jPjcg2AwLEViPCi5vSFT5LTFQneFAXwtgJj9MdLQB4LBJVl8Bq/8MOfUsM/zltV98BX/XErzQZHrKipYmjchl1u90/Kka2zt6Ko7MugZqmmvpSy9ILOlxMPRTDdmLreW2toaFeAIfIT6NbrsYhLq+Je2FRqeET9tsabDmooQiMFIAo+t7J3vbvYuRQeEjdj66hlGzxrde/sCV8aA7hLsupiXOoJKxLTLfiha2oGOWtF9ofvEoQulX1f8M98zMl+VXFpYgx2SSxgpWFx0iTfhA==",
  "public_key": "",
  "status": "",
  "failed_message": ""

5. Save current source information.

Below example is saving infrastructure information of all connection in the source group.

curl -X 'POST' \
 '' \
 -H 'accept: application/json'

6. Get saved source information.

Below example is getting saved infrastructure information of all connection in the source group.

curl -X 'GET' \
 '' \
 -H 'accept: application/json'

7. Get refined, saved source information.

Below example is getting refined, saved infrastructure information of all connection in the source group.

curl -X 'GET' \
 '' \
 -H 'accept: application/json'



Check if CM-Honeybee agent is running

curl http://localhost:8082/honeybee-agent/readyz

# Output if it's running successfully
# {"message":"CM-Honeybee Agent API server is ready"}


Check if CM-Honeybee server is running

curl http://localhost:8081/honeybee/readyz

# Output if it's running successfully
# {"message":"CM-Honeybee API server is ready"}

Check out all APIs

For Docker users

There are default private key and public key used for encrypt connection info's password from the honeybee server. (Located in server/_default_key) For security, run these commands to generate new key files.

docker exec cm-honeybee rm /root/.cm-honeybee/honeybee.key
docker exec cm-honeybee rm /root/.cm-honeybee/
docker restart cm-honeybee

If you want to use private key file with other modules like cm-grasshopper, run this command.

mkdir keys
docker cp cm-honeybee:/root/.cm-honeybee/honeybee.key keys/
docker cp cm-honeybee:/root/.cm-honeybee/ keys/

Now, mount the created folder to the honeybee server container. For docker compose, add these lines.

        - ./keys/honeybee.key:/root/.cm-honeybee/honeybee.key
        - ./keys/

Now, you can copy ./keys/honeybee.key file to other module.

For who develop modules with Honeybee

About passwords and private keys

Those encrypted values are always changes with each request by RSA algorithm.

How to decrypt the password and the private key in the connection info?

  1. Build and run the Honeybee server.
    cd server
    make run
  2. Copy honeybee.key file from ~/.cm-honeybee or the path of 'CMHONEYBEE_ROOT' environment variable.
  3. See this commit to modify your source.