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Library for rendering markdown to clj-pdf data-structure syntax.


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A small Clojure library for converting CommonMark markdown to clj-pdf syntax.

At least for now, this library relies on top of commonmark-java which is a java-based markdown parser.

This is alpha software. Possible breaking changes can be expected. Feel free to contribute!

Note that clj-pdf-markdown is built for configurability, not performance.


Add the following dependency to project.clj:

clojars project


Basic usage

You can convert a markdown string to clj-pdf format using markdown->clj-pdf:

user=> (require '[clj-pdf-markdown.core :refer [markdown->clj-pdf]])
user=> (markdown->clj-pdf "This is a *test*.")
[:paragraph {} "This is a " [:phrase {:style :italic} "test"] "."]


You can pass a map of pdf custom args the converter to tweak the output.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:paragraph {:align :center}} "This is a *test*.")
[:paragraph {:align :center} "This is a " [:phrase {:style :italic} "test"] "."]

Any custom map provided will the merged to following the default map used by the library:

(def pdf-default-args 
  {:anchor   {}
   :heading  {:h1 {:style {:size 16}}
              :h2 {:style {:size 15}}
              :h3 {:style {:size 14}}
              :h4 {:style {:size 13}}
              :h5 {:style {:size 12}}
              :h6 {:style {:size 11}}}
   :image     {}
   :line      {}
   :list      {:ol {:numbered true}
               :ul {:symbol   ""}}
   :paragraph {}
   :spacer    {:allow-extra-line-breaks? true
               :single-value 0
               :extra-starting-value 0}
   :wrap {:unwrap-singleton? true
          :global-wrapper :vector ;; :paragraph or :vector 



user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "[I'm a single link](")
[:anchor {:target ""} "I'm a single link"]

Note that any title arg in markdown will be ignored, since it is not supported in clj-pdf:

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "[I'm a single link with title]( \"Google's Homepage\")")
[:anchor {:target ""} "I'm a single link with title"]

When not alone, the anchor will be wrapped in paragraph.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "Text followed by: [a link](")
[:paragraph {} 
 "Text followed by: " 
 [:anchor {:target ""} 
 "a link"]] 
user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "[link 1]([link 2](")
[:paragraph {} 
 [:anchor {:target ""} "link 1"] 
 [:anchor {:target ""} "link 2"]]


user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "# Title _1_")
[:heading {:style {:size 16}} "Title " [:phrase {:style :italic} "1"]]

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "## Sub-title _1_")
[:heading {:style {:size 5}} "Sub-title " [:phrase {:style :italic} "1"]]

To change pdf args, you must specify which level of heading it is, from :h1 to :h6:

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:heading {:h2 {:style {:size 20}}}} "## Title _Big_") 
[:heading {:style {:size 20}} "Title " [:phrase {:style :italic} "Big"]]


user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "![alt text]( \"Logo Title Text 1\")")
[:image {:annotation ["Logo Title Text 1" "alt text"]} ""]

Images can also be inserted inline with other text by wrapping it inside of a chunk element.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "This is an image: ![alt text]( \"Logo Title Text 1\")")
[[:paragraph {} "Text before"] 
 [:line {}] 
 [:paragraph {} "text after"]]

Also, chunk will be added if x and y values are provided in image sub-map. These are relative offsets for the image. The image element itself still accepts it's normal properties shown above.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:image {:x 10 :y 10}} "![alt text]( \"Logo Title Text 1\")")
[:chunk {:x 10 :y 10} [:image {:annotation ["Logo Title Text 1" "alt text"]} ""]]


user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "Text before
  #_=> ***
  #_=> text after")
[[:paragraph {} "Text before"] [:line {}] [:paragraph {} "text after"]]

When :pagebreak is provided a :line arg value, this will provide a [:pagebreak] instead of a line!

(markdown->clj-pdf {:line :pagebreak} "Text before
  #_=> ***
  #_=> Text after")
[[:paragraph {} "Text before"] [:pagebreak] [:paragraph {} "Text after"]]


Markdown supports two king of lists, ordered lists (:ol) and unordered lists (:ul).

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "* List item one
  #_=> * List item two")
[:list {:symbol ""} "List item one" "List item two"]

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "1. This is the first item
  #_=> 2. This is the second item")
[:list {:numbered true} "This is the first item" "This is the second item"]

If you want to customize lists, you must specify the right intermediate key like so:

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:list {:ul {:symbol "* "}}} "* List item one
  #_=> * List item two")
[:list {:symbol "* "} "List item one" "List item two"]

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:list {:ol {:roman true}}} "1. This is the first item
  #_=> 2. This is the second item")
[:list {:roman true} "This is the first item" "This is the second item"]


By default, a string will be wraped in paragraph except if it is plain and alone.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "This is simple text")
"This is simple text"
user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "Content with some *style*.")
[:paragraph {} "Content with some " [:phrase {:style :italic} "style"] "."]

Note that, you don't want to unwrap single strings, you can specify it:

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:wrap {:unwrap-singleton? false} "This is simple text")
[[:paragraph {} "This is simple text"]]

When there is more than one element at the document level, it gets globally wrapped in a vector. Undercover, clj-pdf will expand sequences containing elements:

  [[:paragraph "1"] [:paragraph "2"]]]

is equivalent to

  [:paragraph "1"] 
  [:paragraph "2"]]


user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "This is
  #_=> a spacer.")
[:paragraph {} "This is" [:spacer 0] "a spacer."]

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:spacer {:single-value 10}} "This is
  #_=> a huge spacer")
[:paragraph {} "This is" [:spacer 10] "a huge spacer"]

Note that if you break the line twice, you will get multiple paragraphs instead of spacers:

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {} "This is paragraph 1
  #_=> paragraph 2
  #_=> paragraph 3")
[[:paragraph {} "This is paragraph 1"] [:paragraph {} "paragraph 2"] [:paragraph {} "paragraph 3"]]

Also, by default, clj-pdf-markdown render extra line-breaks (third+)

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:spacer {:extra-starting-value 0 :allow-extra-line-breaks? true}} 
        "Text\n\n\nText after 3 line-breaks\n\n\n\n\nText after 5 line-breaks")
[[:paragraph {} "Text"] 
 [:paragraph {} [:spacer 0] "Text after 3 line-breaks"] 
 [:paragraph {} [:spacer 2] "Text after 5 line-breaks"]]
user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:spacer {:extra-starting-value 1 :allow-extra-line-breaks? true}} 
        "Text\n\n\nText after 3 line-breaks\n\n\n\n\nText after 5 line-breaks")
[[:paragraph {} "Text"] 
 [:paragraph {} [:spacer 1] "Text after 3 line-breaks"] 
 [:paragraph {} [:spacer 3] "Text after 5 line-breaks"]]

Note that extra line-breaks can be disabled.

user=> (markdown->clj-pdf {:spacer {:extra-starting-value 1 :allow-extra-line-breaks? false}}
        "Text\n\n\nText after 3 line-breaks\n\n\n\n\nText after 5 line-breaks")
[[:paragraph {} "Text"] 
 [:paragraph {} "Text after 3 line-breaks"] 
 [:paragraph {} "Text after 5 line-breaks"]]


0.2.1 (May 29, 2018)

  • removed debugging println (thanks to @svdm)

0.2.0 (Jan 9, 2018)

  • removed commonmark-hiccup dep
  • controled wrapping behavior with :wrap option
  • handles extra spacers


Copyright © 2017 Leon Talbot

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.


Library for rendering markdown to clj-pdf data-structure syntax.








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