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1st AtmoRep core developers Meeting

iluise edited this page Aug 5, 2024 · 1 revision

#HClimRep core developer meeting, 2024-07-29

Participants: Christian, Ilaria, Kacper, Asma, Nishant, Enxhi, Ankit, Asma, Simon, Nikolay, Julius, Sindhu, Martin

Meeting notes

Meeting schedule

  • meeting schedule: bi-weekly
  • consolidated and cleaned-up code to be shared today
  • monthly roadmap meetings for feature development; maybe together with monthly HClimRep progress meeting
  • minutes will be shared in the Wiki
  • code development meetings should involve one responsible (point of contact) from every partner/institution

Software development

  • working branch: develop-branch of repo
  • general guidelines
    • all discussion should take place in issues on github
    • individual partners are free to subscribe to issues
    • workflow: first start an issue, then set-up branches, and finalize with pull request
  • code guidelines
    • all partners will be added as developer
    • follow style of existing code (close to Google style-guide), e.g. two spaces for indentation
    • Pylint and flake8 to enforce code-style in the near future
    • installation of code with
      • README describes set-up with virtual environment
      • contact Ilaria & Christian for conda support
    • each partner: try to run code within this week
  • git guidelines
    • two stable, protected versions/branches:
      • main
      • develop
    • merging only via pull request -> Christian and Ilaria (Simon in the future) will grant them
    • set-up issues for new developments
    • always set-up two branches when you start developing
      • naming convention for branches
        • <username>/<short description>/orig -> the original branch w.r.t. you develop your fix or feature, i.e. original checkout as reference, don't modify during development (used to ease merging)
        • <username>/<short description>/head -> Branch where your actual development takes place (to be modified)
  • issues
    • use templates (bug, feature etc.)
    • currently: two templates supported for bug and feature development
    • issues descriptions should be descriptive
    • cross-link issues and pull requests
    • ⚠️ don't close issues by yourself! ⚠️
    • issue reviews every 2-3 months
    • use of github-projects in the future
  • pull requests (PR)
    • needs approvement by Ilaria, Christian (and Simon)
    • should be as small as possible and only related for single issues/small number of issues
    • use labels, but don't clutter the list for PR reviewer
    • tag Christian for core model issues, Ilaria for analysis/evaluation
    • everyone is encouraged to verify PRs!
  • Local testing
    • testing interface is currently set-up; Ilaria is working on it
    • currently: validation with pytest
    • future tests focus on data pipeline and training (non-trivial)
    • CI/CD pipeline will be set-up in the future
      • will likely require GPU-resources
    • current checks:
      • time-step validation of BERT-samples against original data
      • check underlying coordinates
      • initial check on evaluation metrics (MSE-based)
    • Simon will support set-up of testing/ testing pipeline

General notes:

  • notes on AtmoRep model
    • Torch DDP used for distributed training, no torch-lightening
    • full model training: 32-64 GPUs for 3-4 weeks training, smaller model configuration possible (quicker convergence)
  • support of processing large-scale output -> current issue
    • ideally with support of xarray
    • should be based on dask to handle data exceeding available memory
  • rigorous usage of classes/modularization for code development to be targeted?
  • test-suite in the future to track training progress
  • atmorep core model and analysis code should be kept separated from each other, but should follow the same rules
  • expected input data format for AtmoRep
  • all input data has to be processed into zarr-files
    • zarr files accessible through:
    • current issue:
      • chunck-size of zarr-files is not optimal for performance (inode-restrictions at JSC)
      • possibility: set-up virtual file system to avoid issues with inodes
  • final fixes by Wednesday
  • homework for all partners until next core developer meeting:
    • all partners should provide their github-username to Christian so that he can add everyone to the github-project
    • Start utilising the atmo-rep-project for running the code
    • Open issues to indicate what you will be working on