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An opinionated TSLint configuration preset. Works best together with strict TypeScript settings and Prettier.


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An opinionated TSLint configuration preset. Works best together with strict TypeScript settings and Prettier.

Getting started

First, install ts-config as a dev dependency:

# Install using Yarn
yarn add -D ts-config tslint typescript
# or install using npm
npm install -D ts-config tslint typescript

Then use the CLI to create a TSLint configuration file that extends this configuration preset:

npx ts-config init-tslint

Optional: Use the CLI to create a TypeScript configuration file with strict settings:

# Create a TypeScript configuration
npx ts-config init-typescript
# or create a TypeScript configuration for a React project
npx ts-config init-typescript --react

Now you can run TSLint as follows (assuming that TypeScript and Prettier are configured accordingly):

# Lint your TS sources
npx tslint --config tslint.json --project . '**/*.{ts,tsx}'
# and lint your JS sources
npx tslint --config tslint.json '**/*.{js,jsx}'

CLI commands


$ npx ts-config init-tslint help

Creates a TSLint configuration file that extends this configuration preset.

  $ ts-config init-tslint

  -c, --config=config  [default: tslint.json]
  -f, --force          overwrite an existing configuration file
  -h, --help           show CLI help

  $ ts-config init-tslint
  $ ts-config init-tslint --config='' --force


$ npx ts-config init-typescript help

Creates a TypeScript configuration file with strict settings.

  $ ts-config init-typescript

  -c, --config=config  [default: tsconfig.json]
  -f, --force          overwrite an existing configuration file
  -h, --help           show CLI help
  -r, --react          add React-specific settings

  $ ts-config init-typescript
  $ ts-config init-typescript --config='' --force --react

Configuration preset

This dynamically generated configuration preset is compatible to TSLint in version ^5.10.0. It is based on the built-in configuration preset tslint:all:

tslint:all turns on all rules to their strictest settings. This will use type checking, so it must be combined with the --project option. (Exceptions include rules such as "ban", "import-blacklist", and "file-header", which have no sensible defaults, and deprecated rules.)

It is assumed that TypeScript is configured with strict settings. Also, it is assumed that Prettier is used for formatting your sources.

The deviations from the configuration preset tslint:all@5.18.0 are documented below:

TypeScript and JavaScript rule overrides

  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  align: {
-    options: [
-      "parameters"
-      "arguments"
-      "statements"
-      "elements"
-      "members"
-    ]
-  }
+  align: false
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  arrow-parens: true
+  arrow-parens: false
   comment-format: {
     options: [
-      "check-uppercase"
-  completed-docs: true
+  completed-docs: false
   file-name-casing: {
-    options: "camel-case"
+    options: [
+      "kebab-case"
+    ]
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  indent: {
-    options: [
-      "spaces"
-    ]
-  }
+  indent: false
-  max-classes-per-file: {
-    options: 1
-  }
+  max-classes-per-file: false
-  max-file-line-count: {
-    options: 1000
-  }
+  max-file-line-count: false
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  max-line-length: {
-    options: {
-      limit: 120
-    }
-  }
+  max-line-length: false
   member-ordering: {
     options: {
-      alphabetize: true
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  newline-per-chained-call: true
+  newline-per-chained-call: false
-  no-console: true
+  no-console: false
-  no-default-import: true
+  no-default-import: false
-  no-empty: true
+  no-empty: {
+    options: [
+      "allow-empty-catch"
+    ]
+  }
-  no-import-side-effect: true
+  no-import-side-effect: false
-  no-magic-numbers: true
+  no-magic-numbers: false
-  no-null-keyword: true
+  no-null-keyword: false
-  no-submodule-imports: true
+  no-submodule-imports: false
-  no-this-assignment: true
+  no-this-assignment: {
+    options: {
+      allow-destructuring: true
+    }
+  }
-  no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper: true
+  no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper: false
   no-unnecessary-class: {
     options: [
+      "allow-constructor-only"
+      "allow-static-only"
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  object-literal-key-quotes: {
-    options: "consistent-as-needed"
-  }
+  object-literal-key-quotes: false
-  object-literal-sort-keys: true
+  object-literal-sort-keys: false
-  only-arrow-functions: true
+  only-arrow-functions: {
+    options: [
+      "allow-declarations"
+    ]
+  }
   ordered-imports: {
     options: {
-      grouped-imports: true
-      module-source-path: "full"
-      import-sources-order: "case-insensitive"
+      import-sources-order: "lowercase-last"
-      named-imports-order: "case-insensitive"
+      named-imports-order: "lowercase-last"
-  prefer-function-over-method: true
+  prefer-function-over-method: false
-  prefer-template: true
+  prefer-template: {
+    options: [
+      "allow-single-concat"
+    ]
+  }
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  quotemark: {
-    options: [
-      "double"
-      "avoid-escape"
-      "avoid-template"
-    ]
-  }
+  quotemark: false
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  semicolon: {
-    options: [
-      "always"
-    ]
-  }
+  semicolon: false
  • TypeScript-only: Unnecessary because of the TypeScript setting --noImplicitReturns.
-  switch-default: true
+  switch-default: false
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  trailing-comma: {
-    options: {
-      esSpecCompliant: true
-      multiline: "always"
-      singleline: "never"
-    }
-  }
+  trailing-comma: false
-  triple-equals: true
+  triple-equals: {
+    options: [
+      "allow-null-check"
+    ]
+  }
   variable-name: {
     options: [
-      "require-const-for-all-caps"
+      "allow-pascal-case"
+      "allow-leading-underscore"
  • Unnecessary because of Prettier.
-  whitespace: {
-    options: [
-      "check-branch"
-      "check-decl"
-      "check-operator"
-      "check-module"
-      "check-separator"
-      "check-type"
-      "check-typecast"
-      "check-preblock"
-      "check-type-operator"
-      "check-rest-spread"
-    ]
-  }
+  whitespace: false

TypeScript-only rule overrides

   array-type: {
-    options: "array-simple"
+    options: [
+      "array"
+    ]
-  ban-ts-ignore: true
+  ban-ts-ignore: false
-  interface-name: true
+  interface-name: {
+    options: [
+      "never-prefix"
+    ]
+  }
-  match-default-export-name: true
+  match-default-export-name: false
-  no-empty-interface: true
+  no-empty-interface: false
   no-inferrable-types: {
     options: [
+      "ignore-properties"
-  no-object-literal-type-assertion: true
+  no-object-literal-type-assertion: false
-  no-parameter-properties: true
+  no-parameter-properties: false
-  no-unbound-method: true
+  no-unbound-method: false
-  no-unsafe-any: true
+  no-unsafe-any: false
-  no-use-before-declare: true
+  no-use-before-declare: false
-  no-void-expression: true
+  no-void-expression: {
+    options: [
+      "ignore-arrow-function-shorthand"
+    ]
+  }
-  return-undefined: true
+  return-undefined: false
-  strict-boolean-expressions: true
+  strict-boolean-expressions: false
-  strict-comparisons: true
+  strict-comparisons: {
+    options: {
+      allow-object-equal-comparison: true
+    }
+  }
-  strict-type-predicates: true
+  strict-type-predicates: false
   typedef: {
     options: [
-      "arrow-call-signature"
-      "arrow-parameter"
-      "variable-declaration"
-      "member-variable-declaration"

JavaScript-only rule overrides

-  no-require-imports: true
+  no-require-imports: false
  • TypeScript-only: Unnecessary because of the TypeScript setting --noImplicitReturns.
-  switch-default: false
+  switch-default: true

Copyright (c) 2016-present, Clemens Akens. Released under the terms of the MIT License.


An opinionated TSLint configuration preset. Works best together with strict TypeScript settings and Prettier.





