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Color Themes

classicrocker883 edited this page Aug 10, 2023 · 1 revision

How to apply a color theme

You can change the color of many UI elements by going to the "Select color" sub menu in "Advanced Settings" or loading a g-code file with special color commands, after changing a color you must save settings to the EEPROM to make it permanent. If you want to apply a color theme, download the g-code file and "print" it, if you like the colors, make them permanent, saving the settings in the Control menu.

It is possible to embed these special color codes inside of a normal g-code file to, for example, to use the background color of the screen as an indicator of the status of the print.

Structure of the C11 g-code:

C11 En Rn Gn Bn

En: n refers to an UI element.
Rn Gn Bn: Is the color on RGB (red, green, blue) format, for the DWIN display, the red and blue color can go from 0 to 31, and the green color from 0 to 63.


Theme files

You can change the UI element's color by "printing" a theme file, but you must first save that file on your µSD card using a PC, you couldn't use Octoprint to print o upload a theme file.

Default Theme


; Default theme file
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R1 G2 B1     ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R29 G49 B15  ;Cursor
C11 E4  R2 G9 B5     ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31  ;Title Text
C11 E6  R31 G63 B31  ;Text
C11 E7  R6 G29 B27   ;Selected
C11 E8  R7 G19 B10   ;Split Line
C11 E9  R31 G63 B31  ;Highlight
C11 E10 R0 G20 B20   ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G56 B15  ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6 G15 B8    ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26  ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15   ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15  ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G49 B9   ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R2 G7 B4     ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R31 G63 B31  ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R31 G63 B31  ;Coordinate value
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied

Red Theme


; Red Theme file
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R15 G0 B0    ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R31 G50 B23  ;Cursor
C11 E4  R31 G0 B0    ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31  ;Title Text
C11 E6  R31 G50 B23  ;Text
C11 E7  R31 G50 B23  ;Selected
C11 E8  R31 G49 B9   ;Split Line
C11 E9  R31 G50 B23  ;Highlight
C11 E10 R31 G0 B0    ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G49 B9   ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6 G15 B8    ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26  ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15   ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15  ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G49 B9   ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R8 G7 B4     ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R31 G50 B23  ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R31 G50 B23  ;Coordinate value;
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied

Green Theme


; Green Theme file
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R0 G20 B0    ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R0 G63 B0    ;Cursor
C11 E4  R0 G31 B0    ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31  ;Title Text
C11 E6  R18 G63 B10  ;Text
C11 E7  R0 G10 B0    ;Selected
C11 E8  R31 G49 B9   ;Split Line
C11 E9  R0 G63 B0    ;Highlight
C11 E10 R0 G31 B0    ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G63 B31  ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6 G15 B8    ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26  ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15   ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15  ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G49 B9   ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R0 G10 B0    ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R18 G63 B10  ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R18 G63 B10  ;Coordinate value;
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied

Blue Theme


; Blue theme file
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R2 G4 B6     ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R0 G31 B31   ;Cursor
C11 E4  R0 G20 B20   ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31  ;Title Text
C11 E6  R18 G63 B31  ;Text
C11 E7  R6 G20 B20   ;Selected
C11 E8  R0 G12 B16   ;Split Line
C11 E9  R10 G40 B31  ;Highlight
C11 E10 R0 G20 B20   ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G56 B15  ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6 G15 B8    ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26  ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15   ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15  ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G63 B31  ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R0 G12 B16   ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R18 G63 B31  ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R18 G63 B31  ;Coordinate value
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied

Gray Theme


; Gray theme file
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R4 G8 B4     ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R20 G40 B20  ;Cursor
C11 E4  R10 G20 B10  ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31  ;Title Text
C11 E6  R31 G63 B31  ;Text
C11 E7  R10 G20 B10  ;Selected
C11 E8  R20 G40 B20  ;Split Line
C11 E9  R31 G63 B31  ;Highlight
C11 E10 R10 G20 B10  ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G63 B31  ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6 G15 B8    ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26  ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15   ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15  ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G63 B31  ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R10 G20 B10  ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R26 G52 B26  ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R26 G52 B26  ;Coordinate value;
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied

User contribution Themes

Open a text editor, copy and paste the theme G-code commands, save the file with as .gcode or .gco extension.

MrBamse purple theme:

; Purple Theme File
; Professional Firmware Theme File
C10                  ; Mark as a configuration/theme file
C11 E2  R15 G0 B14  ;Screen Background
C11 E3  R30 G0 B30  ;Cursor
C11 E4  R0  G0 B0   ;Title Background
C11 E5  R31 G63 B31 ;Title Text
C11 E6  R31 G63 B31 ;Text
C11 E7  R30 G0 B30  ;Selected
C11 E8  R20 G0 B20  ;Split Line
C11 E9  R30 G0 B30  ;Highlight
C11 E10 R20 G0 B20  ;Status Background
C11 E11 R31 G63 B31 ;Status Text
C11 E12 R6  G15 B8  ;Popup Background
C11 E13 R26 G53 B26 ;Popup Text
C11 E14 R30 G0 B15  ;Alert Background
C11 E15 R31 G56 B15 ;Alert Text
C11 E16 R31 G63 B31 ;Percent Text
C11 E17 R30 G0 B30  ;Bar Fill
C11 E18 R31 G63 B31 ;Indicator value
C11 E19 R31 G63 B31 ;Coordinate value
C11 E0  ;Preview changes
G4 S1                ; Wait a second
M300 P200            ; Beep
M117 Theme Applied