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Python API and GraphQL Bridge for the Public API


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Python API and GraphQL Bridge for the Public API

An attempt to illustrate the benefits of using GraphQL instead of the current REST API for the Public API.

The bridge also be used as a data source for tools that use GraphQL, such as building a static website using GatsbyJS.

Includes a (hopefully) simple to use Python API for accessing the current API.

Since this was written as a quick demo, it does not support everything in the API, and can be a bit rough around the edges still. It is easy to extend however, and if there is interest, the bridge and the Python API can be split into proper packages of their own.


If you just want to try out the GraphQL bridge it is easiest to use Docker. To do that follow the instructions in the next section, otherwise, if you want to use Python, keep reading.

Since this written mainly as a proof-of-concept, I haven't put any effort in packaging this up, so for now, just clone the repository, install requirements per below, and (if needed) add the directory to your $PYTHONPATH.

It needs at least Python 3.6 (eg., from the Anaconda distribution).

For using the API package only, you only need to install the requests package.

For running the file, apart from the requirements for using the API, you also need to install the pandas, matplotlib, and click packages.

The GraphQL bridge has the same requirements as the API package, plus the graphene, flask, and flask_graphql packages.

Assuming that you have Python installed using Anaconda, it could look something like this (on a Unix system) — assuming you want to create a new environment, which is usually recommended:

# Cloning the repository
git clone
cd chesscom-api-and-graphql-bridge

# Create a new environment
conda create --name chesscom-graphql
source activate chesscom-graphql

# Install requirements for the API
conda install requests

# Install requirements for the example
conda install pandas matplotlib click

# Install requirements for the GraphQL bridge (not all in base conda)
conda install flask
pip install graphene Flask-GraphQL


Running the GraphQL bridge using Docker

Assuming you have installed Docker on your computer, it should be enough to run:

docker run -p 5000:5000 chrka/chesscom-graphqlbridge:v0.1.0

Now the GraphiQL environment should be available in your browser here: GraphiQL

Running the GraphQL bridge in Python

# Make sure the chesscom and cqlbridge packages are available
python -m cqglbridge

And now you should be able to try it out in your browser here.

Running the rating distribution example

python chess-com-developer-community

Python API (import chesscom)

lookup_player(username): Returns a Player object for the user with the given username (case-insensitive).

titled_players(title): Returns a list of Player objects for users with the given title (as an element of the Title enum).

lookup_club(key): Returns a Club object for the club with the given key (case-insensitive). (The key is the last component of the Club's URL. Eg., The key for the Developer Community-club with URL´ is chess-com-developer-community`.)

lookup_country(code): Returns a Country object for the country with the given 2-character ISO 3166 code (upper-case).


  • In general no checks are made to see if entities actually exist; doing so would take an API call which we in many cases can omit.
  • Properties are fetched lazily when requested. However, fetching the value of one property can often result in several other properties being filled is well due to how the Public API works.
  • Although Clubs and Players have unique (numeric) IDs, the API generally uses names for these which can change. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any way to look up names from IDs some care has to be taken if you want to store historical data.
  • Most properties are cached for 2 hours, the exception being Player.is_online() which expires after 5 minutes.

class Player

Represents a member of

Property Description
url() URL of the Player's profile page
username() Username (per the API, generally lower-case)
original_username() Capitalization-preserved username
player_id() Unique user ID
title() (Optional) Title (enum Title)
status() Account status (enum Status)
name() (Optional) Name
avatar() (Optional) URL to avatar (as 200x200 image)
location() (Optional) Location
country() Country
joined() Timestamp of registration on (timezone?)
last_online() Timestamp of most recent login (timezone?)
followers() Number of players tracking this player's activity
is_streamer() If the member is a streamer
twitch_url() (Optional) URL to streamer's twitch stream
clubs() List of clubs the player is a member of
is_online() If the player has been active in the last five minutes
rating(category) Rating for the given category (eg., 'chess_blitz', 'chess960_daily' — see official documentation)
joined_club(key) Timestamp of joining club with given key
last_active_in_club(key) Timestamp of latest activity in club with given key

class Club.

Represents a club in

Property Description
key Key for this club
name() Human-readable name
club_id() Unique ID
icon() (Optional) URL to 200x200 image
country() Country associated with the club
created() Timestamp of creation
last_activity() Timestamp of most recent, post, match, etc.
visibility() If the club is public or private
join_request() URL to submit a request to join the club
admin() List of admins of the club
description() Description of the club
members() List of the members of the club

class Country

Represents a country.

Property Description
name() Human-readable name
code() ISO-31661-1 2-character code.
players() List of active players in this country
clubs() List of clubs associated with this country

enum Title

Value Description
GM Grandmaster
WGM Woman Grandmaster
IM International Master
WIM Woman International Master
FM FIDE Master
WFM Woman FIDE Master
CM Candidate Master
WCM Woman Candidate Master
NM National Master
WNM Woman National Master

enum Status

Value Description
CLOSED Closed Account
CLOSED_FAIR_PLAY Closed due to Fair Play Violation
BASIC Basic Account
PREMIUM Premium Account (Gold, Platinum, Diamond)
MOD Moderator Account
STAFF Staff Account

GraphQL Schema

schema {
  query: Query

type Club {
  key: String!
  name: String!
  clubId: Int!
  icon: String
  country: Country!
  created: DateTime!
  lastActivity: DateTime!
  joinRequest: String!
  admin: [Player!]!
  description: String
  members: [Player!]!

type Country {
  name: String!
  code: String!
  players: [Player!]!
  clubs: [Club!]!

scalar DateTime

type Player {
  url: String!
  username: String!
  playerId: Int!
  title: Title
  status: Status!
  name: String
  avatar: String
  location: String
  country: Country!
  joined: DateTime!
  lastOnline: DateTime!
  followers: Int!
  isStreamer: Boolean!
  twitchUrl: String
  clubs: [Club!]!
  joinedClub(key: String): DateTime
  lastActiveInClub(key: String): DateTime
  rating(category: String): Int
  isOnline: Boolean!

type Query {
  player(username: String): Player
  titledPlayers(title: Title): [Player!]
  club(key: String): Club
  country(code: String): Country

enum Status {

enum Title {


Python API and GraphQL Bridge for the Public API








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