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Full-stack project showcasing how React and Express work together to deliver a movie-tv-like application. Besides implementing an API RESTFul, it includes a simple CD/CI process leveraged on GitHub actions and Docker.

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Repository files navigation

My TV App application

Proof of concept aimed at putting into practice an e2e development cycle for an application.


  • 💡 Monorepo-like project in which services can be deployed and run independently.
  • ❤️ Feel free to add any improvements or suggestions you consider.
  1. Goals
  2. Considerations
  3. Tech Stack
  4. Installation and running the project
  5. Samples
  6. Server side
  7. Tests (unit-tests and e2e)
  8. CI/CD - Containerization and Deployment
  9. Next steps

🎯 Goals

  • Create an application that displays trending films and TV shows in two rails.

  • Integrate the The Movie DB API (TMDB) to the application.

  • Add the capability of navigating the application using the keyboard (Arrow keys).

  • Implement a CI/CD process using GitHub Actions, Docker, and a Cloud application hosting service.

    The movie DB API:

    To implement the solution, we are required to sign up, and also integrate it to our back-end then, we will be able to use their API services. For further details, check the specs here TMDB API specs.


Please, check this consideration out.


  • The architecture is a mono repo-like project that uses workspaces to share type definitions among the app's tiers.
  • The application can be either started locally or containerized.
  • Each app tier, within the project, can be started for development independently from the others.

Tech Stack

This conceptual test has been developed using the following technologies:

Installation and running the project

The project requires:

Clone the repository:

git clone


Before executing these scripts, you must run npm install in the directory you just downloaded/cloned the codebase.

# Run the entire development environment for both client and server tiers
> npm run dev:app

# Run dev environment for the client-side
> npm run dev:client

# Run development environment for the server-side
> npm run dev:server

# Run unit tests for the client-side tier
> npm run test:client

# Run e2e tests for the client-side tier
> npm run test:client:cy

# Run unit tests for the server-side tier
> npm run test:server

# Build shared types across the application
> npm run build:shared-types

# Perform docker-compose to containerize and run the application
> npm run dev:docker:build-up

Environment variables:

Each app's tier within the project has its own environment variables file, you should create a .env file following the templates provided in the corresponding directory.

Tier template directory environment file to create
client .env.local /app .env
server .env.example /server .env


Live demo

Click on the following link GitHub page project.

Note: It's a mocked version of the project, although we can deploy the front-end project and fetch data from our back-end services hosted.



Home page preview

Detail page preview

Server side

API specs

The server-side API follows the OpenAPI Specification - Version 3

# Enter the API's specs documentation by browsing to this URL.

<YOUR HOST>/api/docs

Tests (unit-tests and e2e)

Both services have some examples of how to develop unit tests and e2e tests (including some mocking strategies).

  • Client-side:

    • Unit testing for services, react-hooks, state-less components, and the entire sections (pages).
    • E2E testing: Using Cypress. (i.e.: Navigate to the search section and look for a movie).


  • Server-side:
    • Unit testing for services, controllers, etc.
    • E2E testing: Using SuperTest. (i.e.: Simulate a running back-end to perform requests).

CI/CD - Containerization and Deployment

flowchart LR
    step0["`Developer pushes/merges code into the repository`"]
    step1["`GitHub actions are triggered`"]
    step2["`Tests are triggered, and Docker images are built`"]
    step3["`Docker images are pushed to Docker Hub`"]
    step4["`**Optional** Render cloud service should deploy the images by latest reference provided`"]
    step0 --> step1 --> step2 --> step3 --> step4

The strategy followed to deploy the application implies:

Containerization of each application
  • Create Dockerfiles per environment (dev, prod) to build each application service (client-side, server-side).
  • Every Dockerfile perform a multi-stage image build.
  • Consider workspaces and shared packages when building images.
  • Create parametrized docker-compose.yml file per environment (dev, prod). (At root folder level only - main Docker context).
  • Create .dockerignore files.
  • Create a docker-compose run and build script.
    • Obtain production environment variables given the application's source files.
    • Provide every docker-compose.yml file with those variables to parametrize them.
    • Note: Google Bard supported me on this.
GitHub actions
  • Implement a GitHub action workflow which is going to be dispatched whenever a pull-request or merge is performed.
  • Create the repository's project secrets.
    • Environment variables for production.
    • Docker credentials
      • Username.
      • Docker TOKEN API. (Read, Write permissions).
  • Include jobs:
    • Run tests.
    • Containerize applications.
    • Push applications to Docker Hub.
      • You must have a Docker Hub account.
Render (Optional)


  • At this point, the services are merged into the repository, tested, containerized, and published on Docker Hub (either as public or private images).
  • Now, you should decide which Cloud provider service to host your application. (Azure, Amazon Web Services, Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform, and others).

Choice: I decided to use Render because it's free for hobby projects (under certain conditions, of course).

Look at this article on how to deploy pre-built docker images on their side.

  • TV application

  • API service docs

    Note: The application should consume API services published and provided by our back-end, which is intended to obtain data from the TMDB Movie service).

Next steps

  • Extend this documentation to the applications (client-side, server-side, GitHub actions).
  • Enhance Dockerfiles and multi-stage builds.
  • Better use of npm workspaces (mono-repos).
  • Improve overall CD/CI process.
  • Build back-end codebase.
  • Polish up user experience and responsiveness.


Full-stack project showcasing how React and Express work together to deliver a movie-tv-like application. Besides implementing an API RESTFul, it includes a simple CD/CI process leveraged on GitHub actions and Docker.







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