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GBFS Viewer

GBFS Viewer is a simple tool for viewing the realtime status of several GBFS Feeds. It isn't terribly fancy, and relies almost entirely on Leaflet.

The files here are a demo for GBFS feeds in Providence, Rhode Island. Currently, the code is a bit messy and some of the JavaScript is used for UI purposes. In the future, functionality will be more clearly isolated.


This contains a map <div> for Leaflet, a simple loading overlay, and a modal.


main.js contains the bulk of the tool. All classes and functions have been combined into this one file. If the contents were simply included in <script> tags (and CSS moved inline), the whole tool could easily be contained in a single HTML file.


Right now, this file simply assigns a large chunk of GeoJSON to a variable which is used in main.js. Ideally, this can be imported.


This file's purpose is to provide an options object.

Field Name Required Description
mapObject Yes The id of the <div> used for the Leaflet map.
bounds Yes The initial bounds to be used for the map. Provided as a 2-item array of L.latLng objects. See Leaflet reference.
files Yes The filename of the path stored within each field of gbfsUrls.
For example, if files["sysinfo"] = "system_information", then the URL for "system_information.json" will be accessible via gbfsUrls.sysinfo.
basemaps Yes An Object referencing a basemaps to make available. Keys represent user-facing base-layer names. Values are objects with a url and an opts Object which is the options object for a Leaflet tileLayer.
feeds Yes An array of feed specifiers.
vehicle Optional If included, is an Object with vehcile.popup = true, indicating that vehicle markers should be bound to Leaflet popups.
zones Optional See Zones.


Each OldFeed is specified with an Object of the following construction:

Field Required Description
url Yes The base URL of the GBFS OldFeed. The gbfs.json file should reside in this directory.
feed_name Yes The user-facing name of this feed, specifically the free, undocked vehicles reported.
hubs Optional See Hubs.
Display Yes See Display.


The inclusion of the hubs object indicates that the stations/hubs reported in station_information.json and station_status.json should be surfaced as layers in this tool. The hubs object has the following fields:

Field Required Description
layerName Yes The user-facing name to be displayed for the station layer.
popup Optional Indicates whether a popup should be bound to each marker. Popups will report all information from station_information.json and station_status.json for a given station.
hideDefault Optional When true, will hide the station layer by default.
display Yes See Display.


Field Required Description
type Yes Either "circle", indicating that each item should be represented by a L.circleMarker, or "icon", indicating that a L.marker should be used.
options Yes The Leaflet options object that will be passed to the marker indicated by type.


Optionally, this tool can display GeoJSON shapes as "zones" of a service area on the map. If the zones object is included in options.js, zones will be displayed. These are the fields of the zones object:

Field Required Description
data Yes The GeoJSON Object.
popup Optional An optional object which, when included, indicates that popups will be bound to the zone polygons. If included, there are two required fields:
title: a string that will serve as the label for the popup.
geoJsonField: a string indicating the field name in the GeoJSON shapes that will be used in the popup.
display Optional An optional Leaflet options object that will be applied to each zone.