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A personal list of papers and resources of image matching and pose estimation, including perspective images and panoramas.

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A personal list of papers and resources for image matching, pose estimation and some other 3D reconstruction tasks, including perspective images and panoramas (marked with 🌐).



Keypoints and descriptors

Feature matching


  • GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-Robust Feature Correspondence [IJCV 2020] [GMS-Feature-Matcher]

  • Learning Two-View Correspondences and Geometry Using Order-Aware Network [ICCV 2019] [OANet]

  • Learning to Find Good Correspondences [CVPR 2018] [learned-correspondence-release]

  • ACNe: Attentive Context Normalization for Robust Permutation-Equivariant Learning [CVPR 2020] [acne]

  • Progressive Correspondence Pruning by Consensus Learning [ICCV 2021] [CLNet]

  • PGFNet: Preference-Guided Filtering Network for Two-View Correspondence Learning [TIP 2023] [PGFNet]

  • Pentagon-Match (PMatch): Identification of View-Invariant Planar Feature for Local Feature Matching-Based Homography Estimation [arXiv 2023] []

  • ConvMatch: Rethinking Network Design for Two-View Correspondence Learning [AAAI 2023] [ConvMatch]

  • Progressive Neighbor Consistency Mining for Correspondence Pruning [CVPR 2023] [NCMNet]

  • A more reliable local-global-guided network for correspondence pruning [Pattern Recognition Letters 2024] [LG-Net]

  • MESA: Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything [CVPR 2024] [A2PM-MESA]

  • DMESA: Densely Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything [arXiv 2024] [A2PM-MESA]

  • FC-GNN: Recovering Reliable and Accurate Correspondences from Interferences [CVPR 2024] [fcgnn]

  • DeMatch: Deep Decomposition of Motion Field for Two-View Correspondence Learning [CVPR 2024] [DeMatch]


  • SuperGlue: Learning Feature Matching with Graph Neural Networks [CVPR 2020] [SuperGluePretrainedNetwork]

  • Learning to Match Features with Seeded Graph Matching Network [ICCV 2021] [SGMNet]

  • NCTR: Neighborhood Consensus Transformer for Feature Matching [ICIP 2022] [NCTR]

  • HTMatch: An efficient Hybrid Transformer based Graph Neural Network for Local Feature Matching [Signal Processing 2023] []

  • ClusterGNN: Cluster-based Coarse-to-Fine Graph Neural Network for Efficient Feature Matching [CVPR 2022] []

  • ParaFormer: Parallel Attention Transformer for Efficient Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] []

  • AMatFormer: Efficient Feature Matching via Anchor Matching Transformer [TMM 2023] []

  • 🌐 SphereGlue: Learning Keypoint Matching on High Resolution Spherical Images [CVPRW 2023] [SphereGlue]

  • LightGlue: Local Feature Matching at Light Speed [ICCV 2023] [LightGlue]

  • ResMatch: Residual Attention Learning for Local Feature Matching [AAAI 2024] [ResMatch]

  • SDGMNet: Statistic-based Dynamic Gradient Modulation for Local Descriptor Learning [AAAI 2024] [SDGMNet]

  • Learning Feature Matching via Matchable Keypoint-Assisted Graph Neural Network [arXiv 2023] []

  • IMP: Iterative Matching and Pose Estimation with Adaptive Pooling [CVPR 2023] [imp-release]

  • Scene-Aware Feature Matching [ICCV_2023] []

  • DynamicGlue: Epipolar and Time-Informed Data Association in Dynamic Environments using Graph Neural Networks [arXiv 2024] []

  • OmniGlue: Generalizable Feature Matching with Foundation Model Guidance [CVPR 2024] [omniglue]



  • Neighbourhood Consensus Networks [NeurIPS 2018] []

  • Efficient neighbourhood consensus networks via submanifold sparse convolutions [ECCV 2020] [sparse-ncnet]

  • Dual-resolution correspondence networks [NeurIPS 2020] []

  • XResolution Correspondence Network [BMVC 2021] [xrcnet]

  • Patch2Pix: Epipolar-Guided Pixel-Level Correspondences [CVPR 2021] [patch2pix]

  • DFM: A Performance Baseline for Deep Feature Matching [CVPR 2021] [DFM]

  • LoFTR: Detector-Free Local Feature Matching with Transformers [CVPR 2021] [LoFTR]

  • A case for using rotation invariant features in state of the art feature matchers [CVPRW 2022] [se2-loftr]

  • 3DG-STFM: 3D Geometric Guided Student-Teacher Feature Matching [ECCV 2022] [3DG-STFM]

  • Local Feature Matching with Transformers for low-end devices [arXiv 2022] [Coarse_LoFTR_TRT]

  • QuadTree Attention for Vision Transformers [ICLR 2022] [QuadTreeAttention]

  • MatchFormer: Interleaving Attention in Transformers for Feature Matching [ACCV 2022] [MatchFormer]

  • ASpanFormer: Detector-Free Matching with Adaptive Span Transformer [ECCV 2022] [ml-aspanformer]

  • TopicFM: Robust and Interpretable Topic-Assisted Feature Matching [AAAI 2023] [TopicFM]

  • DeepMatcher: A Deep Transformer-based Network for Robust and Accurate Local Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] [DeepMatcher]

  • OAMatcher: An Overlapping Areas-based Network for Accurate Local Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] [OAMatcher]

  • PATS: Patch Area Transportation with Subdivision for Local Feature Matching [CVPR 2023] [pats]

  • PA-LoFTR: Local Feature Matching with 3D Position-Aware Transformer [arXiv 2023] []

  • Improving Transformer-based Image Matching by Cascaded Capturing Spatially Informative Keypoints [arXiv 2023] []

  • Structured Epipolar Matcher for Local Feature Matching [CVPR 2023] [SEM]

  • Adaptive Spot-Guided Transformer for Consistent Local Feature Matching [CVPR 2023] [astr]

  • GlueStick: Robust Image Matching by Sticking Points and Lines Together [ICCV 2023] [GlueStick]

  • E3CM: Epipolar-Constrained Cascade Correspondence Matching [ssrn] []

  • MAIM: a mixer MLP architecture for image matching [Unknown 2023] []

  • Searching from Area to Point: A Hierarchical Framework for Semantic-Geometric Combined Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] [SGAM]

  • Adaptive Assignment for Geometry Aware Local Feature Matching [CVPR 2023] [AdaMatcher]

  • TopicFM+: Boosting Accuracy and Efficiency of Topic-Assisted Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] [TopicFM]

  • TKwinFormer: Top k Window Attention in Vision Transformers for Feature Matching [arXiv 2023] [TKwinFormer]

  • Occ2Net: Robust Image Matching Based on 3D Occupancy Estimation for Occluded Regions [ICCV 2023] []

  • FMRT: Learning Accurate Feature Matching with Reconciliatory Transformer [arXiv 2023] []

  • SAM-Net: Self-Attention based Feature Matching with Spatial transformers and Knowledge Distillation [ESWA 2023] [SAM-Net]

  • Are Semi-Dense Detector-Free Methods Good at Matching Local Features ? [arXiv 2024] []

  • Efficient LoFTR: Semi-Dense Local Feature Matching with Sparse-Like Speed [CVPR 2024] [efficientloftr]

  • HCPM: Hierarchical Candidates Pruning for Efficient Detector-Free Matching [arXiv 2024] []

  • Affine-based Deformable Attention and Selective Fusion for Semi-dense Matching [arXiv 2024] []

  • Raising the Ceiling: Conflict-Free Local Feature Matching with Dynamic View Switching [ECCV 2024] []


  • Dgc-net: Dense geometric correspondence network [WACV 2019] [DGC-Net]

  • Ransac-flow: generic two-stage image alignment [ECCV 2020] [RANSAC-Flow]

  • GLU-Net: Global-local universal network for dense flow and correspondences [CVPR 2020] [GLU-Net]

  • DenseGAP: Graph-Structured Dense Correspondence Learning with Anchor Points [ICPR 2022] [DenseGAP]

  • Learning accurate dense correspondences and when to trust them [CVPR 2021] [PDCNet]

  • Pdc-net+: Enhanced probabilistic dense correspondence network [TPAMI 2023] [DenseMatching]

  • COTR: Correspondence Transformer for Matching Across Images [ICCV 2021] [COTR]

  • ECO-TR: Efficient Correspondences Finding Via Coarse-to-Fine Refinement [ECCV 2022] [ECO-TR]

  • PUMP: Pyramidal and Uniqueness Matching Priors for Unsupervised Learning of Local Descriptors [CVPR 2022] [pump]

  • DKM: Dense Kernelized Feature Matching for Geometry Estimation [CVPR 2023] [DKM]

  • PMatch: Paired Masked Image Modeling for Dense Geometric Matching [CVPR 2023] [PMatch]

  • RoMa: Revisiting Robust Losses for Dense Feature Matching [CVPR 2024] [RoMa]

  • RGM: A Robust Generalist Matching Model [arXiv 2023] [RGM]

Training framework

  • GIM: Learning Generalizable Image Matcher From Internet Videos [ICLR 2024] [gim]

Pose estimation and others

  • 🌐 Structure from motion using full spherical panoramic cameras [ICCVW 2011] []

  • PoseNet: A Convolutional Network for Real-Time 6-DOF Camera Relocalization [ICCV 2015] [PoseNet]

  • Geometric loss functions for camera pose regression with deep learning [CVPR 2017] []

  • Relative Camera Pose Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks [ACIVS 2017] [relativeCameraPose]

  • DSAC - Differentiable RANSAC for Camera Localization [CVPR 2017] [DSAC]

  • Generalized Differentiable RANSAC [arXiv 2022] [differentiable_ransac]

  • RPNet: an End-to-End Network for Relative Camera Pose Estimation [ECCVW 2018] [RPNet]

  • Camera relocalization by computing pairwise relative poses using convolutional neural network [ICCVW 2017] [RelPoseNet]

  • Deep Keypoint-Based Camera Pose Estimation with Geometric Constraints [IROS 2020] [pytorch-deepFEPE]

  • Wide-Baseline Relative Camera Pose Estimation with Directional Learning [CVPR 2021] [DirectionNet]

  • Learning single and multi-scene camera pose regression with transformer encoders [Computer Vision and Image Understanding 2024] [transposenet]

  • 🌐 Robust 360-8PA: Redesigning The Normalized 8-point Algorithm for 360-FoV Images [ICRA 2021] [robust_360_8PA]

  • 🌐 Pose Estimation for Two-View Panoramas: a Comparative Analysis [CVPRW 2022] [Keypoints]

  • The 8-Point Algorithm as an Inductive Bias for Relative Pose Prediction by ViTs [3DV 2022] [rel_pose]

  • End2End Multi-View Feature Matching with Differentiable Pose Optimization [ICCV 2023] [e2e_multi_view_matching]

  • 🌐 CoVisPose: Co-visibility Pose Transformer for Wide-Baseline Relative Pose Estimation in 360 Indoor Panoramas [ECCV 2022] []

  • Map-free Visual Relocalization: Metric Pose Relative to a Single Image [ECCV 2022] [map-free-reloc]

  • 🌐 GPR-Net: Multi-view Layout Estimation via a Geometry-aware Panorama Registration Network [arXiv 2022] []

  • RelMobNet: End-to-end relative camera pose estimation using a robust two-stage training [arXiv 2022] []

  • GRelPose: Generalizable End-to-End Relative Camera Pose Regression [arXiv 2022] [GRelPose]

  • A Lightweight Domain Adaptive Absolute Pose Regressor Using BARLOW TWINS Objective [arXiv 2022] []

  • Uncertainty-Driven Dense Two-View Structure from Motion [arXiv 2023] []

  • CGA-PoseNet: Camera Pose Regression via a 1D-Up Approach to Conformal Geometric Algebra [arXiv 2023] []

  • 🌐 Graph-CoVis: GNN-based Multi-view Panorama Global Pose Estimation [arXiv 2023] []

  • Map-Relative Pose Regression for Visual Re-Localization [CVPR 2024] [marepo]

Similar images disambiguate


Challenges and workshops

Resources and toolboxes



A personal list of papers and resources of image matching and pose estimation, including perspective images and panoramas.







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