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This is a plugin to help rainbowkit developers support the CELO protocol faster. It includes the chain information as well as the main CELO wallets (Valora, Celo Wallet, Celo Terminal...).


npm install @celo/rainbowkit-celo

This package has a few peer dependencies and expect them to be installed too. Follow their instructions if that's not done yet.

Here's the exhaustive list:

npm install @rainbow-me/rainbowkit @wagmi/chains wagmi viem

A note on version compatibility

After version 0.8.0 inclusive, this package has the most significant digit match the version of @rainbow-me/rainbowkit it is compatible with.

IE for @rainbow-me/rainbowkit@0.8.1 use @celo/rainbow-kit@0.8.0


import {
} from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";
import {
} from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit/wallets";
import { configureChains, createClient, WagmiConfig } from "wagmi";
import { jsonRpcProvider } from "wagmi/providers/jsonRpc";

// Import known recommended wallets
import { Valora, CeloWallet, CeloDance } from "@celo/rainbowkit-celo/wallets";

// Import CELO chain information
import { Alfajores, Celo } from "@celo/rainbowkit-celo/chains";

const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
  [Alfajores, Celo],
      rpc: (chain) => ({ http: chain.rpcUrls.default.http[0] }),

// Note for older use with wagmi before 0.9 / rainbowkit before 0.8.1 configure
// const { chains, provider } = configureChains(
//   [Alfajores, Celo],
//   [jsonRpcProvider({ rpc: (chain) => ({ http: chain.rpcUrls.default }) })]
// );

const connectors = connectorsForWallets([
    groupName: "Recommended with CELO",
    wallets: [
      Valora({ chains }),
      CeloWallet({ chains }),
      CeloDance({ chains }),
      metaMaskWallet({ chains }),
      omniWallet({ chains }),
      walletConnectWallet({ chains }),

const wagmiClient = createClient({
  autoConnect: true,

// ... Your exisiting app.

Adding wallets to the config

If the wallet exists in the normal rainbow kit package you can add it to the Supports Celo list at lists/index.ts

If the wallet needs a new config add a new file in wallets folder with the config needed for you wallet. Then import this to the lists/index.ts file

Example app

In apps/example there's an example app that showcases the usage of the package.

In order to run it, execute following commands:

$ yarn build

$ yarn dev

Then you can access the app by opening your browser and visiting http://localhost:3001/