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Keeps track of transactions sent via Gnosis Safe contacts and confirmed transactions. It also keeps track of Ether and ERC20 token transfers to Safe contracts.


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Gnosis Transaction Service

Keeps track of transactions sent via Gnosis Safe contracts. It uses events and tracing to index the txs.

Transactions are detected in an automatic way, so there is no need of informing the service about the transactions as in previous versions of the Transaction Service.

Transactions can also be sent to the service to allow offchain collecting of signatures or informing the owners about a transaction that is pending to be sent to the blockchain.

Swagger (Mainnet version) Swagger (Rinkeby version)

Index of contents

Setup for production

This is the recommended configuration for running a production Transaction service. docker-compose is required for running the project.

Configure the parameters needed on .env. These parameters need to be changed:

  • ETHEREUM_NODE_URL: Http/s address of a ethereum node. It can be the same than ETHEREUM_TRACING_NODE_URL.
  • ETHEREUM_TRACING_NODE_URL: Http/s address of an OpenEthereum node with tracing enabled.

If you don't want to use trace_filter for the internal tx indexing and just rely on trace_block, set:


For more parameters check file.


docker-compose build --force-rm
docker-compose up

The service should be running in localhost:8000. You can test everything is set up:

curl 'http://localhost:8000/api/v1/about/'

For example, to set up a Göerli node:

Run an OpenEthereum node in your local computer:

openethereum --chain goerli --tracing on --db-path=/media/ethereum/openethereum --unsafe-expose

Edit .env so docker points to the host OpenEthereum node:



docker-compose build --force-rm
docker-compose up

Setup for private network

Instructions for production still apply, but some additional steps are required:

  • Deploy the last version of the Safe Contracts on your private network.
  • Add their addresses and the number of the block they were deployed (to optimize initial indexing) to safe_transaction_service/history/management/commands/ Service is currently configured to support Mainnet, Rinkeby, Goerli and Kovan.
  • If you have a custom network id you can change this line ethereum_network = ethereum_client.get_network() to ethereum_network_id = and use the network id instead of the Enum.
  • Only contracts that need to be configured are the ProxyFactory that will be used to deploy the contracts and the GnosisSafe.

Add a new method using the addresses and block numbers for your network.

def setup_my_network(self):
                                                 'initial_block_number': 9084503,
                                                 'tx_block_number': 9084503,
                                               'initial_block_number': 9084508,
                                               'tx_block_number': 9084508,

Replace handle method for:

    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        for task in self.tasks:
            _, created = task.create_task()
            if created:
                self.stdout.write('Created Periodic Task %s' %
                self.stdout.write('Task %s was already created' %

        self.stdout.write('Setting up Safe Contract Addresses'))

Use admin interface

Services come with a basic administration web ui (provided by Django). A user must be created first to get access:

docker exec -it safe-transaction-service_web_1 bash
python createsuperuser

Then go to the web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000/admin/

Cardstack Deployment

Cardstack hosts this fork of the transaction service to provide capability to the Sokol network (checkout the 'sokol' branch). This is hosted at: In production we leverage the xDai transaction service hosted at: # services at


Below are some examples of how to use this API for gnosis safes.

Getting Safes by Owner (aka Fetching Prepaid Cards)

To get all the safes for a particular owner's wallet address (or in other words, to get all the prepaid cards held by a particular individual), use the /safes API:

let { safes } = await (await fetch(`${myWalletAddress}/`)).json();
// 'safes' is an array of ethereum addresses that are gnosis safe addresses, aka prepaid card ID's.

Note that for the URL, it needs to have a tailing / and you need to use case-sensitive addresses. The transaction service won't recognize addresses in all lower-case.

To confirm the safe is a prepaid card safe you can query the PrepaidCardManager contract to see if it knows about this safe:

let web3 = new Web3(provider);
let prepaidCardManagerContract = web3.eth.Contract(/*contractABI, prepaidCardContractAddress*/);
let cardDetail = await prepaidCardManagerContract.methods.cardDetails(safeAddress).call();
// if the response is falsy then the safe address is not a prepaid card address.
// otherwise the response is an object that has 2 properties:
// {
//   issuer: '0x123...', the address of the entity that created the prepaid card
//   issuerToken: '0x456..' the address of the L2 token used to create the prepaid card
// }

The L2 token will be held by the gnosis safe, such that, if you want to see the token balance for the safe, you can query the token contract using the safe address (aka prepaid card ID).

let l2TokenContract = web3.eth.Contract(/*contractABI, l2TokenContractAddress*/);
let decimals18Balance = await l2TokenContract.methods.balanceOf(safeAddress).call();
let humanFriendlyBalance = web3.utils.fromWei(decimals18Balance); // this is a convenient util for decimals=18 tokens



Keeps track of transactions sent via Gnosis Safe contacts and confirmed transactions. It also keeps track of Ether and ERC20 token transfers to Safe contracts.







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