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cadon edited this page Sep 4, 2021 · 3 revisions


The Breeding plan lists pairings of your creatures, sorted by the best chance for the desired outcome. You can click on a pairing to see the best outcome and a graph that lists the probability of certain levels of the offspring.

Breeding Modes

There are three different breeding modes

  • Combine top stats steady
  • Combine top stats lucky
  • Best next generation

Combine top stats steady

This mode should be used if you aim for a creature that combines all the top stats in your library. Pairings that result in an offspring that has a good chance of having more top-stats than there are currently in your library are ranked high. Following the top-suggestion in this mode will result in the fastest way to receive a creature with all the top-stats. Once you have a top-creature, switch to the Best next generation mode.

Combine top stats lucky

This mode is similar to the steady mode, but it will suggest pairings that got offsprings with the most top-stats, even if the probability for that is low. This mode is usually not recommended, as it will take more time in the mean to get a creature with only top-stats, but if you're lucky, this mode can get you there faster.

Best next generation

This mode suggests the pairings that get the best creatures in the next generation. This is not recommended if you have the long-term goal of getting a creature with all the top-stats. This mode rather looks for the best probability of getting the best levels, and not necessarily the top stats. You should take this mode if you want the best creature possible in the next generation and don't care about a top-creature right now. This mode is also the one you want if you already have a top creature.

Stat Weighting

Here you can adjust the suggestions according to the stats you're interested in. E.g. if you want offspring that has high HP and high damage, you'd set the weighting-values of these stats to a higher number, e.g. 2. If you want a certain stat to have low levels (e.g. oxygen), you can set the weighting-value of this stat to a negative number like -1.


You can refine the selection of the creatures that are considered for the pairings by using tags. Apply tags to creatures in the library by selecting them (use the Ctrl- or Shift-key for multiple selections), right-click -> Edit all Selected… or press the F3 key and apply the tags to all selected creatures. In the breeding plan you can exclude or include creatures with certain tags to the possible pairing.

Tags can be used to create suggestions for only the creatures of one owner or of one server (add a secific tag to all creatures of that owner or which are on one server). For easier selection you can filter the library view in the bottom left and show only creatures on one server.


You can exclude all creatures in the suggestions that exceed a certain number of mutations with the mutation limit input. E.g. if you only want to breed creatures that have no mutations at all, set this value to 0. To disable filtering out creatures by their mutation count set the value to -1.

Even / Odd levels

If you care if a stat level is even or odd (that plays a role if you want to go for 254 or 255 levels with mutations (the latter cannot be leveled manually anymore), you can enable Settings - General - Breeding Planner - Highlight even / odd levels. With that setting odd levels are colored purple-ish and even levels cyan-ish.

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