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Prototypo, Streamlining font creation


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Use git flow on this branch (reactify-and-cleanup) Add --no-ff to your merge options on this branch. If you merge a branch on reactify-and-cleanup with ff I'll be really sad and cry

Labeling convention:

  • Feature -> feat/name-of-feature
  • Fix -> fix/name-of-fix_issuenumber

Before installing Prototypo

In order to build Prototypo, you need to install the following software-packages on your system:

  • Git
  • node >= 4 with npm >= 3 or yarn

Installing Prototypo

Clone a copy of the main Prototypo git repository

$ git clone git:// && cd prototypo

Install build scripts and frontend libraries

$ yarn

Running Prototypo

$ yarn start

Roadmap to v1.0

  • possibility to modify text directly in the preview (#78) ……… ✓
  • a complete alphabet with alternates (some numbers, punctuation and accents are missing) ……… ✓
  • automatic spacing (#124)
  • generating binary font-files such as .otf, see the current workaround (#12) ……… ✓
  • personnal library to save and load different fonts (#125) ……… ✓
  • undo/redo history (#94) ……… ✓

Known issues

  • font export is broken in Safari (#111)

Converting an .svg font to other font formats

This operation currently requires either Fontforge or using a hosted service such as onlinefontconverter.


Files with a .js, .jsx or .json extension in this repository are licensed under MPLv2. All other files (including .css, .scss, .svg and .png files) are the property of Prototypo SAS and cannot be redistributed outside of a repository. Prototypo and its logo are registered trademarks of Prototypo SAS.