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Bruce How edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

The .lobby command is mainly used to create in-house lobbies and has been widely used for the Rift Champions event.

This command takes in 2 arguments which must be supplied as a line separated entity. It can be separated in the chat by moving to a new line with shift+enter

Argument Description
Title Lobby Title
Description Lobby Description

Lobby Creation

Successful usage of this command will create a 10 man lobby in the discord text channel specified under the file. As of now, this is set to 605352338500354117 which points to the rift-champions text channel.

Lobby Filled

When the lobby is filled, the bot runs the BruceMM matchmaking algorithm. There used to be other algorithms that were used such as the seamoooMM by Seamus which are no longer in use. The algorithm will split the players into two fair teams given that the MMR associated with each player is accurate. If the lobby doesn't fill up, and you want to restart it, simply delete the message and reuse the command. Note that the .lobby command only stores knowledge of the last created lobby and if you generate another lobby, any previous lobbies (if not filled up) will not work.

Ending a lobby

The current lobby can be ended with .lobby end which will forcibly generate the teams even the number of players does not equal to 10. This same behaviour is automatically called upon reaching the lobby limit.

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