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Elasticsearch XPack plugin that adds a very simple OAuth2 realm to XPack (and to Shield for pre 5.0)


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OAuth Shield Plugin for ElasticSearch 5.4

Minimum gradle version : 3.3 as Elasticsearch 5.4 migrated to version 3.3, this project was created with gradle 3.5

Run it simple

Run ES with this plugin installed. …​ then run integration tests

./gradle integTestCluster\#start

Default user is admin_user with password : changeme (see task integTestCluster in build.gradle file). To connect to the instance :

curl -v --user admin_user:changeme -XGET 'localhost:9400/_cluster/settings' | jq '.'

Configure the plugin
  audit.enabled: true
        order: 0
        type: oauth
        files.role_mapping: config/x-pack/oauth_role_mapping.yml
          connection-timeout-in-millis: 10000 # optional connection tiemout, defaults to 10s
          read-timeout-in-millis: 10000       # optional read response timeout, defaults to 10s
          write-timeout-in-millis: 10000      # optional write request timeout, defaults to 10s
          max-idle-connections: 200           # optional max number of connections, defaults to 200 connections
            host: xxx       # optional
            port: xxx       # mandatory if host is declared
            username: xxx   # optional if host is declared
            password: xxx   # mandatory if username is declared

          url: https:/authority/path/to/tokeninfo # mandatory token-info url
            user: "user_id"          # mandatory user id field name in token json payload
            scope: "scope"           # mandatory scope field name in token json payload
            expires-in: "expires_in" # mandatory expiration field name in token json payload
            expires-in.unit: SECONDS # optional time unit of expiration (values from java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit)
            max-size : 20000         # optional max cache size, defaults to 20000 entries
            expire-in-seconds : 300  # optional cache entry expiration, defaults to 5min

Debug the plugin

These steps indicate how to install a debug agent on the ES instance started by gradle.

  1. For example set breakpoint at the extension loading here OAuthRealmExtention.getRealms that is only executed at the ES startup

  2. In your IDE — IntelliJ IDEA, let’s be serous there — create a remote debug configuration in attach mode, on port 8000

  3. Start Elasticsearch via gradle with the property debug set to true :

    ./gradlew integTestCluster\#start -Pdebug=true
  4. Start the debug configuration in your IDE

  5. Have fun debugging

  6. To kill ES just run either :

    ./gradlew integTestCluster\#stop
    kill $(jps | grep Elasticsearch | cut -f 1 -d ' ')

Run integration tests

./gradlew integTest

Packages the plugin

./gradlew buildZip

The plugin zip file will be located in build/distributions/, e.g. build/distributions/

Run everything

./gradlew build

What does it do ?

What the extension does in a nutshell :

OAuth Authentication

Also check the OAuth RFC :


  • ✓ Cache tokens

  • ✓ Reload mapping

  • ✓ Investigate RefreshListener

  • ✓ Dependency Injection / avoid it because ES 5 drops guice

  • ✓ Automate testing

  • ✓ Logging, via shield configuration

  • ✓ Configurable token info field to lookup

  • ✓ truststore, company internal certificate authority ⇒ Not necessary (Removed usage of Shield’s own ClientSSLService because it doesn’t allow multiple additional trust manager)

  • ✓ ES 2.3

  • ✓ Remove maven warning due to variable usage in project version, not necessary with gradle

  • ✓ Migrate to Elasticsearch 5.4


This plugin is loosely based on the example provided here.