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Releases: box/kube-applier

More flexible version skew between client and server

29 Apr 21:11
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This release of kube-applier allows a 1 version skew between client and server in either direction

Log Level

25 Sep 01:35
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This release introduces a new, optional env var to set the log level of the kubectl commands executed by kube-applier

Quick Run

01 Aug 17:19
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This release introduces the "quick run" feature. Quick runs (triggered by a new commit) apply only the files modified since the last commit, and are handled separately and concurrently alongside full runs (triggered by the "force run" button and at periodic intervals).

Various tests have been added and rewritten (notably, the scheduler and metrics components now have tests).

Support comments in whitelist/blacklist files. A non-root user can execute kube-applier

03 May 20:50
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Merge pull request #14 from ahakanbaba/commentsInFileLists

Add line comment support for blacklist whitelist files.

Whitelist option

28 Apr 19:41
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Merge pull request #9 from ahakanbaba/master

Add a whitelistpath env var option to the kube-applier