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Configuration from my openbox, tint2, polybar config and dependencies in my Linux Mint OS (Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia x86_64)

Required Install

  • openbox
  • obconf
  • obmenu
  • nitrogen
  • tint2
  • compton
  • obmenu-generator and dependencies
  • polybar and dependencies

Can install with CLI Terminal or GUI Synaptic Package Manager


Install Openbox, Tint2, Nitrogen, etc

Installation with CLI Terminal : $ sudo apt-get install openbox obconf obmenu nitrogen tint2 compton

Openbox will present when you log out to the login screen and click on session option. This will present you with a list of all the window managers and desktop environments you have installed.

Install Polybar

Installation Dependencies First with CLI Terminal : $ sudo apt-get install cmake cmake-data pkg-config libcairo2-dev libxcb1-dev libxcb-util0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev python-xcbgen xcb-proto libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-ewmh-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev

Install Polybar : $ git clone --recursive $ mkdir polybar/build $ cd polybar/build $ cmake .. $ sudo make install

You can try to run command polybar example to see your polybar program.

Install Own Dotfiles

Clone this repo and move dotfiles files to home directory. $ git clone $ mv * ~/


Main of configuration are on ~/.config/openbox/autostart , the file is auto created when we install openbox. The file contains any application that we want to run on start openbox session.


# Start Compositor
compton -b --config ~/.config/compton.conf &
# Start Panel
tint2 &
# Start Polybar
polybar top -c /home/blint/.config/polybar/space-theme &
# Start Nitrogen (wallpaper)
(sleep 1; nitrogen --restore) &


Manual Customizing Openbox Menu

You can customizing Openbox menu on~/.config/openbox/menu.xml or you can customizing with GUI Program obmenu.

Auto Customizing Openbox Menu

Auto customizing with obmenu-generator and dependencies. You should to install it first with steps :

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential cpanminus git $ git clone git:// $ sudo cp obmenu-generator/obmenu-generator /usr/bin $ sudo cp -r obmenu-generator/ ~/.config/obmenu-generator $ sudo cpanm Linux::DesktopFiles $ sudo cpanm Data::Dump $ sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/obmenu-generator

Run the obmenu-generator :

Dynamic Menu with icon $ obmenu-generator -p -i

Static Menu without icon $ obmenu-generator -s -c

Customizing Tint2

Customizing tint2 just run in terminal tint2conf then show GUI program and edit your panel.

Customizing Polybar

Customizing polybar just with editing manual file. You can edit file on ~/.config/polybar/config or you can create config file with reference from Polybar Wiki.