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John M. Jones edited this page Jul 25, 2019 · 3 revisions

Note: This has been superseded by BUILD_WIN32

Windows development environment setup and build instruction

This is an informal build environment setup instruction, it is not recommended to apply in production.


  • 64 bit windows operating system
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Update 1, download address can be found at (the community edition will work, Visual Studio 2019 may not work, other versions may or may not work)
  • git for windows (Git-2.18.0-64-bit)
  • cmake (cmake-3.12.1-win64-x64)

Any other version of the software listed above is not used nor tested, but can still be used on your own risk. To make things easier, we suggest you keep all the default settings in the install process and add both git and cmake into your PATH.

Download and install libraries

  1. boost 1.65.1
  2. Openssl 1.0.2p

You do can download the source and compile the two libraries above, it will take more time and return more safety/security. Again, we still suggest you to keep all the default settings in the install process. Any changes you made here, you have to make the corresponding changes to cmake command we use later.

Down and compile

  1. cURL, we do not find any usable prebuilt cURL, so we have to compile it from source. Open a command window with administrator right, and run
git clone
cd curl
cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 3

The command above will compile the libcURL and install it to the C:\Program Files\CURL directory.

  1. compile the bitsares-core. In the command windows we opened before, run
git clone
git checkout develop
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake  -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DBoost_USE_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DOPENSSL_CONF_SOURCE="C:\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg" -DCURL_INCLUDE_DIR="C:\Program Files\CURL\include" -DCURL_LIBRARY="C:\Program Files\CURL\lib\libcurl_imp.lib" -DCURL_STATICLIB=ON
cmake --build . --target install --config Release -j 3

If you want to dynamically link to cURL, you need to drop the -DCURL_STATICLIB=ON argument. The number after -j in the last command is recommended set to N-1, where N is your computer's core number.

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