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Awesome Person Re-identification (Person ReID) Awesome

This is a repository for organizing articles related to person re-identification. Most papers are linked to the pdf address provided by "arXiv" or "Openaccess". However, some papers require an academic license to browse. For example, IEEE, springer, and elsevier journal, etc.

About Me

  • I am a proactive researcher with a solid background in computer vision and machine learning. During my PhD, I conducted profound research on person re-identification and published several papers in top-tier conferences. Additionally, I maintain a GitHub repository summarizing articles on person re-identification. After completing my PhD, I have been expanding my research into various topics, including domain generation and generative AI. Feel free to visit my personal homepage

πŸ”† Other awesome re-identification

πŸ”† Other recommended related topics

πŸ”† Updated 2024-06-17

  • I have revised the page to list the most recent conferences at the top.
  • CVPR2024, WACV2024, ECCV2023 papers are updated


Conference Webpage Link Person Re-ID Vehicle Re-ID
CVPR2024 Click 17 1
WACV2024 Click 7 0
ICCV2023 Click 13 0
ACMMM2023 - - -
CVPR2023 Click 11 0
WACV2023 Click 4 0
ECCV2022 Click 10 2
CVPR2022 Click 23 0
ICCV2021 Click 24 2
CVPR2021 Click 25 1
ECCV2020 Click 25 3
CVPR2020 Click 24 1
ICCV2019 Click 33 4
CVPR2019 Click 21 3
ECCV2018 Click 15 -
CVPR2018 Click 30 1
ICCV2017 Click 14 1
CVPR2017 Click 14 -

Other contents


  • Person re-identification
1) "Harnessing the Power of MLLMs for Transferable Text-to-Image Person ReID" [paper] [github]
2) "Learning Continual Compatible Representation for Re-indexing Free Lifelong Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
3) "Attribute-Guided Pedestrian Retrieval: Bridging Person Re-ID with Internal Attribute Variability" [paper]
4) "LiDAR-based Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
5) "A Pedestrian is Worth One Prompt: Towards Language Guidance Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "UFineBench: Towards Text-based Person Retrieval with Ultra-fine Granularity" [paper] [github]
7) "Distribution-aware Knowledge Prototyping for Non-exemplar Lifelong Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
8) "Noisy-Correspondence Learning for Text-to-Image Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
9) "Instruct-ReID: A Multi-purpose Person Re-identification Task with Instructions" [paper] [github]
10) "SEAS: ShapE-Aligned Supervision for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Magic Tokens: Select Diverse Tokens for Multi-modal Object Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
12) "CA-Jaccard: Camera-aware Jaccard Distance for Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
13) "All in One Framework for Multimodal Re-identification in the Wild" [paper]
14) "Shallow-Deep Collaborative Learning for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
15) "View-decoupled Transformer for Person Re-identification under Aerial-ground Camera Network" [paper] [github]
16) "Implicit Discriminative Knowledge Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
17) "Activity-Biometrics: Person Identification from Daily Activities" [paper] [github]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Day-Night Cross-domain Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Source-Guided Similarity Preservation for Online Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
2) "ShARc: Shape and Appearance Recognition for Person Identification In-the-wild" [paper]
3) "Enhancing Diverse Intra-identity Representation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Contrastive Viewpoint-aware Shape Learning for Long-term Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
5) "HashReID: Dynamic Network with Binary Codes for Efficient Person Re-identification" [paper]
6) "Privacy-Enhancing Person Re-identification Framework – A Dual-Stage Approach" [paper]
7) "Mitigate Domain Shift by Primary-Auxiliary Objectives Association for Generalizing Person ReID" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "DDAM-PS: Diligent Domain Adaptive Mixer for Person Search" [paper] [github]
  • Object re-identification
1) "SeaTurtleID2022: A long-span dataset for reliable sea turtle re-identification" [paper]
2) "Object Re-Identification from Point Clouds" [paper] [github]
3) "ISAR: A Benchmark for Single- and Few-Shot Object Instance Segmentation and Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "WildlifeDatasets: An open-source toolkit for animal re-identification" [paper] [github]
5) "Computer Vision on the Edge: Individual Cattle Identification in Real-time with ReadMyCow System" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Identity-Seeking Self-Supervised Representation Learning for Generalizable Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
2) "Learning Clothing and Pose Invariant 3D Shape Representation for Long-Term Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
3) "Towards Grand Unified Representation Learning for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
4) "A Long-Term Person Re-Identification Benchmark with Clothes Change" [paper] [github]
5) "Discrepant and Multi-instance Proxies for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper]
6) "Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Semantic Alignment and Affinity Inference" [paper] [github]
7) "Learning Concordant Attention via Target-aware Alignment for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification" [paper]
8) "Unified Pre-training with Pseudo Texts for Text-To-Image Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
9) "Modality Unifying Network for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
10) "Camera-Driven Representation Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
11) "Part-Aware Transformer for Generalizable Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
12) "Dual Pseudo-Labels Interactive Self-Training for Semi-Supervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
13) "Person Re-Identification without Identification via Event Anonymization" [paper] [github]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Self-similarity Driven Scale-invariant Learning for Weakly Supervised Person Search" [paper] [github]


  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "Towards Unified Text-based Person Retrieval: A Large-scale Multi-Attribute and Language Search Benchmark" [paper] [github]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Diverse Embedding Expansion Network and Low-Light Cross-Modality Benchmark for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "PHA: Patch-Wise High-Frequency Augmentation for Transformer-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Shape-Erased Feature Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "TranSG: Transformer-Based Skeleton Graph Prototype Contrastive Learning With Structure-Trajectory Prompted Reconstruction for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
5) "PartMix: Regularization Strategy To Learn Part Discovery for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "Event-Guided Person Re-Identification via Sparse-Dense Complementary Learning" [paper]
7) "Clothing-Change Feature Augmentation for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
8) "Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Progressive Graph Matching and Alternate Learning" [paper]
9) "Towards Modality-Agnostic Person Re-Identification With Descriptive Query" [paper]
10) "An In-Depth Exploration of Person Re-Identification and Gait Recognition in Cloth-Changing Conditions" [paper]
11) "Good Is Bad: Causality Inspired Cloth-Debiasing for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation / reconstruction / 3D human
1) "3DAvatarGAN: Bridging Domains for Personalized Editable Avatars" [paper]
2) "Person Image Synthesis via Denoising Diffusion Model" [paper]
3) "Linking Garment With Person via Semantically Associated Landmarks for Virtual Try-On" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Body Part-Based Representation Learning for Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper][github]
2) "Graph-Based Self-Learning for Robust Person Re-identification" [paper]
3) "Feature Disentanglement Learning with Switching and Aggregation for Video-based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Relation Preserving Triplet Mining for Stabilising the Triplet Loss in Re-identification Systems" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Gallery Filter Network for Person Search" [paper]
2) "SAT: Scale-Augmented Transformer for Person Search" [paper]
3) "MEVID: Multi-view Extended Videos with Identities for Video Person Search" [paper]
  • Object re-identification
1) "Bent & Broken Bicycles: Leveraging synthetic data for damaged object re-identification" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Optimal Transport for Label-Efficient Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "PASS: Part-Aware Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Adaptive Cross-Domain Learning for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Dynamically Transformed Instance Normalization Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
5) "Mimic Embedding via Adaptive Aggregation: Learning Generalizable Person Re-identification" [paper]
6) "Counterfactual Intervention Feature Transfer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification" [paper]
7) "Modality Synergy Complement Learning with Cascaded Aggregation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
8) "Cross-Modality Transformer for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
9) "CAViT: Contextual Alignment Vision Transformer for Video Object Re-identification" [paper]
10) "Reliability-Aware Prediction via Uncertainty Learning for Person Image Retrieval" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Unstructured Feature Decoupling for Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "RVSL: Robust Vehicle Similarity Learning in Real Hazy Scenes Based on Semi-supervised Learning" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Domain Adaptive Person Search" [paper]
2) "OIMNet++: Prototypical Normalization and Localization-aware Learning for Person Search" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "A Simple and Robust Correlation Filtering method for text-based person search" [paper]
  • Object re-identification
1) "Negative Samples are at Large: Leveraging Hard-distance Elastic Loss for Re-identification" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation / reconstruction / 3D human
1) "Cross Attention Based Style Distribution for Controllable Person Image Synthesis" [paper]
2) "FLEX: Extrinsic Parameters-free Multi-view 3D Human Motion Reconstruction" [paper]
3) "DiffuStereo: High Quality Human Reconstruction via Diffusion-based Stereo Using Sparse Cameras" [paper]
4) "UNIF: United Neural Implicit Functions for Clothed Human Reconstruction and Animation" [paper]
5) "3D Clothed Human Reconstruction in the Wild" [paper]
6) "Compositional Human-Scene Interaction Synthesis with Semantic Control" [paper]
7) "IntegratedPIFu: Integrated Pixel Aligned Implicit Function for Single-view Human Reconstruction" [paper]
8) "PoseGPT: Quantization-based 3D Human Motion Generation and Forecasting" [paper]
9) "Implicit Neural Representations for Variable Length Human Motion Generation" [paper]
10) "3D-Aware Semantic-Guided Generative Model for Human Synthesis" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Cloning Outfits From Real-World Images to 3D Characters for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Unleashing Potential of Unsupervised Pre-Training With Intra-Identity Regularization for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Clothes-Changing Person Re-Identification With RGB Modality Only" [paper]
4) "Part-Based Pseudo Label Refinement for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
5) "Learning With Twin Noisy Labels for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "FMCNet: Feature-Level Modality Compensation for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
7) "Lifelong Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification With Coordinated Anti-Forgetting and Adaptation" [paper]
8) "Large-Scale Pre-Training for Person Re-Identification With Noisy Labels" [paper]
9) "Feature Erasing and Diffusion Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper]
10) "Learning Memory-Augmented Unidirectional Metrics for Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Graph Sampling Based Deep Metric Learning for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
12) "Augmented Geometric Distillation for Data-Free Incremental Person ReID" [paper]
13) "Salient-to-Broad Transition for Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "NFormer: Robust Person Re-Identification With Neighbor Transformer" [paper]
15) "Implicit Sample Extension for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification From a Single Image With Gait Prediction and Regularization" [paper]
17) "Learning Modal-Invariant and Temporal-Memory for Video-Based Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
18) "Meta Distribution Alignment for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
19) "Camera-Conditioned Stable Feature Generation for Isolated Camera Supervised Person Re-IDentification" [paper]
20) "AutoLoss-GMS: Searching Generalized Margin-Based Softmax Loss Function for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
21) "Temporal Complementarity-Guided Reinforcement Learning for Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
22) "Modeling 3D Layout For Group Re-Identification" [paper]
23) "Connecting the Complementary-view Videos: Joint Camera Identification and Subject Association" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "PSTR: End-to-End One-Step Person Search With Transformers" [paper]
2) "PoseTrack21: A Dataset for Person Search, Multi-Object Tracking and Multi-Person Pose Tracking" [paper]
3) "Cascade Transformers for End-to-End Person Search" [paper]
4) "Id-Free Person Similarity Learning" [paper]
  • Object re-identification
1) "Dual Cross-Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Object Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Neural Face Identification in a 2D Wireframe Projection of a Manifold Object" [paper]
3) "AirObject: A Temporally Evolving Graph Embedding for Object Identification" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "Exploring Dual-Task Correlation for Pose Guided Person Image Generation" [paper]
2) "Neural Texture Extraction and Distribution for Controllable Person Image Synthesis" [paper]
3) "Self-Supervised Correlation Mining Network for Person Image Generation" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Modality Confusion and Center Aggregation" [paper]
2) "Clothing Status Awareness for Long-Term Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Dense Interaction Learning for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Explainable Person Re-Identification With Attribute-Guided Metric Distillation" [paper] [github]
5) "Online Pseudo Label Generation by Hierarchical Cluster Dynamics for Adaptive Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "Multi-Expert Adversarial Attack Detection in Person Re-Identification Using Context Inconsistency" [paper]
7) "Pyramid Spatial-Temporal Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
8) "ICE: Inter-Instance Contrastive Encoding for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
9) "BV-Person: A Large-Scale Dataset for Bird-View Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
10) "Learning To Know Where To See: A Visibility-Aware Approach for Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "CM-NAS: Cross-Modality Neural Architecture Search for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
12) "Meta Pairwise Relationship Distillation for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "Syncretic Modality Collaborative Learning for Visible Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "Towards Discriminative Representation Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Video-Based Person Re-Identification With Spatial and Temporal Memory Networks" [paper] [github]
16) "Learning by Aligning: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification Using Cross-Modal Correspondences" [paper] [github]
17) "Spatio-Temporal Representation Factorization for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
18) "IDM: An Intermediate Domain Module for Domain Adaptive Person Re-ID" [paper] [github]
19) "Weakly Supervised Text-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
20) "Occlude Them All: Occlusion-Aware Attention Network for Occluded Person Re-ID" [paper]
21) "Occluded Person Re-Identification With Single-Scale Global Representations" [paper] [github]
22) "Learning Instance-Level Spatial-Temporal Patterns for Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
23) "TransReID: Transformer-Based Object Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
24) "Attack-Guided Perceptual Data Generation for Real-World Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Self-Supervised Geometric Features Discovery via Interpretable Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification and Beyond" [paper]
2) "Heterogeneous Relational Complement for Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "End-to-End Trainable Trident Person Search Network Using Adaptive Gradient Propagation" [paper]
2) "Weakly Supervised Person Search With Region Siamese Networks" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "LapsCore: Language-Guided Person Search via Color Reasoning" [paper]
2) "ASMR: Learning Attribute-Based Person Search With Adaptive Semantic Margin Regularizer" [paper] [github]
  • Object re-identification
1) "Counterfactual Attention Learning for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization and Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "Dressing in Order: Recurrent Person Image Generation for Pose Transfer, Virtual Try-On and Outfit Editing" [paper] [github]
2) "Structure-Transformed Texture-Enhanced Network for Person Image Synthesis" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper][github]
2) "Intra-Inter Camera Similarity for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper][github]
3) "Joint Noise-Tolerant Learning and Meta Camera Shift Adaptation for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper][github]
4) "Watching You: Global-guided Reciprocal Learning for Video-based Person Re-identification" [paper]
5) "Lifelong Person Re-Identification via Adaptive Knowledge Accumulation" [paper][github]
6) "Group-aware Label Transfer for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification" [paper][github]
6) "Combined Depth Space based Architecture Search For Person Re-identification" [paper]
7) "Neural Feature Search for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
8) "Learning to Generalize Unseen Domains via Memory-based Multi-Source Meta-Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper][github]
9) "Unsupervised Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
10) "Coarse-To-Fine Person Re-Identification With Auxiliary-Domain Classification and Second-Order Information Bottleneck" [paper]
11) "Farewell to Mutual Information: Variational Distillation for Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification" [paper]
12) "Joint Generative and Contrastive Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "BiCnet-TKS: Learning Efficient Spatial-Temporal Representation for Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "Person30K: A Dual-Meta Generalization Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Diverse Part Discovery: Occluded Person Re-Identification With Part-Aware Transformer" [paper]
16) "Discover Cross-Modality Nuances for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
17) "Spatial-Temporal Correlation and Topology Learning for Person Re-Identification in Videos" [paper]
18) "Learning 3D Shape Feature for Texture-Insensitive Person Re-Identification" [paper]
19) "Partial Person Re-Identification With Part-Part Correspondence Learning" [paper]
20) "Fine-Grained Shape-Appearance Mutual Learning for Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification" [paper]
21) "UnrealPerson: An Adaptive Pipeline Towards Costless Person Re-Identification" [paper]
22) "Person Re-Identification Using Heterogeneous Local Graph Attention Networks" [paper]
23) "Wide-Baseline Multi-Camera Calibration Using Person Re-Identification" [paper]
24) "Unsupervised Pre-Training for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
25) "Generalizable Person Re-Identification With Relevance-Aware Mixture of Experts" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "PhD Learning: Learning With Pompeiu-Hausdorff Distances for Video-Based Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Anchor-Free Person Search" [paper]
2) "Prototype-Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Search" [paper]
  • Object re-identification
1) "Refining Pseudo Labels With Clustering Consensus Over Generations for Unsupervised Object Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "PISE: Person Image Synthesis and Editing With Decoupled GAN" [paper]
2) "Learning Semantic Person Image Generation by Region-Adaptive Normalization" [paper]
3) "MUST-GAN: Multi-Level Statistics Transfer for Self-Driven Person Image Generation" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Joint Disentangling and Adaptation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Appearance-Preserving 3D Convolution for Video-based Person Re-identification" [paper]
3) "Identity-Guided Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Do Not Disturb Me: Person Re-identification Under the Interference of Other Pedestrians" [paper]
5) "Multiple Expert Brainstorming for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification" [paper]
6) "Global Distance-distributions Separation for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper]
7) "Faster Person Re-Identification" [paper]
8) "Deep Credible Metric Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Person Re-identification" [paper]
9) "Temporal Coherence or Temporal Motion: Which is More Critical for Video-based Person Re-identification?" [paper]
10) "Interpretable and Generalizable Person Re-identification with Query-adaptive Convolution and Temporal Lifting" [paper]
11) "Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Noise Resistible Mutual-Training for Person Re-identification" [paper]
12) "Rethinking the Distribution Gap of Person Re-identification with Camera-based Batch Normalization" [paper]
13) "Generalizing Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Invariance Learning and Cross-Domain Mixup" [paper]
14) "Dynamic Dual-Attentive Aggregation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "Temporal Complementary Learning for Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
17) "Prediction and Recovery for Adaptive Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification" [paper]
18) "An Attention-driven Two-stage Clustering Method for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
19) "Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Re-identification in Crowded Scenes" [paper]
20) "Robust Re-Identification by Multiple Views Knowledge Distillation" [paper]
21) "Character Grounding and Re-Identification in Story of Videos and Text Descriptions" [paper]
22) "ReAD: Reciprocal Attention Discriminator for Image-to-Video Re-Identification" [paper]
23) "Exploiting Temporal Coherence for Self-Supervised One-shot Video Re-identification" [paper]
24) "Unsupervised domain adaptation in the dissimilarity space for person re-identification" [paper]
25) "CycAs: Self-supervised Cycle Association for Learning Re-identifiable Descriptions" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Simulating Content Consistent Vehicle Datasets with Attribute Descent" [paper]
2) "The Devil is in the Details: Self-Supervised Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Orientation-aware Vehicle Re-identification with Semantics-guided Part Attention Network" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Online Multi-modal Person Search in Videos" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "ViTAA: Visual-Textual Attributes Alignment in Person Search by Natural Language" [paper]
2) "Symbiotic Adversarial Learning for Attribute-Based Person Search" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "XingGAN for Person Image Generation" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Hi-CMD: Hierarchical Cross-Modality Disentanglement for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github] [video]
2) "Transferable, Controllable, and Inconspicuous Adversarial Attacks on Person Re-identification With Deep Mis-Ranking" [paper] [github]
3) "Inter-Task Association Critic for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Learning Multi-Granular Hypergraphs for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
5) "Online Joint Multi-Metric Adaptation From Frequent Sharing-Subset Mining for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "Style Normalization and Restitution for Generalizable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
7) "Relation-Aware Global Attention for Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
8) "Spatial-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
9) "Salience-Guided Cascaded Suppression Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
10) "Unsupervised Person Re-Identification via Softened Similarity Learning" [paper]
11) "Weakly Supervised Discriminative Feature Learning With State Information for Person Identification" [paper] [github]
12) "High-Order Information Matters: Learning Relation and Topology for Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper] [github]
13) "Unity Style Transfer for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "AD-Cluster: Augmented Discriminative Clustering for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Multi-Granularity Reference-Aided Attentive Feature Aggregation for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "Smoothing Adversarial Domain Attack and P-Memory Reconsolidation for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification" [paper]
17) "Learning Longterm Representations for Person Re-Identification Using Radio Signals" [paper]
18) "Unsupervised Person Re-Identification via Multi-Label Classification" [paper]
19) "Pose-Guided Visible Part Matching for Occluded Person ReID" [paper] [github]
20) "Camera On-Boarding for Person Re-Identification Using Hypothesis Transfer Learning" [paper]
21) "Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification With Shared-Specific Feature Transfer" [paper]
22) "Hierarchical Clustering With Hard-Batch Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
23) "Real-World Person Re-Identification via Degradation Invariance Learning" [paper]
24) "COCAS: A Large-Scale Clothes Changing Person Dataset for Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Parsing-Based View-Aware Embedding Network for Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Instance Guided Proposal Network for Person Search" [paper]
2) "Bi-Directional Interaction Network for Person Search" [paper]
3) "Robust Partial Matching for Person Search in the Wild" [paper]
4) "TCTS: A Task-Consistent Two-Stage Framework for Person Search" [paper]
5) "Norm-Aware Embedding for Efficient Person Search" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "Cross-Modal Cross-Domain Moment Alignment Network for Person Search" [paper]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "Controllable Person Image Synthesis With Attribute-Decomposed GAN" [paper] [github]
2) "Deep Image Spatial Transformation for Person Image Generation" [paper] [github]
3) "MISC: Multi-Condition Injection and Spatially-Adaptive Compositing for Conditional Person Image Synthesis" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Instance-Guided Context Rendering for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Mixed High-Order Attention Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Pose-Guided Feature Alignment for Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Robust Person Re-Identification by Modelling Feature Uncertainty" [paper]
5) "Co-Segmentation Inspired Attention Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification via Joint Pixel and Feature Alignment" [paper]
7) "Beyond Human Parts: Dual Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
8) "Batch DropBlock Network for Person Re-Identification and Beyond" [paper]
9) "Omni-Scale Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
10) "Auto-ReID: Searching for a Part-Aware ConvNet for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Second-Order Non-Local Attention Networks for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
12) "Global-Local Temporal Representations for Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "Spectral Feature Transformation for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "Self-Similarity Grouping: A Simple Unsupervised Cross Domain Adaptation Approach for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Deep Reinforcement Active Learning for Human-in-the-Loop Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "View Confusion Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
17) "MVP Matching: A Maximum-Value Perfect Matching for Mining Hard Samples, With Application to Person Re-Identification" [paper]
18) "Unsupervised Person Re-Identification by Camera-Aware Similarity Consistency Learning" [paper]
19) "Cross-Dataset Person Re-Identification via Unsupervised Pose Disentanglement and Adaptation" [paper]
20) "Discriminative Feature Learning With Consistent Attention Regularization for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
21) "A Novel Unsupervised Camera-Aware Domain Adaptation Framework for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
22) "Recover and Identify: A Generative Dual Model for Cross-Resolution Person Re-Identification" [paper]
23) "Self-Training With Progressive Augmentation for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification" [paper]
24) "Unsupervised Graph Association for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
25) "advPattern: Physical-World Attacks on Deep Person Re-Identification via Adversarially Transformable Patterns" [paper]
26) "ABD-Net: Attentive but Diverse Person Re-Identification" [paper]
27) "Foreground-Aware Pyramid Reconstruction for Alignment-Free Occluded Person Re-Identification" [paper]
28) "SBSGAN: Suppression of Inter-Domain Background Shift for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
29) "Self-Critical Attention Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
30) "Temporal Knowledge Propagation for Image-to-Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
31) "Deep Constrained Dominant Sets for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
32) "Bilinear Attention Networks for Person Retrieval" [paper]
33) "Deep Meta Metric Learning" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "PAMTRI: Pose-Aware Multi-Task Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification Using Highly Randomized Synthetic Data" [paper]
2) "Vehicle Re-Identification in Aerial Imagery: Dataset and Approach" [paper]
3) "A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention for Vehicle Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Vehicle Re-Identification With Viewpoint-Aware Metric Learning" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Re-ID Driven Localization Refinement for Person Search" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "Person Search by Text Attribute Query As Zero-Shot Learning" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Patch-Based Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
3) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Soft Multilabel Learning" [paper] [github]
4) "Invariance Matters: Exemplar Memory for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
5) "Adaptive Transfer Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification" [paper]
6) "Densely Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification" [paper]
7) "Generalizable Person Re-identification by Domain-Invariant Mapping Network" [paper]
8) "Re-Identification with Consistent Attentive Siamese Networks" [paper]
9) "Distilled Person Re-identification: Towards a More Scalable System" [paper]
10) "Towards Rich Feature Discovery with Class Activation Maps Augmentation for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "AANet: Attribute Attention Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
12) "Pyramidal Person Re-IDentification via Multi-Loss Dynamic Training" [paper]
13) "Interaction-and-Aggregation Network for Person Re-identification" [paper]
14) "Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-aware Part-level Features for Partial Person Re-identification" [paper]
15) "VRSTC: Occlusion-Free Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "Attribute-Driven Feature Disentangling and Temporal Aggregation for Video Person Re-Identification" [paper]
17) "Learning to Reduce Dual-level Discrepancy for Infrared-Visible Person Re-identification" [paper]
18) "Joint Discriminative and Generative Learning for Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]
19) "Re-Identification Supervised Texture Generation" [paper]
20) "Re-ranking via Metric Fusion for Object Retrieval and Person Re-identification" [paper]
21) "Dissecting Person Re-identification from the Viewpoint of Viewpoint" [paper] [github]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Part-regularized Near-Duplicate Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]
2) "CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking and Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Query-guided End-to-End Person Search" [paper] [github]
2) "Learning Context Graph for Person Search" [paper] [github]
  • Person image synthesis / generation
1) "Progressive Pose Attention Transfer for Person Image Generation" [paper] [github]
2) "Unsupervised Person Image Generation with Semantic Parsing Transformation" [paper] [github]
3) "Text Guided Person Image Synthesis" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Domain Adaptation through Synthesis for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper]
2) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association" [paper]
3) "Generalizing A Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously" [paper] [Github]
4) "Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person Re-Identification in the Wild" [paper]
5) "Maximum Margin Metric Learning Over Discriminative Nullspace for Person Re-identification" [paper]
6) "Person Re-identification with Deep Similarity-Guided Graph Neural Network" [paper]
7) "Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification" [paper]
8) "Improving Deep Visual Representation for Person Re-identification by Global and Local Image-language Association" [paper]
9) "Hard-Aware Point-to-Set Deep Metric for Person Re-identification" [paper]
10) "Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-Identification" [paper] [Github]
11) "Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-identification" [paper]
12) "Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline)" [paper]
13) "Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
14) "Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification" [paper]
15) "Integrating Egocentric Videos in Top-view Surveillance Videos: Joint Identification and Temporal Alignment" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search" [paper]
2) "Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links" [paper]
3) "Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching" [paper]
4) "Person Search via A Mask-Guided Two-Stream CNN Model" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Unsupervised Cross-dataset Person Re-identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns" [paper] [Github]
2) "Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification" [paper] [Github]
4) "Disentangled Person Image Generation" [paper]
5) "Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Stepwise Learning" [paper] [Github] [Homepage]
6) "Diversity Regularized Spatiotemporal Attention for Video-based Person Re-identification" [paper]
7) "A Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking" [paper]
8) "Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification" [paper]
9) "Video Person Re-identification with Competitive Snippet-similarity Aggregation and Co-attentive Snippet Embedding" [paper]
10) "Mask-guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Person Re-identification with Cascaded Pairwise Convolutions" [paper]
12) "Multi-Level Factorisation Net for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification" [paper]
14) "Deep Group-shuffling Random Walk for Person Re-identification" [paper]
15) "Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
16) "Efficient and Deep Person Re-Identification using Multi-Level Similarity" [paper]
17) "Pose Transferrable Person Re-Identification" [paper]
18) "Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification" [paper]
19) "Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification" [paper]
20) "Dual Attention Matching Network for Context-Aware Feature Sequence based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
21) "Easy Identification from Better Constraints: Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification from Reference Constraints" [paper]
22) "Eliminating Background-bias for Robust Person Re-identification" [paper]
23) "Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification" [paper]
24) "Multi-shot Pedestrian Re-identification via Sequential Decision Making" [paper]
25) "End-to-End Deep Kronecker-Product Matching for Person Re-identification" [paper]
26) "Deep Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Partial Person Re-identification: Alignment-free Approach" [paper]
27) "Resource Aware Person Re-identification across Multiple Resolutions" [paper]
28) "Group Consistent Similarity Learning via Deep CRF for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
29) "Person Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
30) "Exploiting Transitivity for Learning Person Re-identification Models on a Budget" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "Cross-view Asymmetric Metric Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper] [Github]
2) "Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation via Negative Samples for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
3) "SHaPE: A Novel Graph Theoretic Algorithm for Making Consensus-based Decisions in Person Re-identification Systems" [paper]
4) "Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification" [paper]
5) "Group Re-Identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding" [paper]
6) "Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro" [paper] [Github]
7) "Dynamic Label Graph Matching for Unsupervised Video Re-Identification" [paper] [Github]
8) "A Two Stream Siamese Convolutional Neural Network For Person Re-Identification" [paper]
9) "Learning View-Invariant Features for Person Identification in Temporally Synchronized Videos Taken by Wearable Cameras" [paper]
10) "Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Pose-driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-identification" [paper]
12) "Jointly Attentive Spatial-Temporal Pooling Networks for Video-based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "Multi-scale Deep Learning Architectures for Person Re-identification" [paper]
14) "RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification" [paper]
  • Vehicle re-identification
1) "Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Neural Person Search Machines" [paper]


  • Person re-identification
1) "One-Shot Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
2) "Unsupervised Adaptive Re-Identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks" [paper]
3) "Learning Deep Context-Aware Features Over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
4) "Beyond Triplet Loss: A Deep Quadruplet Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
5) "Spindle Net: Person Re-Identification With Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion" [paper]
6) "Re-Ranking Person Re-Identification With k-Reciprocal Encoding" [paper]
7) "Scalable Person Re-Identification on Supervised Smoothed Manifold" [paper]
8) "Point to Set Similarity Based Deep Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]
9) "Fast Person Re-Identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Binary Transformation" [paper]
10) "See the Forest for the Trees: Joint Spatial and Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]
11) "Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification in a Camera Network" [paper]
12) "Multiple People Tracking by Lifted Multicut and Person Re-Identification" [paper]
13) "Pose-Aware Person Recognition" [paper]
14) "Person Re-Identification in the Wild" [paper]
  • Person search (detection + re-id)
1) "Joint Detection and Identification Feature Learning for Person Search" [paper]
  • Person search (language or attribute)
1) "Person Search with Natural Language Description" [paper]


1) "Beyond Intra-modality: A Survey of Heterogeneous Person Re-identification", IJCAI 2020 [paper] [github]
2) "Deep Learning for Person Re-identification: A Survey and Outlook", arXiv 2020 [paper] [github]
3) "Person search: New paradigm of person re-identification: A survey and outlook of recent works", Image and Vision Computing 2020 [paper]
4) "A Survey of Open-World Person Re-identification", TCSVT 2019, [paper]
5) "Person Re-identification: Past, Present and Future", arXiv 2016 [paper]
6) "A survey of approaches and trends in person re-identification", Image and Vision Computing 2014 [paper]
7) "Appearance Descriptors for Person Re-identification: a Comprehensive Review", arXiv 2013 [paper]


1) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification: Clustering and Fine-tuning" [paper] [Github]
  • Gait-based approach

These are papers that search for "gait" and "person re-identification" in google scholar.

1) "Person Re-identification by Video Ranking", ECCV2014 [paper]
2) "Person Re-identification using View-dependent Score-level Fusion of Gait and Color Features", ICPR 2012 [paper]
3) "Enhancing Person Re-identification by Integrating Gait Biometric", Neurocomputing 2015 [paper]
4) "A Hierarchical Method Combining Gait and Phase of Motion with Spatiotemporal Model for Person Re-identification", Pattern Recognition Letters 2012 [paper]
5) "Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking", TPAMI 2016 [paper]
6) "A Spatio-temporal Appearance Representation for Video-based Pedestrian Re-identification", ICCV 2015 [paper] [project]
7) "Gait-Assisted Person Re-identification in Wide Area Surveillance", ACCV 2014 [paper]
8) "Person Re-identification by Unsupervised Video Matching", Pattern Recognition 2017 [paper]
9) "Swiss-System Based Cascade Ranking for Gait-Based Person Re-identification", AAAI 2015 [paper]
10) "Person Re-identification using Height-based Gait in Colour Depth Camera", ICIP 2013 [paper]
11) "Review of person re-identification techniques", IET Computer vision 2013 [paper]
12) "Person Re-identification in Appearance Impaired Scenarios", arXiv 2016 [paper] [github]
13) "Learning Compact Appearance Representation for Video-based Person Re-Identification", arXiv 2017 [paper]
14) "Recurrent Attention Models for Depth-Based Person Identification", CVPR 2016 [paper] [github]
15) "Towards view-point invariant Person Re-identification via fusion of Anthropometric and Gait Features from Kinect measurements", VISAPP 2017 [paper]
16) "Person Re-identification in Frontal Gait Sequences via Histogram of Optic Flow Energy Image", ICACIVS 2016 [paper]
17) "Learning Bidirectional Temporal Cues for Video-based Person Re-Identification", TCSVT 2016 [paper]
18) "Gait-based Person Re-identification, A Survey", ACM CSUR 2019 [paper]
19) "Gait Recognition via Semi-supervised Disentangled Representation Learning to Identity and Covariate Features", CVPR 2020 [paper]
20) "GaitPart: Temporal Part-Based Model for Gait Recognition", CVPR 2020 [paper]
21) "Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-Identification", TCSVT 2018 [paper][code]


  • Awesome re-id dataset [github]
  • Market-1501 Leaderboard [page]
  • Duke Leaderboard [page]
  • Re-id dataset collection [page]




People who meet the following criteria are free to request a pull (pull request).

  • Suggestions for new categories
  • Changes to categories for some articles
  • Corrections to the statistical tables
  • Additions of a summary or performance

Search keyword

  • person
  • identification
  • vehicle
  • search

Previous change history

πŸ”† [Notice]

The github page will be revised largely at 2020 to provide more convenient information. For example changing category, adding ML paper, adding github code, etc.

πŸ”† Updated 2023-08-11

  • PDF links to all WACV2023 papers have been uploaded.
  • PDF links to all CVPR2023 papers have been uploaded.
  • Template is updated (The conference list has been changed reversely).

πŸ”† Updated 2023-01-01

  • ECCV2022 papers are online now link
  • PDF links to all ECCV2022 papers have been uploaded.

πŸ”† Updated 2022-07-14

  • CVPR2022 papers are online now link
  • PDF links to all CVPR2022 papers have been uploaded.

πŸ”† Updated 2021-10-23

  • ICCV2021 papers are online now link
  • PDF links to all ICCV2021 papers have been uploaded.

πŸ”† Updated 2021-06-20

  • CVPR2021 papers are online now link
  • PDF links to all CVPR2021 papers have been uploaded.

πŸ”† Updated 2020-08-26

πŸ”† Updated 2020-06-08

πŸ”† Updated 2020-05-20

  • The CVPR2020 papers has been updated.
  • The CVPR2020 and ICCV2019 papers will be categorized soon.

πŸ”† Updated 2020-02-25

  • One paper has been included in the ICCV2019 section.
    • "Deep Meta Metric Learning"

πŸ”† Updated 2019-01-17

  • One survey paper and its github page has been updated.
    • "Deep Learning for Person Re-identification: A Survey and Outlook"

πŸ”† Updated 2019-10-25

  • The online address of all ICCV2019 papers has been updated.
  • The ICCV2019 papers will be categorized soon.

πŸ”† Updated 2019-09-02

  • The accepted ICCV2019 papers on arXiv will continue to be updated.
    • I searched 11 papers to date.
    • The papers have not been categorized yet.

πŸ”† Updated 2019-08-09

  • Useful baseline codes have been linked to the "Code" section

πŸ”† Updated 2019-07-23

  • The paper has been moved to the "unsupervised" section.
    • "Adaptive Transfer Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification", CVPR 2019

πŸ”† Updated 2019-07-09

πŸ”† Updated 2019-07-04

  • The below paper has been re-categorized and updated (github).
    • "Joint Discriminative and Generative Learning for Person Re-identification"

πŸ”† Updated 2019-06-15

  • The CVPR papers have been categorized.

πŸ”† Updated 2019-06-14

  • Two papers have been included.
    • "Attribute-Driven Feature Disentangling and Temporal Aggregation for Video Person Re-Identification"
    • "Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-aware Part-level Features for Partial Person Re-identification"

πŸ”† Updated 2019-06-12

  • The online address of all CVPR2019 papers has been updated.
  • The CVPR2019 papers will be categorized soon.

πŸ”† Updated 2019-06-03

  • The github page for "Query-guided End-to-End Person Search" has been updated.
  • The github page for "Dissecting Person Re-identification from the Viewpoint of Viewpoint" has been updated.

I will immediately reflect the matter if it should be corrected. I hope this github page helps many people with research purposes.