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Merge pull request #173 from birdflow-science/170-extend
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ethanplunkett committed Feb 29, 2024
2 parents a63e340 + 851d68b commit e74057a
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Showing 23 changed files with 736 additions and 109 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Package: BirdFlowR
Title: Predict and Visualize Bird Movement
c(person("Ethan", "Plunkett", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"),
comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0003-4405-2251")),
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -29,13 +29,16 @@ export(combine_transitions)
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20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
# BirdFlowR

* Add `get_mask()`
* Add `extend_birdflow()`
* Add internal `read_geom()`
* Add internal `extend_geom()`
* Make `export_birdflow()` a public function.
* Update `import_birdflow()` so that it can re-import a BirdFlow model.
Previously the only viable workflow was `preprocess_birdflow()`, fit model
in BirdFlowPy, and then`import_birdflow()` (once). After that we wrote the
model to .rda files. Now it's possible to do the above but then save it
to a new `hdf5` with: `export_birdflow()` (to hdf5) and then import again
with `import_birdflow()`. Note, however, that the file structure of a
re-exported hdf5 will not match that of the output from python, b/c on the
first import R updates a bunch of data structures - for instance renaming the
marginals and adding a marginal index, and the rexported model retains those
updates. Thus, the need to modify `import_birdflow()` to behave
appropriately with both file structures.

# BirdFlowR

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24 changes: 20 additions & 4 deletions R/export_birdflow.R
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@@ -1,12 +1,26 @@

#' @rdname export_import_birdflow
#' @export
#' @description
#' `export_birdflow()` saves a BirdFlow object to an
#' HDF5 (Hierarchical Data Format version 5)
#' @param bf A BirdFlow model
#' @param file The file name to write. If not supplied or if the path is to
#' a directory the file name will default to
#' `"<species code>_<ebirdst year>_<resolution in (km)>`.
#' @param format The format to export either `"hdf5"` or `"rds"`.
#' @param overwrite The default `TRUE` will delete a preexisting file and then
#' write a new one in it's place. if `FALSE`, `export_birdflow()` will throw
#' an error if `file` already exists.
#' @return `export_birdflow()` writes a file and invisibly returns `TRUE`
#' if successful.
export_birdflow <- function(bf, file = NULL,
format = "hdf5", overwrite = TRUE) {
format <- tolower(format) |> match.arg(c("hdf5", "rds"))

extension <- switch(format,
hdf5 = ".hdf5",
rds = ".Rds")
rds = ".rds")

# If file is a directory or missing add a default file name
# using [sp. code]_[S&T version year]_[res]km
Expand All @@ -19,10 +33,10 @@ export_birdflow <- function(bf, file = NULL,
file <- normalizePath(file, winslash = "/", mustWork = FALSE)

if (!grepl(paste0("\\", extension, "$"), file))
if (!grepl(paste0("\\", extension, "$"), file, = TRUE))
"If file is not NULL or a directory (ending in a slash) it should end",
'in ".hdf5" or ".Rds" consistent with the format argument.'))
'in ".hdf5" or ".rds" consistent with the format argument.'))

bf_msg("Exporting BirdFlow model for", species(bf), "to:\n\t", file, "\n")

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -55,4 +69,6 @@ export_birdflow <- function(bf, file = NULL,
write.attributes = FALSE,
createnewfile = i == 1) # TRUE for first object

162 changes: 162 additions & 0 deletions R/extend_birdflow.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@

#' Extend BirdFlow extent
#' @param x A single BirdFlow object, or one or more paths to BirdFlow objects
#' stored as either hdf5 or rds files.
#' @param y An extent or an object that yields an extent when passed
#' to [terra::ext()].
#' @return If `x` is a BirdFlow model object `extend_birdflow()` returns an
#' extended version of the same model. If `x` is the path to one or more
#' BirdFlow models than those files are modified and a logical vector of the
#' same length is returned with TRUE for success.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
#' # Define expanded extent for example
#' e <- ext(bf)
#' buffer <- 3 * res(bf)
#' e[1] <- e[1] - buffer[1]
#' e[2] <- e[2] + buffer[1]
#' e[3] <- e[3] - buffer[2]
#' e[4] <- e[4] + buffer[2]
#' bf2 <- extend_birdflow(bf, e)
#'# Compare initial and expandeded extents
#'data.frame(item = names(as.vector(ext(bf))),
#' initial = as.vector(ext(bf)),
#' final = as.vector(ext(bf2)))
#'# Plot both versions
#'plot_distr(get_distr(bf, 1), bf)
#'plot_distr(get_distr(bf2, 1), bf2)
#' }
extend_birdflow <- function(x, y) {

if (inherits(x, "BirdFlow")) {
x$geom <- extend_geom(x$geom, y)

if (inherits(x, "character")) { # file path

# Handle vectors of file names
if (length(x) > 1) {
success <- rep(FALSE, length(x))
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
success[i] <- extend_birdflow(x[i], y)

## Single files


# hdf5
# only read, modify, and write the geometry component
if (grepl("\\.hdf5$", x, = TRUE)) {
geom <- read_geom(x)
geom <- extend_geom(geom, y)
rhdf5::h5delete(x, name = "geom")
file = x,
name = "geom",
native = TRUE,
write.attributes = FALSE,
createnewfile = FALSE)

# Rdata file - read - extend - write
if (grepl("\\.rds$", x, = TRUE)) {
bf <- readRDS(x)
bf <- extend_birdflow(bf, y = y)
saveRDS(bf, file = x)
stop("if x is not a BirdFlow object it should be the path to an ",
".hdf5 or R .rds file.")

} # end x is path

stop("x should be a BirdFlow object or a path to a file containing one.")

#' Extend geometry component of a BirdFlow object
#' This is an internal helper function called twice by [extend_birdflow()]
#' it adjust the nrow, ncol, ext, and mask elements of the
#' geom component of a BirdFlow model to expand the extent while preserving
#' the same number, location, and alignment of the unmasked cells -
#' thus nothing else in the object needs to change.
#' @param geom The geometry component of a BirdFlow object
#' @param y An object that returns an extent when passed to [terra::ext()],
#' this can be an extent, a SpatRaster, or a BirdFlow model.
#' @return extended geometry (covering larger area)
#' @keywords internal
extend_geom <- function(geom, y) {

eg <- geom$ext # extent of geom
ey <- ext(y) # extent of y

is_aligned <- function(a, res, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)){
# Args:
# a: extent coordinates (can be vector)
# res: cell size (single value)
# Return: A logical vector of the same length as a, indicating if
# each element in a is a multiple of
# check to see if a is a multiple of res while allowing for tiny differences
a <- as.numeric(as.vector(a)) # double conversion works if a is SpatExtent
res <- as.numeric(res)
m <- a %% res
# Ok if modulo is 0
test1 <-
sapply(m, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, 0, tolerance = tolerance)))
# Also OK if the modulo is the res which happens if `a` is slightly less
# than a multiple of res, but within the tolerance.
test2 <-
sapply(m, function(x) isTRUE(all.equal(x, res, tolerance = tolerance)))
return(test1 | test2)

if(!all(is_aligned(ey[c(1,2)], geom$res[1])) ||
!all(is_aligned(ey[c(3, 4)], geom$res[2]))) {
stop("The new extent (y) does not align with cells in the ",
"BirdFlow model (x) ", call. = FALSE)

# Check that new extent completely contains old extent
stopifnot(all(ey[c(1, 3)] <= eg[c(1, 3)]))
stopifnot(all(ey[c(2, 4)] >= eg[c(2, 4)]))

# Convert mask to SpatRaster
x_mask <- geom$mask
x_mask <- terra::rast(x_mask, extent = geom$ext, crs = geom$crs)
names(x_mask) <- "mask"

# Extend the mask
r <- terra::extend(x = x_mask, y = ey, fill = FALSE) # raster

# Update the geom
geom$mask <- matrix(as.logical(terra::values(r, mat = FALSE)),
nrow = terra::nrow(r),
ncol = terra::ncol(r),
byrow = TRUE)
geom$ncol <- terra::ncol(r)
geom$nrow <- terra::nrow(r)
geom$ext <- as.numeric(as.vector(ext(y)))

81 changes: 81 additions & 0 deletions R/get_mask.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@

#' Extract mask from BirdFlow model
#' `get_mask()` extracts the static mask from a BirdFlow model. The
#' static mask is a logical raster indicating which cells are included in the
#' model (at any timestep). These are also the cells (in row major order)
#' that correspond with distribution values, and location indices.
#' @param bf A BirdFlow model
#' @param format One of `'SpatRaster'` for a [terra::SpatRaster] object,
#' `'numeric'` for a matrix or array, or`'dataframe'` for raster data
#' suitable for plotting with [ggplot2::geom_raster()]
#' @return
#' The return type of `get_mask()`depends on the `format` argument:
#' * `"SpatRaster"` (the default) returns a [terra::SpatRaster] object.
#' * `"numeric"` returns the mask as a matrix.
#' * `"dataframe"` will return a data frame suitable for plotting with
#' [ggplot2::geom_raster] with columns:
#' * `row`, `col` the row and column indices of each cell.
#' * `x`, `y` the x and y coordinates of the cell center.
#' * `i` the location index (in `bf`) of the cell.
#' * `mask` `TRUE` for cells included in the *model*, `FALSE` for excluded
#' cells.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bf <- BirdFlowModels::amewoo
#' m <- get_mask(bf)
#' library(terra)
#' plot(m)
get_mask <- function(bf, format = "SpatRaster") {

format <- tolower(format)
format <- switch(format,
"spatrast" = "spatraster",
"terra" = "spatraster",
"matrix" = "numeric",
"array" = "numeric",
"" = "dataframe",
"data.frame" = "dataframe",

stopifnot("Format must be one of 'SpatRaster', 'numeric', or 'dataframe'" =
format %in% c("spatraster", "numeric", "dataframe"))

if (format == "spatraster") {
m <- bf$geom$mask
r <- terra::rast(m, extent = bf$geom$ext, crs = bf$geom$crs)
names(r) <- "mask"

if (format == "numeric") {

if (format == "dataframe") {
# Data frame for use with ggplot2 geom_raster() it will
# have one row per cell in the full raster

# Get x, y, i, and mask columns for all cells in the full raster
# i will be NA for cells that aren't in the mask
rows <- seq_len(nrow(bf))
cols <- seq_len(ncol(bf))
df <- expand.grid(rows, cols)
names(df) <- c("row", "col")
df$x <- col_to_x(df$col, bf)
df$y <- row_to_y(df$row, bf)
df$i <- rc_to_i(df$row, df$col, bf)
mv <- match(1:n_active(bf), df$i)
n_rast <- ncol(bf) * nrow(bf)
df$mask <- FALSE
df$mask[mv] <- TRUE

stop("Unrecognized format.") # should not ever get here

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