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A guide on how to run large language models on intel CPUs with limited resources on a linux platform.

Please note that this guide is still in development, so some inaccuracies are expected.


Im am assuming you have an intel-CPU with an integrated graphics chip. I have tested and developed this guide using an 11th Gen Intel i7-1165G7 and 16 GB of RAM, but it should work with many more models. You might also want to check out the intel extension for pytorch system requirements

You should also have the python3 package installed (sudo apt install python or sudo pacman -S python).

You will also need the git and git-lfs packages.

Virtual environment

First of all, create a new virtual python environment. This should probably be located in the /opt folder. My AI development environment path for example is /opt/python-envs/AI. After deciding on your environment path, run:

python -m venv <venv_folder>

To ativate this enironment, run source <venv_folder>/bin/acitvate. Because the /opt folder is normally not owned by the user, you might need to run sudo chown $USER <venv_folder> -R to give your user permission to use it.

To check if this step worked, check which file the python command points to now using which python and you should get a response of the form <venv_folder>/bin/python.

You will need to do this every time when using the environment, so maybe consider adding this line to your .bashrc but be careful as this might break other python dependencies.


To install the intel extensions for pytorch and all other needed packages, run

pip install intel-extension-for-transformers torch tokenizers sentencepiece protobuf accelerate

Huggingface models

As of Janurary 2023, there are some problems with the intel-extension-for-transformers module, making "normal" usage not possible.

First of all, create a new directory to store all of your models with mkdir /opt/models && sudo chown $USER /opt/models.

To correctly use a language model from the huggingface server, you first have to create an account and add your SSH key in the options menu. Then, use the clone script like this:

./ <model_id>

After this, you can start using the model:

from transformers import AutoTokenizer, TextStreamer
from intel_extension_for_transformers.transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM
import torch

model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("/opt/llms/" + model_id)