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Predict experimental observations of two photon quantum processes, specifically the coincidence detections for quantum walks on graphs.


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pairphotonwalk is a command line tool that performs a continuous time quantum walk (CTQW) of two partially distinguishable photons on a given undirected graph or unitary matrix. It calculates the coincidence probability, $\Gamma_{ij}$, of detecting one photon in mode $i$ and one photon in mode $j$ , at regular time intervals for a specified duration.

Project Files Description

  • Command line tool for simulating CTQWs. A user given parameter file is parsed and the CTQW of two photons described therein is performed.
  • The core simulation module; contains functions for checking inputs to pairphotonwalk and for calculating correlation matrices for two photon quantum walks.
  • A utility module providing functions for reading and writing output data from
  • Contains the essential information and need to run.
  • parameter-example.csv An example parameter file that will perform a CTQW of two identical particles injected into the edge modes of a line graph of degree 10 for 10s in intervals of 0.2s.
  • adjacency-example.csv An example adjacency matrix for the line graph of degree 10 referenced by parameter-example.csv.

Getting Started

Before you begin, pairphotonwalk requires the following Python modules to be installed:

These modules are all contained within the popular Anaconda Distribution.


You should download this project as a .zip file and unzip it in a directory of your choice. When you wish to run pairphotonwalk you should do so while located in this directory.

Creating a parameter file

The parameter file specifies all the conditions of the CTQW to be simulated and is provided as an input to

The parameter file must be a .csv file with row names matching those provided in the table below. Some fields (duration, initial mode, input file path) take multiple inputs - these must be separated by spaces not commas.

This table contains a complete list of the parameters the user controls; these must be specified within the parameter file.

Parameter Aspect Controlled
theta The degree of distinguishability between the two photons; varies between fully identical photons ($\theta=0$) to completely distinct photons ($\theta=\pi/2$).
time-step The time interval between generating correlation matrices for the CTQWs progression [seconds].
duration The duration of the CTQW simulation [seconds].
initial mode The initial modes each photon is injected into.
input format Whether the input matrix for the CTQW should be interpreted as an adjacency matrix for a graph, or a unitary time evolution matrix.
input file path The filepath leading to the CTQW input matrix.
output file path The filepath and name for the simulation data. There should be no file already at this path.
description A reference description for the user.

A complete example parameter file for performing a CTQW on a line graph with 10 nodes is provided in parameter-example.csv

Tip: You should create a unique parameter file for each simulation you run, especially if it will produce novel data.

Defining an input matrix

In the parameter file the user specifies a location of a input matrix/matrices - this controls the environment the CTQW evolves in.

This input matrix can have one of two representations:

  • adjacency : the input matrix is an adjacency matrix of an undirected graph (it is a real-valued and symmetric matrix, i.e. Hermitian).
  • unitary : the matrix is a time evolution operator of one step in the simulation (it is a unitary matrix).

Additionally, the user can list multiple file locations in the input file path box and use the following option.

  • multiple : each given matrix ($M_i$) is a unitary time evolution operator to be applied for $t_i$ steps, where $t_i$ is the $i^\text{th}$ duration divided by the time-step.

The program is intended to simulate CTQWs on graphs - unitary functionality is added to allow the user to calculate the unitary operators for very large adjacency matrices independently, then use these results as inputs.

Execution Instructions

Once a parameter file and input matrix have been produced, the simulation can be performed by calling from the command line, shown below:

$ python -v ~/test-parameters.csv
	Evolution of system was performed successfully from parameter file stored at Input File. 
	The data was successfully stored as Output file.

	Input File  : ~/test-parameters.csv
	Output File : ~/test-data.csv
	Runtime     : 0.67500s

The user can use flags to have additional control over how pairphotonwalk excecutes.

  • -h for help running pairphotonwalk.
  • -p to print the last correlation matrix to the terminal.
  • -v to print runtime information upon completion.
  • -n to not save outputs to output file. NOT RECOMENDED.

Interpreting Outputs

The output of the simulation is a set of correlation matrices, $G= \{ \Gamma(t) \ \forall \ t\in [0, D ] \}$, where $\Gamma(t)$ is the correlation matrix associated with the $t^{\text{th}}$ time-step and $D$ is the duration of the simulation. The elements of $\Gamma(t)$ are the coincidence probabilities, $\Gamma_{ij}$, of detecting one photon in mode $i$ and one photon in mode $j$ .

pairphotonwalk saves $G$ as a .csv file, where the $n^{\text{th}}$ row is the flattened correlation matrix associated with the $n^{\text{th}}$ timestep, $\Gamma(n \cdot$ time step $)$ .


[1] A. Peruzzo et al., ‘Quantum Walks of Correlated Photons’, Science, vol. 329, no. 5998, pp. 1500–1503, Sep. 2010, doi: 10.1126/science.1193515.
[2] D. Aharonov, A. Ambainis, J. Kempe, and U. Vazirani, ‘Quantum walks on graphs’, in Proceedings of the thirty-third annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing, Hersonissos Greece: ACM, Jul. 2001, pp. 50–59. doi: 10.1145/380752.380758.
[3] Z.-Y. J. Ou, Multi-photon Quantum interference. New York: Springer, 2007.

Licensing: MIT


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This program was produced as a part of the authors Physics MSci final year project on "Simulating Continuous Time Quantum Walks on Complex Graphs" under the supervision of J. Matthews and J. Frazer at The University of Bristol.

Credit: Benjamin Butterworth, 2023

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Predict experimental observations of two photon quantum processes, specifically the coincidence detections for quantum walks on graphs.








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