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Project setup

After cloning this repository you need to install the required NPM packages.

npm install


After development you can publish the content of dist folder in Github Pages (gh-pages branch)

npm run deploy


This project uses the GULP task runner.

In the gulpfile.js of this proyect you can see the gulp tasks developed to compile and compress the SASS and JS, copy and paste the HTML files and create a server and listen to the changes made to reload it (Browsersync + Gulp.js)

So the project is developed in the src folder and published in the dist folder.

🔧 Run server and watch changes

This is the default gulp task

This command is able to:

  1. Creates the dist folder if it does not exist.
  2. Generate html, css, js on dist folder.
  3. Watch the changes to the files in the sass, and js folders inside the src folder.
  4. Create a server and reloads if there are any changes in those files of dist folder.

💻 Run server

This create a static server with browserSync package, serves the files from dist folder and opens by default the index.html file in any of these browsers: Chrome & Firefox.

gulp serve

📂 Generate html, css and js

This command is able to:

  1. Creates the dist folder if it does not exist.
  2. Generate html, css, js on dist folder.
gulp build

📄 Generate html

This command is able to:

  1. Creates the dist folder if it does not exist.
  2. Copies the html files from the src folder and pastes the dist folder.
gulp html

📄 Generate css

This command is able to:

  1. Creates the dist folder if it does not exist.
  2. Compile the styles.sass file (with the import files of partials sass) located at src/sass/, add prefixes to properties css, compress the file, create and add a mapping for the debugger styles sass on the browser inspector, apply a Gulp Plugin for Line Ending Corrector (A utility that makes sure your files have consistent line endings)...
  3. Export the styles.min.css file to dist/css/ folder.
gulp css

📄 Generate js

This command is able to:

  1. Creates the dist folder if it does not exist.
  2. Get list of files of filesJsCompile variable, compile the files with Babel NPM package, compress it and apply a Gulp Plugin for Line Ending Corrector (A utility that makes sure your files have consistent line endings)...
  3. Export the scripts.min.js file to dist/js folder.
gulp js

🔎 Watch changes

This command is able to:

  1. Create the server.
  2. Watch the changes to the files in the html, sass and js folders inside the src folder and run the tasks to re-generate the files inside the dist folder.
  3. Reloads the server if there are any changes to the html, css and js files inside the dist folder.
gulp watch