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Bake is a set of tools that aims to improve the developer experience for our Go projects.

The repository provides 3 things:

  • Mage powered make-like targets in the targets pkg.
  • DockerTest powered state management for our component tests under the docker pkg.
  • A Docker image to ensure parity between CI and local environments.

Setup Targets

Bake provides several Mage targets for tests, linting, documentation generation, etc.

In your project you can import these and use them to build your own CI target alongside any custom targets that you may have.

There is a simple example in magefile.go in this repo.

Executing Targets

For a complete list of available targets run mage.

$ mage
  ci                    runs the Continuous Integration pipeline.
  go:checkVendor        checks if vendor is in sync with go.mod.
  go:fmt                runs go fmt.
  go:fmtCheck           checks if all files are formatted.
  go:modSync            runs go module tidy and vendor.
  lint:docker           lints the docker file.
  lint:go               runs the golangci-lint linter.
  lint:goShowConfig     outputs the golangci-lint linter config.
  test:all              runs all tests.
  test:cleanup          removes any local resources created by `mage test:all`.
  test:component        runs unit and component tests.
  test:coverAll         runs all tests and produces a coverage report.
  test:coverUnit        runs unit tests and produces a coverage report.
  test:integration      runs unit and integration tests.
  test:unit             runs unit tests.

Go linting (using local golanci-lint if available):

mage lint:go

Go Unit tests (using local Go installation and test cache):

mage test:unit

Component tests

Go unit+integration+component tests:

mage test:all

This will create docker containers according to your component test setup (usually in TestMain under /tests).

Tear down Docker resources used for integration/component tests:

mage test:cleanup

Docker based isolated environment

This is a fully isolated approach to executing targets that provides parity between CI and local environments.

The trade-off is that it's slower since we must spin up a Docker container to execute the Mage targets so we don't make use of test caches or Mage caches.

The version of the Bake image and of the Bake Go module are kept in sync, and should be updated together in projects that use Bake.

Unlike the local version, containers used for component tests are torn down automatically after every run.

1. Generate a github personal access token

This is required in order to access private repos (including the go packages in the bake repo).

A token can be generated at here and must have repo read:packages scope and be SSO enabled.

Export it in your shell

export GITHUB_TOKEN=my-token

Login to

$ echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | docker login -u YOUR-USERNAME --password-stdin
> Login Succeeded

2. Import scripts package

Add this import in the magefile.go so go mod vendor will fetch the bake runner script.

// generic bake script
import _ ""

3. Create a script for your repo

It is a simple script that runs the bake runner script and can be copied from go-matching-template or created from scratch:

set -e
bash ./vendor/ "$@"

If you need to pass any custom environment variables to Bake, you can do it by adding one or more --env flags to the run-bake script.

bash ./vendor/ --env SOME_ENV_VAR=some-value "$@"

4. Execute

Instead of executing mage we now execute the script, e.g:

./ ci

This is the recommended way to run the CI target in Jenkins/Github Actions.

Tools used by targets

Repos using Bake