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Game GUI library.

With Lua sripting support (heavy inspired by World Of Warcraft UI)

XML files structure:

<root> - system 'root' window
	Create automaticly on system state
 	This winwdow is 'parent' for all other windows.

<base_window> - base window (widget) base class for all other widgets/windows. Have no any visual.
		Visible - true/false/0/1 - determite window visibility (and all child windows) (type: Bool)
		Align - flags lis with delemeters ", |"
			[l|L]eft 	- 
			[t|T]op  	-
			[r|R]ight 	-
			[b|B]ottom 	-
			[h|H]center -
			[v|V]center -
		Stick - flags lis with delemeters ", |"
			[l|L]eft 	- 
			[t|T]op  	-
			[r|R]ight 	-
			[b|B]ottom 	-
			[h|H]center -
			[v|V]center -
		StickRect - region x y w h
		Area - windows size и position (x y w h) "%f %f %f %f" (type: Rect)
			x,y - top-left angle position
			w,h - widht and height
		Backcolor - window backgourd color rgba "%f %f %f %f" (type: Color)
		Forecolor - window fore (base or content) rgba "%f %f %f %f" (type: Color)
		TabStop - true/false/0/1  (type: Bool)
		Draggable - true/false/0/1  (type: Bool)
		AcceptDrop - 
		Tooltip -  true/false/0/1 is tooltip enabled (type: Bool)
		Size - "%f %f" w h window size 
		Pos - "%f %f" x y windows position
		IgnoreInputEvents - true/false/0/1  (type: Bool)

	Events - Script Event Handlers, 
		- event params are passed as 'eventArgs' variable with fields:
			- string name - event name 
			- bool handled - 'true' if event already was handled by other window/control

		Base windows script events:
		- On_Draw - on window render. 
		- On_Load - called just after window fully created
		- On_MouseEnter
		- On_MouseLeave
		- On_MouseMove
		- On_MouseWheel
		- On_MouseButton
		- On_Char
		- On_KeyboardButton
		- On_CaptureGained
		- On_CaptureLost
		- On_SuspendLayout
		- On_ResumeLayout
		- On_FocusGained
		- On_FocusLost
		- On_Sized
		- On_Moved
		- On_Tick - called on each gui update. disabled by default. controlled by 'startTick' and 'stopTick' functions.
		- On_TooltipShow
		- On_TooltipHide

	Children - child widgets


OpenGL / XML + Lua Game GUI library.






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