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key Features

  • Modal Overlay: A semi-transparent layer that darkens the background content and focuses the user's attention on the modal.

  • Dialog Box: A flexible dialog window where you can place text, forms, buttons, or any other UI elements relevant to your use case.

  • Open/Close Controls: Users can open the modal by triggering an event (e.g., clicking a button) and close it by clicking the overlay or a close button within the modal.

  • Customization: The component is highly customizable, allowing you to define the modal's size, content, style, animations, and other visual aspects to match your application's design.

How to Use a Reusable Modal Component:

Import the Component: Import the reusable modal component into your application.

Open the Modal: Create a trigger event, such as a button click, to open the modal. You can pass content, title, or other parameters to the modal if necessary.

Display Content: Define the content to display within the modal. This content can be a message, a form, an image, or any other relevant information.

Customize Styling: Customize the modal's appearance, such as colors, fonts, and animations, to fit your application's design.

Handle Actions: Implement event handlers to manage user interactions inside the modal, like form submissions or button clicks.

Close the Modal: Provide options for users to close the modal, either by clicking outside the dialog or a close button within the modal.


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