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Gateway Manager

This sample project is managing gateways - master devices that control multiple peripheral devices


A simple REST service (JSON/HTTP) for storing information about gateways and their associated devices with a Basic UI to list and manage gateway devices. All information is stored in Mongo database.

Getting Started



  • Clone this repo
git clone
  • After clonning successfully switch to cloned repo dir and install deps
cd ./gateway-namager && npm run install:all

Executing program

Adding .env files for both client and server

  • create an .env file to server sub dir, you can replace values with your own specially mongo URI
  • create an .env file to client sub dir, you can replace values with your own
REACT_APP_API_URL = http://localhost:5000/api/v1

DB Starting

  • if you have a docker installed with docker-compose you could start the mongo container in docker-compose.yaml file via
docker-compose up -d mongo
  • To init start mongo with seeded data run the following cmd, this will create a collection with seeded data
docker-compose up -d mongodb mongo-seed
  • if you don't have installed docker you should download a mongo client first and start it manually
  • you could still able to seed data manually as well, open mongo shell from terminal and run the following cmd
mongoimport --host localhost --port 27017 --db gateway-manager --collection gateways --mode upsert --type json --file /data/seeding/gateways.json --jsonArray

Start app in dev mode

  • to start app in development mode run the following cmd from root dir
npm run dev
  • this will start client:react app in development which you can access by default via http:localhost:3000
  • also it will start server:express app in development which you can access by default via http:localhost:5000

Start app in production

  • Run the following command to run a bundled version of the app altogether
npm run start
  • this command will build client:react and server:express apps and serve them from a single app by default http:localhost:5000

Start app in production with docker

  • Run the following command to run a bundled version of the app altogether
npm run docker:start
  • this command will build both client:react and server:express apps, then start a docker container for the bundled app by default http:localhost:5000


  • Make sure that you have a mongo client up and running otherwise the server:express app will fail to start, you can start it manually or via docker as described in DB Starting section
  • Make sure that you added .env files in both ./server and ./client sub dirs otherwise processes will fail while starting

Helpful scripts

  • you can use npm run dev:client to run client:react app only
  • you can use npm run dev:server to run server:express app only
  • you can use npm run build:client to build client:react app and push the built files to server:express docs sub dir

Technologies used


This project is licensed under the [MIT] License


No description, website, or topics provided.







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