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An Online School inspired by Coursera! Made for Level-2 Term-2 Database Sessional Project created by Ayesha Binte Mostofa (1805062), Labiba Binte Tashin (1805070), Sumaiya Sultana Any(1805079)

Under the kind supervision of Tahmid Hasan, Lecturer, CSE, BUET

This is a maven project. See our Project Demonstration : Youtube Video Link

Tools For Database and Frontend

Oracle Html CSS Bootstrap JavaScript

  • JSTL
  • Tools for Backend

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Security
  • For details, please see pom.xml

    Users in our platform:

  • Admin
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Services:

  • User Service
  • Student Service
  • Teacher Service
  • Course Service
  • Enrollment Service
  • Forum Service
  • Quiz Service
  • Admin Service
  • Features of User Service:

  • Account registration as Teacher or Student
  • Features of Student Service:

  • All features of user services are included
  • Search any course
  • See Courses by popularity etc.
  • See in progress Courses
  • See completed Courses
  • Enroll in a Course
  • Give Quizes after watching all course Contents
  • Communicate with other users linked by fourm
  • Update account information
  • Contact with admin
  • Features of Teacher Service:

  • All features of user services are included
  • Add, edit and delete Course and Course Contents
  • Statistics about Students enrolled to their courses
  • Create quizes for students
  • Discuss topics with other users linked by fourm
  • Update account information
  • Contact with admin
  • Features of Course Service:

  • Info about Course
  • All course contents
  • Each Course has a specific forums
  • Offers Quiz for students
  • Features of Enrollment Service:

  • Student can view course contents after Enrollment
  • Features of Quiz Service:

  • Offer the Students completion of course
  • Features of Forum Service:

  • Teacher and Students can discuss in Forums
  • Features of Admin Service:

  • Delete users
  • Delete Courses
  • See all users
  • See all courses
  • Search any Users
  • Search any courses
  • Instructions:

    How to set up:

    • Clone repository or download zip file. Run on terminal
    • Download Oracle 19c. Create a user c##epathshala with password epathshala. Run in SQL-PLUS
      create user c##epathshala identified by epathshala;
      grant dba to c##epathshala;
    • Download NAVICAT and create a connection using c##epathshala user and password epathshala.
    • Open the sql file with NAVICAT and choose the connection and user. Then run the file

    How to use:

    • Connect to localhost:8080/login and login using valid credentials