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This project demos benefits of using RDS proxy with serverless workload which depends on relational database like RDS Aurora. Project shows end to end automated setup of RDS Aurora(Mysql) with RDS proxy. Basic serverless architecture is set up using API gateway HTTP API and Lambda Functions.

Project sets up two endpoints with HTTP API, one which talks directly to RDS Aurora cluster and the other which talks via RDS Proxy. It provides load testing setup to measure the benefits of using RDS proxy in terms of connection pooling and elasticity.

This project assumes you already have RDS Aurora Mysql cluster up and running. An RDS proxy instance is also setup with force IAM authentication enabled. You can choose to create rds cluster with proxy following steps below to have aurora cluster and RDS proxy setup.



Deploy the sample application

The Serverless Application Model Command Line Interface (SAM CLI) is an extension of the AWS CLI that adds functionality for building and testing Lambda applications. It uses Docker to run your functions in an Amazon Linux environment that matches Lambda. It can also emulate your application's build environment and API.

To use the SAM CLI, you need the following tools.

Deploy RDS Aurora Cluster with RDS Proxy

Note: If you have already provisioned RDS Aurora cluster with RDS Proxy, you can skip this step and follow these steps instead.

This stack will take care of provisioning RDS Aurora Mysql along with RDS proxy fronting it inside a VPC with 3 private subnet. Required parameters needed by next step is also provided as stack output.

    sam build -t rds-with-proxy.yaml --use-container
    sam deploy -t rds-with-proxy.yaml --guided

Deploy serverless workload using RDS Aurora as backend

To build and deploy your application for the first time, run the following in your shell: Pass required parameters during guided deploy.

    sam build --use-container
    sam deploy --guided

Load testing

Installing artillery

We will use artillery to generate some load towards both the apis. Install Artillery via npm:

    npm install -g artillery@latest

Checking your installation

If you used npm to install Artillery globally, run the following command in your preferred command line interface:

    artillery dino

You should see an ASCII dinosaur printed to the terminal. Something like this:



Before starting load testing, make sure target in files load-no-proxy.yml and load-proxy.yml is update with the created HTTP API endpoint. The endpoint is also provided as stack output ApiBasePath when executing above steps. You can generate load on both the APIs via:

    artillery run load-no-proxy.yml
    artillery run load-proxy.yml

For a sample load which ran 300 seconds with arrival rate for users at 100, i.e. 30000 request over 5 minutes, below is comparison of number of database connection used when connecting via RDS proxy vs directly to RDS Aurora cluster endpoint.



See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.


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