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Learning to cut with SCIP

This repository implements the Learning to Cut chapter in my Master's thesis on Combinatorial Optimization with Graph Reinforcement Learning.

You will find here:

  • RL Environments for playing with cut selection in SCIP:
    • Adapting SCIP cut selection parameters to individual ILP instances.
    • Adapting SCIP cut selection parameters to every LP round.
    • Direct cut selection, i.e explicitly choosing the cuts which will b applied to the LP in each LP round.
  • Ape-X DQN framework for:
    • distributed RL training on your PC or on clusters using slurm scheduler (e.g. Compute Canada).
    • development with debug capabilities of remote actors.
    • extensive evaluation of multiple models/instances/seeds etc.
  • For Compute Canada users:
    • Scripts and guidelines how to run multiple whole node experiments exploiting the massive compute power provided by the various clusters.
    • Complementary experiments showing the room for improvement on MAXCUT and MVC.

I'm working on integrating the RL part of this project into Ecole, a fancy gym-like SCIP RL environment (currently supports branching rules some more).
Nevertheless, if you are interested in direct control of every line in SCIP, this project will provide you with good starting point and many workarounds.


Installing on your desktop

The following instructions were tested successfully on Ubuntu 18.04 with gcc 7.5.0 and cuda 10.2.

  1. Add export SCIPOPTDIR=/path/to/SCIP/installation/dir to your ~/.bashrc.
  2. Open terminal and install SCIP:

$ git clone
$ cd scipoptsuite-6.0.2-avrech
$ cmake --build build
$ cd build
$ make install

  1. Create virtual environment and install this repo:

$ virtualenv --python=python3 venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ git clone $ pip install -r learning2cut/requirements.txt $ pip install -e learning2cut

  1. Install PySCIPOpt:

git clone
cd PySCIPOpt
git checkout ml-cutting-planes
pip install --debug_option='--debug' .

  1. Sign up to Weights & Biases, and follow the instructions to connect your device to your wandb account.

Custom torch_geometric installtion instructions according to your cuda version can be found here.

Installing on Compute Canada

Do not install the virtualenv with the provided requirements.txt! The installation on compute Canada is tricky, because packages like torch, torch-geometric, pyarrow and more require certain gcc and cuda versions and probably changing the software environment to an older one. Here I provide with a recipe that worked on Graham and Niagara as of writing these lines.

Graham workarounds

  • pyarrow cannot be installed directly. Instead, load it by module load arrow.
  • torch_geometric is compiled for specific torch and cuda versions. For available torch versions contact CC support.
  • The following setup was tested successfully on Graham:

$ module load StdEnv/2018.3 gcc/7.3.0 python/3.7.4 arrow
$ virtualenv env && source env/bin/activate
(env) ~ $ pip install torch==1.4.0 torch_geometric torchvision torch-scatter torch-sparse torch-cluster torch-spline-conv -U --force
(env) ~ $ python -c "import pyarrow; torch_geometric; import torch_cluster; import torch_cluster.graclus_cpu"
(env) ~ $


  • The virtualenv worked with module load NiaEnv/2018a inside the sbatch scripts.

Reproducing Datasets

Inside learning2cut/data run:

python --experiment_configfile ../experiments/cut_selection_dqn/configs/exp5.yaml --data_configfile <mvc/maxcut>_data_config.yaml --datadir --mp ray --nworkers --quiet

Or on Niagara (recommended):

sbatch does the following:

  • Randomizes barabasi-albert and Erdos-Reyni graphs for MAXCUT and MVC respectively.
  • For each graph, solves MAXCUT/MVC with B&C with time limit of 1 hour.
  • Saves stats of the solving process for three baselines default, 15_random and 15_most_violated.

Experiment 1 - Show the Room for Improvement

This experiment requires massive computation power. The code was built to run on Niagara.

Import data

Inside learning2cut/experiments/room4improvement run:

python --datadir $SCRATCH/learning2cut/data --rootdir $SCRATCH/room4improvement

The script will save the first instance of each validation set generated by data/ into a data.pkl for the whole experiment.

Compute individual_tuning baseline

On Niagara, inside learning2cut/experiments/room4improvement run:

python --rootdir $SCRATCH/room4improvement --nnodes 20 --ncpus_per_node 80

Jobs for finding scip_tuned policy will be submitted. After all jobs have finished, run the same command line again to finalize stuff. In a case something went wrong in the first run, the script should be invoked again until it finishes the work.

Compute individual_adaptive_tuning baseline

On Niagara, inside learning2cut/experiments/room4improvement run:

python --rootdir $SCRATCH/room4improvement --nnodes 20 --ncpus_per_node 80

Running this command line 2K times will generate adaptive policy for K lp rounds.

Compute average_tuning baseline

On Niagara, inside learning2cut/experiments/room4improvement run:

python --rootdir $SCRATCH/room4improvement --datadir $SCRATCH/learning2cut/data --nnodes 20 --ncpus_per_node 60

After all jobs finished, run again to finalize stuff.

Evaluate all baselines

To compare all baselines in terms of solving time, run again run_experiment pointing to the rootdir where individual_tuning, average_tuning and inidividual_adaptive_tuning results are stored. The script will test all baselines on the local machine one by one without multiprocessing. Results will be saved to csv and png files.

Experiment 2 - Learning SCIP Separating Parameters

In this experiment we investigate two RL formulations for tuning SCIP, combinatorial contextual multi-armed bandit (CCMAB) and MDP.
The CCMAB problem is actually a 1-step MDP, and is solved using the same DQN algorithm. To experiment with these two formulations on compute canada, enter experiments/scip_tuning_dqn, and run This script allows submitting multiple whole node jobs on Graham or Niagara. Inside this script edit the parameters grid search space you want to test. This can be useful for both basic hparam tuning, and for running multiple training jobs with different seeds so that the robustness of the RL algorithm can be evaluated.
The following command line will submit multiple jobs, saving their output to a path depending on the cluster you use. Niagara example:

$ python --cluster niagara --tag reported_runs --hours 12

Synchronize the wandb run dirs to wandb cloud once the jobs finished:

$ python ../ --dir $SCRATCH/learning2cut/scip_tuning/results/reported_runs/outfiles/

Select run_ids to test and evaluate them on the test sets:

$ python --cluster niagara --hours 3 --test --run_ids 130m0n5o 3n3uxetn baseline --tag reported_runs --num_test_nodes 10 && python --cluster niagara --hours 3 --test --run_ids 130m0n5o 3n3uxetn baseline --tag reported_runs --num_test_nodes 10 --test_args use_cycles=False,set_aggressive_separation=False

This will execute extensive tests on tons of cpus, saving their results in test directories inside each run_dir Run again after all jobs completed:

$ python --cluster niagara --hours 3 --test --run_ids 130m0n5o 3n3uxetn baseline --tag reported_runs --num_test_nodes 10 && python --cluster niagara --hours 3 --test --run_ids 130m0n5o 3n3uxetn baseline --tag reported_runs --num_test_nodes 10 --test_args use_cycles=False,set_aggressive_separation=False

and analyize the results with:

$ python --savedir $SCRATCH/learning2cut/scip_tuning/results/reported_runs --mdp_run_id 3n3uxetn --ccmab_run_id 130m0n5o $ python --savedir $SCRATCH/learning2cut/scip_tuning/results/reported_runs --mdp_run_id 3n3uxetn --ccmab_run_id 130m0n5o --test_args use_cycles=False,set_aggressive_separation=False

This will summarize and write the root only and branch-and-cut results to .csv files.

Experiment 3 - Direct cut Selection

Single run

There are two run files, for single thread training, and for distributed training. The distributed version is useful also for debugging and development, as each actor can run independently of the others. allows debugging and updating the code of a specific actor while the entire system keep running. Run

$ python --rootdir /path/to/save/results --configfile /path/to/config/file --use-gpu

Example config files can be found at learning2cut/experiments/dqn/configs. Those files conveniently pack parameters for training. All parameters are controlled also from command line, where the command line args override the config file setting. Each run is assigned a random 8-characters run_id which can be used for resuming and for viewing results on wandb dashboard.


For resuming a run, add --resume --run_id <run_id> to the command line arguments.

Restarting Actors

Actors can be restarted (for updating code) without restarting the entire system. Useful cases:

  • updating the tester code with additional tests/logs without shutting down the replay server.
  • fixing bugs and restarting an actor after crashing.
    Restart options are:
  • Restarting the entire system: add --restart to the resuming command line. This will restart all crashed actors.
  • Restarting specific actors: add --restart --restart-actors <list of actors>. The list of actors can include any combination of apex, replay_server, learner, tester and worker_<worker_id> (worker_id running from 1 to num_workers).
  • Forcing restart when the target actors are still running: add --force-restart to the arguments above.

Debugging Remote Actors

In order to debug a remote actors, run:

python --resume --run_id <run_id> --restart [--restart-actors ] --debug-actor <actor_name>

This will restart the debugged actor main loop in the debugger, so one can step into the actor code, while the rest of remote actors keep running.

Cycles Variability

Inside learning2cut/experiments/cut_selection_dqn run:

python --logdir results/cycles_variability [--simple_cycle_only --chordless_only --enable_chordality_check] --record_cycles will solve each graph in validset_20_30 and validset_50_60 10 times with seeds ranging from 0 to 9. In each separation round it will save the cycles generated along with other related stats.
The script will pickle a dictionary of the following structure:

{dataset: [{seed: stats for seed in range(10)} for graph in dataset] for dataset in [`validset_20_30`, `validset_50_60`]}  

The recorded_cycles are stored in stats alongside the dualbound, lp_iterations etc. A cycle is stored as a dictionary with items:

  • edges: a list of the edges in cycle
  • F: a list of odd number of cut edges
  • C_minus_F: a list of the rest of the edges
  • is_simple: True if the cycle is simple cycle else False
  • is_chordless: True if the cycle has no chords else False
  • applied: True if the cycle was selected to the LP else False
Done Exp Train Set Behaviour Loss SCIP Seed Goal Results
1 Fixed graph Demo Demo Fixed Perfect overfitting here
2 Fixed graph Demo Demo Random Generalization across seeds here
3 Random Demo Demo Random Generalization across graphs here
4 Random Demo Demo+DQN Random See convergence to "interesting" policy here
5 Random Demo+DQN Demo+DQN Random Improving over SCIP here


This work was done during my Master's studies at the Technion under the supervision of Prof. Shie Mannor and Prof. Tamir Hazan. The research was done in collaboration with @gasse and @akazachk from the Polytechnique university in Montreal.
I thank @dchetelat for his helpful comments in the initial steps of the project, and in particular for improving the mathematical formulation of the MAXCUT problem.
I also thank @cyoon1729 for providing me with initial Ape-X DQN implementation.


Reinforcement Learning for Cut Selection







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