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An infinity sign inside a square with rounded corners. On the right, All Icons plugin's window with the search input at the top, an icon set's title bar with a name, links, and a style selector, with a grid of icons under it.

All Icons

All Icons is a Penpot plugin that allows you to easily access icons from various icon libraries and add them to your project.


Penpot Plugins system is currently in development and not yet available in the live Penpot release.

  1. Go to a Penpot project.

  2. Open the plugin manager.

  3. Fill the plugin URL input with

  4. Click the "Install" button.

  5. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    The installer will inform you about the permissions requested by the plugin:

    • Content's write access is necessary for the icon insertion.
    • Content's read access is necessary to save and retrieve the plugin's settings e.g. open icon sets, selected style variants.
  6. Use the plugin manager to open the plugin.


You need to have an environment with Node.js installed to work on the plugin.

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Run npm ci to install the dependencies.
  3. Run npm run generate-data to generate the data for icon libraries.
  4. Run npm run dev to start the server.
  5. Open Penpot and go to the plugin manager.
  6. Add a new plugin with the URL http://localhost:4173/manifest.json.
  7. Use the plugin manager to open the plugin.

Currently the development setup is using the production build in watch mode for the plugin script. This means development tools like source maps, hot module replacement are not available, and you need to reload the plugin manually after making changes in the script. The app part is running a development server.


Readme image's background pattern by Jean-Philippe Delberghe.