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Render chess tournament grids in Material UI with interactive features


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Chess Tournament Grid Viewer

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This component provides a possibility to render interactive chess tournament grids in HTML pages.

It is particularly useful in a static HTML context, because it does not require any back-end services.

The main scenario is: having source data in the CSV format, include it into a HTML page according to the requirements below and invoke this library script. So, having initial raw data like these:

1,CHN,Wang Hao,2726,+56W,+69B,+86W,=2B,=14W,8,2735,67.5
2,USA,Caruana Fabiano,2812,+53B,+31W,+66B,=1W,=73B,8,2720,69.5
3,RUS,Alekseenko Kirill,2674,=109B,+74W,+61B,=9W,=81B,7.5,2716,64.5
4,ARM,Aronian Levon,2758,=68B,=15W,+56B,+31W,=19B,7.5,2708,70.5
5,ESP,Anton Guijarro David,2674,+139W,=30B,=44W,+57B,=23W,7.5,2702,66.5
6,NOR,Carlsen Magnus,2876,+25W,=43B,=72W,=16B,+89W,7.5,2698,67.5
7,USA,Nakamura Hikaru,2745,=94B,+117W,=92B,=69W,=84B,7.5,2674,62

the tool should produce the following output:

The interactivity of the grid includes:

  • the choice of the columns to be shown in the grid (the "Shown columns" selector in the top-right corner in the image above);
  • the filtering of the data by the values in the columns (for example, show only the players from a chosen country, club or belonging to a chosen rating group);
  • the sorting of the rows by values in different columns (ascending or descending, by clicking on the column headers);
  • the possibility to show only the players who have been the opponents of the selected player (by clicking on a row in the grid).


The steps to use this library are simple:

  1. Include the required scripts and their dependencies by adding the script entries in the HTML page:
<script src="{commit_hash}/dist/tourn-grid-view-vendor.min.js"></script>
<script src="{commit_hash}/dist/tourn-grid-view.min.js"></script>

The tourn-grid-view-vendor.min.js must precede the tourn-grid-view.min.js script.

  1. Add the raw CSV data wrapped into a HTML element having an id and preferably hidden:
<div id="demo" style="display: none;">Pos,Fed,Name,Rating,R1,R2,R3,R4,R5,Pts,TB1,TB2
1,CHN,Wang Hao,2726,+56W,+69B,+86W,=2B,=14W,8,2735,67.5
<!-- other CSV rows follow -->
  1. Define a HTML element which will contain the rendered grid. It must have an id:
<div id="demo-grid"></div>
  1. Inside the body of the page, add a script that invokes the tool and provides a configuration for the grid:
  window.onload = () => {
      idCsvElement: 'demo',
      idGridContainer: 'demo-grid',
      interactive: true,
      lang: 'en'

Some examples of the usage of this tool are available in the examples folder of this project and on the pages listed here.

UI Controls

The "menu" button present in the Name column header allows to show or hide the filter selection controls.

Configuration Options

The configuration of the grid can be done with an object containing the following values:

  idCsvElement: string,
  idGridContainer: string,
  interactive: boolean,
  lang: string,

idCsvElement is the ID of the element from step 2, the one that is expected to contain the raw CSV data. This value is mandatory.

idGridContainer the ID of the element from step 3, the one that is supposed to host the grid to render. This value is mandatory.

interactive is an optional boolean which enables the interactive features of the grid. The default value is true. If set to false, no control panel will be available above the grid, the sorting and the filtering will be disabled on the rendered table.

lang is the two-digits code of the source language of the data. This value is mandatory. Currently, only the en (English) and the fr (French) languages are supported by the tool.

Requirements for CSV Data

In order to be transformed and rendered properly into a grid representation, the raw CSV data must conform with the following requirements.

CSV Header

The column names are not case sensitive. The original values are lower-cased and their first letter is capitalized when they are rendered in the grid header.

The columns with players position and name are always visible in the grid.

The pos (for position) column must be present in the CSV header. This is the only mandatory column. Its data are expected to contain the values of the positions of the players, in integer numbers. The values should be unique in this column.

If the rating column is present in the CSV, it is expected to contain numeric values. Unlike the other filterable columns, the filtering on player ratings is possible in rating groups of 200 points. For example, 1400 to 1599, 1600 to 1799 etc.

The fed (for federation) column is expected to contain alpha-3 country codes (having the length of three letter characters). The values in this column are transformed into SVG images from the Github hjnilsson/country-flags repository.

The names of the columns corresponding to the rounds of the tournament are expected to respect the pattern R{number}. For example, R1 for round 1, R2 for round 2 etc.

Interactivity Modifiers

Each column name in the CSV header can be combined with flags that define the interactivity enabled for this column. For example:

  • The pipe | is the separator of the column name from the interactivity modifiers.

  • The h char (for Hidden) sets that this column should be hidden in the initial view.

  • The f char (for Filter) sets that the filtering by values is enabled on this column. For example, list only the participants that belong to the same club.

  • The o char (for Ordering) sets that the ordering by values is enabled on this column. For example, list all the participants by rating.

The position and name columns have a special status. They cannot be hidden (the h modifier is not applicable to them) and no filtering is available on them (it does not make sense, because all the names and positions are different). The ordering is always enabled on the position column.

CSV Cell Values

The cells with the game results are expected to respect the pattern

{game result}{opponent position}{color} | {bye}

{game result} must be + (won), = (drawn), - (lost), > (won by forfeit) and < (lost by forfeit).

{opponent position} must denote the position of the opponent with whom the player encountered in this round. The value must correspond to a value in the Pos column.

{color} is the first character of the name of the pieces color. In English, W (white) or B (black). In French, B (blanc) for white or N (noir) for black.

{bye} is a language specific value when the player was not paired in the respective round. The expected values are BYE in English and EXE in French.

Examples of valid values:

  • +1B (English) - the player has won with black against the opponent who finished the 1st.
  • =12N (French) - the player has drawn with black against the opponent who took the 12th place.
  • -3W (English) - the player has lost with white against the opponent who finished the 3rd.

In the rendered grid, the color of the pieces is transformed into the background color of the respective cell.

If the value does not respect the pattern, the background color of the cell is assigned with the pale red.

The ordering of the columns in the raw CSV data can be chosen freely and is not significant.


This project uses ReactJs, with a customized configuration of Webpack.

It requires NPM to be installed on the host for developement.

Please check the scripts section of the package.json file for the list of available npm commands.


This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, included in the LICENSE file.


Render chess tournament grids in Material UI with interactive features








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