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Setting Up Forms

Grace Luo edited this page Apr 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

How Forms Work

Forms is a templated component. The frontent component has a unique name prop, which is the unique name of the form. Then frontend then makes a request to /api/forms/config/<UniqueName>/ which returns a YAML configration file. The frontend builds the form component from what is described in that YAML.

If the form has a file upload component, each file added to the form is then uploaded right away to Google Drive (this is done before the form is submitted). It does this by calling the end point /api/forms/upload/ with a POST request, which returns a public link to that uploaded file.

When the form is submitted, the answers are verified against some home built verification schemes. If the schemes pass, then the form is submitted to /api/forms/submit/ with a POST request.

Form Configuration

Each form configuration is located in the repository at berkeleytime/forms/configs. Each config has the filename UniqueName.yaml where UniqueName is the unique name of that form. In the YAML file, there are two top level keys: info which containers form metadata and questions which is a list of questions.

To create a new form, follow these steps

  1. Decide on a unique name for this form (lets say TestForm) and create the file TestForm.yaml. This unique name can only consist of numbers and letters - no spaces!
  2. Decide on a public name (the title of the form shown to users) and an optional description
  3. Navigate to the Berkeleytime drive and look for a folder named InternalSubmissionForms. Create a new spread sheet in that folder and grab the url of that spread sheet.
  4. If this form allows for file uploads, also create a folder in InternalSubmissionForms. Note the name of the folder you created.
  5. Share your form with and
  6. Now add the info field to the config, which should look like this
  unique_name: "TestForm"
  public_name: "A Test Form"
  description: "For Testing Use"
  googlesheet_link: ""
  drive_folder_name: "InitialTests"

The description and drive_folder_name can be ommitted if they are not used. If the description is very long, a multiline string can be used for the description.

  1. Make sure you set up the frontend components appropriately.

    • Create a new view in frontend/src/views/Forms that importants and uses BTForm from '../../components/Form/Form.jsx'. Pass the unique name as the name prop into that component. See the TestForm for an example.
    • Set up the route in frontend/src/routes/routes.js by importing your newly created view and setting up a path. Do this not at the end, but before the /error path.

    Now if you go to your new path, you should see the form with your title and description. If you don't see anything, it may require you to reload the backend server manually with make down && make up.

  2. Add to your configuation a questions attribute, which is a list of questions.

Creating Questions

Each question has a required title and an optional description. It has a required type, which identifies what kind of question this is. Type can be short, long, mutliple_choice, multiple_select, or file. A question can also have an optional required, which signifies if the question needs to be completed to submit the form. The default value if this field is omitted is false.

If the question is of type short, long, mutliple_choice, or file, an optional placeholder value can be specified. For multiple_choice, the placeholder is the first unselectable item. For the file, the placeholder is the text in the file selection box and it is not optional.

If the question is of type multiple_choice or multiple_select, you must provide a list of choices like so

  - title: "Example Question"
    type: "multiple_choice"
      - "Choice A"
      - "Choice B"
      - "Choice C"

If the question is of type long or short, you can perform some additional verification. One verification is the optional format attribute, which can have the values email, date, or number. It makes sure that whatever the user enters is correctly formatted. For date, it must be a date of the format MM/DD/YYYY after the year 1900. You can also specify min or max, which are integers that represent the min and max number of characters the input must have, inclusive.

  - title: "Example Question"
    type: "long"
    min: 100 # at least 100 chars
    max: 500 # at most 500 chars
    format: email # must be an email

If the question is of type file, you can add an optional attribute accept which is a string of comma separate file extensions that the file upload will accept. File uploads are always limited to 10 MB max per file. For example, if you only want to accept photo media:

  - title: "Example Question"
    placeholder: "The placeholder is required for files."
    type: "file"
    accept: ".gif,.jpg,.jpeg,.png"


Hooks are Python functions that are called when the form is submitted. Then do useful things, like creating a GitHub issue when the bugs form is submitted or emailing users a copy of their responses (not complete). In fact, the only completed hook right now is the auto_github_issue hook.

To create a hook, in the info attribute of each config add a hooks attribute. This hooks is a list of hooks, each of which has a name property. The name is the name of the funciton you want to invoke. Additionally you can add some configration to the hook which exist as additional attributes. All in all, a hook looks like

  unique_name: "TestForm"
  public_name: "A Test Form"
  googlesheet_link: <your sheet link>
    - name: auto_github_issue
      title: "A New Issue"


This hook creates a GitHub issue whenever a form is filled out. It requires either a question or title configuration to be set. If title is set (as in the previous example), the new issue is created with that static title. If question is set, then the issue is created with the user's response to the question. question is of the format Question X where X is a number starting at 1, representing the question number as they are listed in the questions list.

For example, the bugs form has

    - name: auto_github_issue
      question: Question 2

because Question 2 refers to the question "What kind of bug is it?" which is what we use as the title.


This hook sends an email to a BT member or interested party whenever a form is filled out. It requires either a to configuration to be set, which is the email of the person who is to receive the notice.


This hook sends an email to the user when they fill out a form. It questions a question to be set, which specifies which question contains the user's email as the value. question is set up in the same way as auto_github_issue.

Creating New Hooks

Each hook function is of the format

def some_function_name(response, hook_config)

where response is the python representation of your form response and hook_config is some configuration for the hook. Hook functions must be added to the HOOKS list to be registered.