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Deploy a fullstack app on kubernetes anywhere, UI to Secrets.


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"Why?", you ask?

Why not?

This project configures and deploys a wicked-simple, full-stack web application that runs entirely on kubernetes and can be deployed in any kubernetes environment.

This project uses Google Cloud Platform's GKE for kubernetes servicing, but should work on any managed, or self-managed kubernetes cluster with similar configurations as per the specs in the gcloud container clusters create CLI command.

what you'll need

  • gcloud
  • kubectl
  • helm
  • docker
  • python3.8
  • node12

what's included?

what does it do?

  • Stores secrets in Vault which are accessed by the restful API.
  • Provides a UI atop the restful API which persists data in Cockroach DB. Why Cockroach DB? I'll let them tell you.
  • Sends and displays messages with Pulsar in the UI (message persistence is not implemented).


create the stack

git clone
cd fullstack-kubernetes


NGINX_CONTROLLER_INGRESS_IP=$(kubectl get services -l component=controller,app=nginx-ingress -o jsonpath="{.items[0].status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}")
curl -I -X GET "http://$NGINX_CONTROLLER_INGRESS_IP/api/v1/healthcheck"

# visit the ui
# enter any username and password to interact with the ui

# create an item

# send a message via pulsar

delete the stack



This is currently not an out-of-the-box, production-ready stack and should be used for development, educational, and instructional purposes only.

In order for this to be production ready, the following would need to be done/ added (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • network encryption at each layer
  • a secured kubernetes cluster
  • user login authentication
  • each stack component would be secured appropriately (with tls, certs, etc)
  • place the api and ui in their own separate host space
  • proper rbac
  • nix helm if you arent prepared to maintain helm charts
  • make each component HA (highly-available)
  • add a backup system (velero is a great example)
  • database rollbacks
  • layer autoscaling
  • metrics, logging, and alerting
  • what about cicd and tests? yup that too! drone would be great to have
  • less shell, more terraform

These may be added in future updates.

contributions & suggestions

Did something not work correctly for you? Do you have a question or feature suggestion? Want to add something cool?

Let me know! Pull requests and issues are welcome.