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Implementation guide to my personal website


This document is as much for future me as it is for anyone else, but anyone else is welcome to comment, file issues, yell at me for doing something boneheaded, make suggestions, correct mistakes, etc. Here, I document how my static personal website is put together and the thought process behind my decisions. I've also tried to make sure the source files themselves are well commented.

Guide navigation:


This website is hosted by GitHub pages and is otherwise powered by the following dependencies:

  • Jekyll is the static site generator used to power GitHub pages
  • Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS, providing sleek and (fairly) easy to use front-end components.
  • Font Awesome provides an awesome collection of really nice icons. As one of Font Awesome's Kickstarter backers, I have a Pro license for this, giving me access to more icons than the free version. However, Font Awesome Free is open source and still has a huge number of awesome icons.

Running this site locally

Step-by-step guide (this is as much for future me as it is for anyone else):

  1. To run this site locally, you'll need Jekyll. If you don't already have Jekyll installed locally, follow the first two steps of the Jekyll Quickstart guide.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. In a terminal, cd into your local copy of this repository.
  4. In this repository's directory, execute bundle exec jekyll serve
  5. In a browser, navigate to http://localhost:4000

Source companion guide

The technology

As stated previously, this site is powered by Jekyll, so a delve into the depths of this repository might encounter content/source in the following forms (often all mishmashed together): YAML, JSON, Markdown, HTML, Liquid, and sass.

YAML is used both to configure Jekyll for this site (_config.yml) and used to define Jekyll variables in either data files (_data/) or pages' front matter.

HTML is used to specify each page's structure. I've tried to minimize the amount of content specified directly in HTML. The website's structure is specified using custom Jekyll layouts (_layouts/) combined with useful and reusable HTML snippets (_includes/) that can be included in a layout (e.g., the navigation bar, footer, or page head information).

Within an HTML file, you are likely to encounter some strange syntax that looks like {{ page.title }} or {% if page.overview %}. This syntax is Liquid. Liquid is a template language that lets us 'script' HTML content generation when Jekyll generates our static site. This is a super neat and powerful tool that lets us cleanly separate page content from page structure. Definitely checkout Liquid's documentation for more details on its syntax and how it does what it does.

I specify content using Markdown (often in .md files but sometimes embedded in data files - .yml, .json) and fields/attributes in data files (.json, .yml).

And, finally Sass (which gets processed into CSS) is used to specify styling.

The components

Each of the components described below has an associated directory in this repository. Here, I attempt a high level overview of each component's role in generating this site.

As a general practice, I've tried to minimize the amount of site content present in .html files. Instead, content is housed in data files (in the _data/ directory) and in page files (in the _pages/). The structure of this site is defined by Jekyll layouts.


_data/ contains data files. In addition to built-in variables provided by Jekyll, data files can be used to specify custom data accessible through the Liquid templating system. Read more about Jekyll data files here.

In this website, I generally use data files to specify content that may have multiple entries (e.g., citation information for publications) or to specify variables that are used across multiple pages (e.g., icons) that I may want to change in the future. For example, each of the different parts of my CV (e.g., education, research experience, etc) have their own data file, which is setup to allow me to easily come back and add more entries.


_pages/ pages are the most basic building block for content. Read more about them here. Pages define, err well, pages. Each page is defined either by a HTML file (.html) or by a markdown file (.md). One of the wonderful things about Jekyll is that, if you don't want to, you never need to touch any HTML. You can use off-the-shelf/default layouts (often referred to as themes - e.g., and use only markdown to make your Jekyll site; when Jekyll generates your site, it'll convert all of those markdown files into HTML. In fact, this is what GitHub pages does by default when you flip the pages switch in a repository's settings (see GitHub's default themes - i.e., Jekyll layouts here).

At the top of each page is front matter. where you can specify predefined and page-specific variables accessible via the Liquid templating system. In the front matter, you can specify a pages layout (more on that later), permalink, etc. Below the front matter is the page's content, which is accessible via the {{ content }} Liquid tag.

On this site, I'm exclusively using markdown files to define site pages. Minimally, each page specifies a page title and its layout. None of my page files actually include anything below the front matter. I've exclusively specified content in page-specific variables and in data files (e.g., the overview text on my publications page).


_includes/ contains snippets of reusable HTML components. Read more about includes here. For example, my navigation bar, which is used on all pages, is defined in ./_includes/nav.html.

Using Liquid include tags, I can 'paste' the contents of any include file where I need it. Includes, in combination with layouts, minimizes the need to copy and paste HTML code anywhere in my website's source.


_layouts/ contains my Jekyll layouts. Read more about layouts here because they're awesome! Layouts are at the front lines of structuring pages and can be applied hierarchically. For example, I have a base layout, default.html that specifies the overall structure of all of my site's pages:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  {% include head.html %}
    {% include header.html %}
    {{ content }}
    {% include footer.html %}
    {% include scripts.html %}

With a default layout to specify the highest level of HTML structure for my pages, I've made a layout for each page where each page-specific layout defines the structure for that page. Because layouts can be applied hierarchically, each page-specific layout specifies that it uses the 'default' layout, which means the page-specific layout's (.html file) gets dumped into the default layout where you see {{ content }}. For example, my publications page (defined by ./_pages/ uses the publications layout (defined by ./_layouts/publications.html), which uses the default layout (defined by ./_layouts/default.html). And, that's just two layers of layouts! Just to round out the publications layout example: inside the publications layout, I loop over my publications data (yes, Liquid lets you do that!), to generate listing of publications.


  • _sass/
    • I use sass to specify all of the styling for my site. The _sass/ directory is where Jekyll knows to look for raw sass files. Because I'm loading Font Awesome's stylesheets via CDN, the only sass in this directory is Bootstrap, which is just the scss directory contained in the archive you get when you download bootstrap. Almost all of my website's styling is just default Bootstrap styling; I like the look and feel of Bootstrap, the documentation and community support is solid, and I find it to be pretty simple to use. My main sass file is in assets, but more on that later.
  • _site/
    • After generating your site, this is where Jekyll dumps everything. This is a 'behind-the-scenes' directory, and you will only see it locally (I have mine ignored in my .gitignore). GitHub pages will run Jekyll, which generates this _site/ directory, which is what gets served as your static site.
  • assets/
    • This is where I dump my main.scss file, which specifies minimal custom styling and includes all of the Bootstrap styling. This gets processed into a main.css, which is what I link to in my head information. Notice that my main.scss has empty front matter at the top of the file. The presence of front matter in a file (even if its empty) tells Jekyll to process the file. How Jekyll processes the file will depend on the file type, but front matter tells Jekyll that the file should be processed in some way.
  • imgs/
    • Contains images. Not much to see here. My only comment is that I've tried to output images to be used on my website as .svg, which ensures that they scale nicely when the page scales, and I don't need to worry about image resolutions. To download .svg versions of D3 visualizations that I've written, I used the nytime's svg crowbar.
  • pubs/
    • Contains .pdf versions of my publications available to download.



This site's source code is MIT Licensed, but the website content is not. The following directories and their contents are copyright Alexander Lalejini:

  • _data/
  • pubs/
  • imgs/

You may not reuse anything therein without my permission.