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File Securita

To use our Blockchain-based Cloud File Sharing System, simply follow the installation instructions in the README file. Once set up, access the user-friendly interface to securely share, store, and manage files using blockchain's decentralized technology. Enjoy a seamless and transparent file sharing experience like never before!

Some installments before we start

Meta Mask

Download Meta Mask from


  • Create Account
  • Copy your account private key and paste it in "deploy.js".
  • Add network sepolia by following steps:
  • Go to this link "test" and click the checkbox to add Sepolia network.
  • Add seploia and switch to Sepolia

Pinata (Decentralized storage)

Download Pinata from


  • Sign-in to pinata
  • Click on "API Key" in the navbar
  • Click on "New API key" You will get.. WhatsApp Image 2023-07-03 at 14 55 31
  • Enable all the option while you see in creating API key. WhatsApp Image 2023-07-03 at 14 52 11
  • Copy and paste your Api-key and API secret Key in "FileUpload.js". image


Download Node.js from

Go to terminal

Run following Commands one-by-one:

npm --version

If npm not exists install it by

pip install npm

Check if node.js is installed properly

node -v 
npm init -y 
npm i cross-env@5.2.0 --save
npm i request@2.88.0
npm i tar

npm run build
react -v

If react doesnt exist install it from

pip install react
npm install  create-react-app
cd client
npm install --save-dev hardhat@2.12.4
npm install --save-dev "hardhat@2.12.4" "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox@^2.0.0"
npm install -g create-react-app
cd client
cd src
npx hardhat node

Now everytime start project by runnning following commands

npx hardhat run deployments/deploy.js --network sepolia

After running this command you will get contract address copy and paste it in app.js where your_contract_address written.

cd peer
npm start

Further Steps

Feel free to fork Repository and contribute new features.