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Explanation of files in this repo:

manually created files

The folder examples_of_valid_latex contains manually created valid Latex expressions, one per file: examples_of_valid_latex/*_expression_latex.tex

For each Latex expression there's also a manually created set of expected symbols: examples_of_valid_latex/*_expected_tokens.tex

TODO: complete the manual specification of expected symbols.

aggregation file

The file examples_of_valid_latex/main.tex aggregates all the other *.tex files into one PDF that a user can then manually review. (main.tex was partially generated by

generated file content

raw Latex expression parsed using SymPy 1.12 with antlr4-python3-runtime 4.11

The content for each file examples_of_valid_latex/*_expression_latex_sympy_112_antlr4-python3-runtime411_expression.tex was generated using

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/scratch --workdir /scratch sympyonubuntu python3

Similarly, the content for each file examples_of_valid_latex/*_expression_latex_sympy_112_antlr4-python3-runtime411_atoms.tex also comes from that same .py script.

clean Latex expression parsed using SymPy 1.12 with antlr4-python3-runtime 4.11

Sometimes the reason SymPy fails to parse successfully is due to presentation-related spacing. By removing the non-essential spacing marks, SymPy is more likely to succeed.

The file examples_of_valid_latex/*_cleaned_latex.tex is the cleaned version of examples_of_valid_latex/*_expression_latex.tex

The command used was


Then SymPy 1.12 with antlr4-python3-runtime 4.11 is used on examples_of_valid_latex/*_cleaned_latex.tex to generate examples_of_valid_latex/*_cleaned_latex_sympy_112_antlr4-python3-runtime411_expression.tex and examples_of_valid_latex/*_cleaned_latex_sympy_112_antlr4-python3-runtime411_atoms.tex

The command is

docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/scratch --workdir /scratch sympyonubuntu python3

That docker image is from


This repo content is related to sympy/sympy#19075 and allofphysicsgraph/proofofconcept#79

For the comprehensive list of Latex symbols, see and

for AMSmath, see