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Solutions and notes to the book "Haskell from First Principles"

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Haskell Programming from First Principles

Solutions and Notes

Chapter Files tags
01 exercises, definitions, resources lambda-calculus
02 exercises, resources infix, prefix, associativity, parenthesization, precedence
03 exercises, definitions Strings
04 exercises, definitions types, data declaration, typles, lists
05 exercises, definitions, resources currying, polymorphism, type inferrence
06 exercises, definitions, resources typeclasses, Eq, Num, Ord, Enum, Show, Read
07 exercises, definitions, resources anonymous-functions, pattern-matching, case, guards, function-composition, pointfree-style, higher-order-functions
08 exercises, definitions recursion
09 exercises, definitions, resources lists, filter, map, zip, list comprehension, range
10 exercises, definitions, resources foldr, foldl, scanr, scan
11 exercises, definitions data types, data & type constructors, sum & product types, exponential types, newtype, higher-kinded types
12 exercises, definitions maybe, either, unfold, iterate, kinds
13 exercises, resources cabal, stack, module, import, export, do and IO
14 exercises, definitions, resources testing, arbitrary, QuickCheck
15 exercises, definitions, resources semigroup, monoid, mappend, mempty
16 exercise, definitions, resources Functor, fmap, <$>
17 exercise, definitions, resources Applicative, pure, <*>, liftA, liftA2, liftA3, Monoidal Functors
18 exercises, definitions, resources Monad, return, do, >>=, =<<, >=>
19 exercises, resources TODO: Need to implement the exercise specified here.
20 exercises, resources Foldable, foldMap, foldr, toList, null, length, sum, product, minimum, maximum
21 exercises, resources Traversable, sequenceA, traverse

To install Haskell through stack, run the following command: curl -sSL | sh or wget -qO- | sh

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Solutions and notes to the book "Haskell from First Principles"







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