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Week 01

  • Introduction
    • Wtf?
    • Supervised/ Unsupervised
  • Linear regression with one variable
    • Model and Cost Function
      • Model representation
      • Cost function
    • Parameter Learning
      • Gradient descent
      • Gradient descent for linear regression
  • Linear algebra review

Week 02

  • Linear regression with multiple variables
    • Multivariate Linear Regression
    • Computing Parameters Analytically
  • Octav/ Matlab usage

Week 03

  • Logistic Regression
    • Classification and Representation
    • Logistic Regression Model
    • Multiclass Classification
  • Regularization
    • Solving the Problem of Overfitting

Week 04

  • Motivations
  • Neural Networks
  • Applications

Week 05

  • Neural Networks: Learning
    • Cost Function and Backpropagation
    • Backpropagation in Practice
    • Application of Neural Networks

Week 06

  • Advice for Applying Machine Learning
    • Evaluating a Learning Algorithm
    • Bias vs. Variance
  • Machine Learning System Design
    • Building a Spam Classifier
    • Handling Skewed Data
    • Using Large Data Sets

Week 07

  • Support Vector Machines
    • Large Margin Classification
    • Kernels
    • SVMs in Practice

Week 08

  • Unsupervised Learning
    • Clustering
    • Dimensionality Reduction

Week 09

  • Anomaly Detection
    • Density Estimation
    • Building an Anomaly Detection System
    • Multivariate Gaussian Distribution (Optional)
  • Recommender Systems
    • Predicting Movie Ratings
    • Collaborative Filtering
    • Low Rank Matrix Factorization

Week 10

  • Gradient descent with large dataset
    • Learning with large dataset
    • Stochastic gradient descent
    • Mini-batch gradient descent
    • Stochastic gradient descent convergence
  • Advanced topics
    • Online learning
    • MR

Week 11

  • Photo OCR
    • Problem description
    • Sliding windows
    • Data and artificial data
    • Ceiling Analysis

You passed this course! Your grade is 93.30%.