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AWS CloudFormation Stack for VPN services.

This Repo use AWS CloudFormation to automate the deployment of Shadowsocks and L2TPD, and is trying to make the deployment as easy as possible.

Additionally, it's also deploying shadowsocks-manager which is a web-based Shadowsocks management tool for multi-user and traffic statistics, support multi-node and DNS record management through dns-lexicon.


stack list

Services List

  • Shadowsocks-libev
  • L2TPD



  • Users(ports) are managed by shadowsocks-manager.
  • Sending the account Email.
  • Multi nodes(across multi AWS accounts).
  • Active/Inactive users and nodes.
  • Heartbeat to detect the port alive on the node.
  • Auto-create the DNS records for the domains of the web console, L2TP, and Shadowsocks nodes in your DNS provider.
  • Auto-sync the node info to shadowsocks-manager.
  • Auto-sync the node IP address to your DNS provider.
  • Traffic statistics on ports and nodes(minimize the impact of node restart).
  • Change node IP address from:
    • Web console
    • scheduled job
    • Amazon Lex chatbot
    • REST API
    • AWS SNS message
  • Support v2ray-plugin on node level.


  • User management in the command line.


This stack leverages several other repos to achieve the work, below gives an overview of the inside dependency structure. All the internal dependencies will be installed automatically except aws-ec2-ses.

aws-cfn-vpn (github)
├── aws-cfn-vpc (github)
├── aws-cfn-vpc-peer-acceptor (github)
├── aws-cfn-vpc-peer-requester (github)
├── aws-cfn-config-provider (github)
├── aws-cfn-vpn-lexbot (github)
├── shadowsocks-libev-v2ray (dockerhub)
│   ├── shadowsocks-libev (dockerhub)
│   ├── v2ray-plugin (github)
|   └── (github)
├── shadowsocks-manager (dockerhub)
│   ├── django (pip)
│   ├── [aws-ec2-ses (github)] - Manually setup involved
|   └── (github)
├── aws-ec2-xl2tpd (github)
│   ├── openswan (yum)
│   └── xl2tpd (yum)
└── chap-manager (github)



This repo contains a standard AWS CloudFormation template stack.json which can be deployed with AWS web console, AWS CLI, or any other AWS CloudFormation compatible tool.

This template will create an AWS CloudFormation stack, including following resources:

  • 1 EC2 Instance.

    • Shadowsocks-libev is installed if set EnableSSN=1.
      • v2ray-plugin is installed if set SSV2Ray=1.
    • shadowsocks-manager is installed if set EnableSSM=1.
    • L2TPD is installed if set EnableL2TP=1.

    For the input parameters and the detail of the template, please check the template file stack.json.

  • 1 nested VPC stack.

    For the details check aws-cfn-vpc.

  • 1 nested VPC peer acceptor stack if set EnableVpcPeerAcceptor=1.

    It accepts the VPC peer connection request from another VPC. The VPC peer connection is used to create a private network connection between the manager stack and node stack, to protect the multi-user API from opening to the public internet.

    For the details check aws-cfn-vpc-peer-acceptor.

  • 1 nested VPC peer requester stack if set EnableVpcPeerRequester=1.

    It sends a request to the acceptor to create a VPC peer connection.

    For the details check aws-cfn-vpc-peer-requester.

  • 1 nested Config service stack if set EnableConfigProvider=1.

    It setup Config service, to send the config events to the manager stack so that the EC2 instances and EIP can be registered automatically.

    The following chart shows how it works.

    Manager&Node Stacks Manager Stack
    Config events → S3 bucket → → SNS -> Lambda → SSM REST APIs

    For the details check aws-cfn-config-provider.

  • 1 Lex chat bot if set EnableLexBot=1.

    The chatbot is used to manage the node stacks.

    The following chart shows the deployment topology and the control flow.

    3rd Part Apps Manager Stack Node Stacks
    Facebook, Slack, ... → text → → Lex bot → Lambda → → SNS → Lambda → CloudFormation → EIP

    For the details check aws-cfn-vpn-lexbot.


sample-*.conf are config files used by aws/cfn/vpn/deploy to automate AWS CloudFormation template deployment.

aws/cfn/vpn/deploy can be installed from repo xsh-lib/aws.

Classic Deployment Scenarios

There are 2 classic deployment scenarios:

  1. Deploy a single stack with everything inside, including shadowsocks-manager, Shadowsocks node, and L2TPD. This method is not recommended, the shadowsocks-manager will be unreachable once the node's network goes wrong. There's 1 sample config file for this.

    • sample-00-sb.conf
  2. Deploy at least 2 stacks, one for shadowsocks-manager and L2TPD, one or more for Shadowsocks nodes. Each one needs to be deployed in a different AWS account. That allows you to balance network traffic between AWS accounts. There are 3 sample config files for this.

    • sample-0-sb.conf
    • sample-1-sb.conf
    • sample-2-sb.conf

Domain Name Design

There are 3 DNS hostnames needed for your services:

  1. The domain name pointing to shadowsocks-manager service, such as

  2. The domain name pointing to L2TPD services, such as

  3. The domain name pointing to Shadowsocks nodes, such as, or for v2ray plugin enabled nodes.


The sample deployment is deploying 3 stacks, one for shadowsocks-manager and L2TPD, two for Shadowsocks nodes.

Prepare at local

Several tools are needed in the deployment, below shows how to get them ready.

  1. awscli: Install it from here.

  2. xsh: xsh is a bash library framework.

    $ git clone
    $ bash xsh/
  3. xsh-lib/core and xsh-lib/aws

    $ xsh load xsh-lib/core
    $ xsh load xsh-lib/aws

Note: If you are proceeding without the tools, then you will have to manually edit config files and upload templates and Lambda functions to S3, and handle the parameters for each nested template, which is most people want to avoid.

Prepare AWS Accounts

  1. Sign up AWS accounts if you don't have one.

    You will need more than one account if planning to deploy multi-node stacks.

  2. Create an IAM user and give it admin permissions in each AWS account.

    This can be done with AWS CLI if you already have the access key configured for the account:

    $ aws iam create-user --user-name admin
    $ aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name admin --policy-arn "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess"

    Otherwise, just use the AWS web console.

    NOTE: You must create an AWS IAM user or role to deploy the stacks, you can not use AWS root user or its access key to do the deployment. Because there is IAM assume role inside the template, which assumes an action ec2:AcceptVpcPeeringConnection and AWS restricts it's can't be assumed by the root user.

  3. Create an access key for each IAM user created in the last step.

    This can be done with AWS CLI if you already have the access key configured for the account:

    $ aws iam create-access-key --user-name admin

    Otherwise, just use the AWS web console.

  4. Create a profile for each access key created in the last step.

    Following commands will create three profiles with names: vpn-0, vpn-1, and vpn-2 which will be used in the rest of this document.

    A region is needed to be set in this step.

    $ aws configure --profile=vpn-0
    $ aws configure --profile=vpn-1
    $ aws configure --profile=vpn-2

Get the code

In the same directory:

$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ git clone

Create the manager stack and the node stacks

Simplest Way

The simplest way to create the stacks is to use the high-level wrapper command aws/cfn/vpn/cluster provided by the xsh-lib/aws library.

# Set the environment variables  # replace with your domain
XACVC_XACC_OPTIONS_DomainNameServerEnv='PROVIDER={dns_provider},LEXICON_PROVIDER_NAME={dns_provider},LEXICON_{DNS_PROVIDER}_{OPTION}={value}[,...]'  # replace with your DNS provider and credentials, see `xsh help -s Environment aws/cfn/vpn/config`
# example:
# XACVC_XACC_OPTIONS_SSV2Ray=1  # uncomment this if want to enable v2ray-plugin

# Create the config files and deploy the stacks at once
xsh aws/cfn/vpn/cluster -x 0-2 -c vpn -C aws-cfn-vpn

The options listed above is the best practice for the deployment. It minimizes the manual work and the risk of errors, also provides the best security.

XACVC_XACC_OPTIONS_DomainNameServerEnv defines the DNS provider and API credentials. It's used to create and update the DNS records for the domains of the web console, L2TP, and Shadowsocks nodes. The TLS certificate (for web console) provision process also depends on it to be fully automated.

Project Component DNS Library Usage Purpose Impacted Domain Impacted Feature
shadowsocks-manager => dns-lexicon domain owner verification issuing certificates SSMDomain Nginx HTTPS
shadowsocks-manager domain/ dns-lexicon DNS record management DNS record sync SSMDomain
DNS record sync
shadowsocks-libev-v2ray => dns-lexicon domain owner verification issuing certificates SSMDomain v2ray-plugin

The command takes around 30 minutes to complete. If everything goes smoothly, you will get 1 manager stack with the L2TPD enabled, and 2 Shadowsocks node stacks with traffic balanced by DNS. You will be able to log in to your manager stack web console with the domain name without any additional setting.

3 config files are created in the directory aws-cfn-vpn along with the deployment:

  • vpn-0-sb.conf
  • vpn-1-sb.conf
  • vpn-2-sb.conf

The Way without API Credentials

# Set the environment variables  # replace with your domain

# Create the config files and deploy the stacks at once
xsh aws/cfn/vpn/cluster -x 0-2 -c vpn -C aws-cfn-vpn

If the domain is enabled without API credentials, you need to manually create a DNS record to validate the newly created ACM certificate. Visit AWS ACM service console for the manager stack AWS account, to obtain the DNS record info. Once the ACM certificate is validated successfully, the creation will proceed.

The Way without Domain

# Create the config files and deploy the stacks at once
xsh aws/cfn/vpn/cluster -x 0-2 -c vpn -C aws-cfn-vpn

# See the help document of the command for the details
xsh help aws/cfn/vpn/cluster

If the domain is not enabled at all, the manager stack web console is not HTTPS secured. Therefore, the user and password of web console are sent in plain text. The L2TPD service and the Shadowsocks nodes are not accessible with a domain name, only with the public IP of the EC2 instance.

Verify the manager stack deployment.

Open your browser, visit http://<PUBLIC_IP>/admin, a login screen should show up.

Or visit Note that you must use the HTTPS protocol with using the domain, the HTTP protocol won't work with it.

Log in with the default username and password defined within vpn-0-sb.conf:


Maintain DNS Records

If the DNS service API is enabled, then you can skip the following steps, shadowsocks-manager should have taken care of the DNS records.

If you are not in the case above, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Create a DNS A record, such as, pointing to the public IP address of the EC2 instance of the manager stack.

    Use this domain to access the shadowsocks-manager.

  2. Create a DNS A record, such as, pointing to the public IP address of the EC2 instance of the manager stack.

    Use this domain to access the L2TP service.

  3. Create a DNS A record, such as, pointing to the public IP address of the EC2 Instance of node stack.

    Use this domain to access the Shadowsocks service.

Configure shadowsocks-manager

  1. Log in to the shadowsocks-manager web console at after the DNS records get effective.

  2. Go to Home › Shadowsocks › Shadowsocks Nodes, to check the node list, all node stacks you created should have been registered as nodes automatically.

    Note: The registration relies on the AWS Config, SNS, and Lambda services, it takes up to around 5 minutes to capture and deliver the config changes.

  3. Now you are ready to create Shadowsocks accounts on the web console, or import the previously exported accounts back.

Verify L2TPD services

Use your L2TPD client to connect to the service.

With macOS High Sierra, you can choose the built-in L2TPD client:

Interface: VPN
VPN Type: L2TP over IPSec

The default credential defined within vpn-0-sb.conf is:



v2ray-plugin is optionally supported for the Shadowsocks nodes in Websocket (HTTPS) mode.

The corresponding client settings are:

plugin: v2ray-plugin
plugin_opts: tls;

NOTE: The v2ray-plugin is set on node level, all accounts creating on this node are going to be v2ray enabled.

Customize the Deployment

The deployment can be customized by:

  • setting the environment variables.
  • editing the config files.
  • editing config templates at aws-cfn-vpn/config-templates before to generate config files.
  • using the low-level wrapper command aws/cfn/vpn/config and aws/cfn/vpn/deploy provided by the xsh-lib/aws library.
  • editing the stack template aws-cfn-vpn/stack.json.

See help document of the commands for the details.

xsh list aws/cfn/vpn
xsh help aws/cfn/vpn/config
xsh help aws/cfn/vpn/deploy


  1. How to change the IP address of the EC2 instance of the Manager stack or the Node stack?

    Update the stack with a new value of parameter EipDomain, switch the the value between vpc and an empty string ``, this will change the EIP of the EC2 instance.

    DO NOT operate on the EIP directly, such as allocate a new EIP and associate it, then release the old. This will cause an error in locating the original EIP resource when operating on the stack level.

    For the EC2 instance of the Node stacks, the following methods are recommended:

    • Use the admin web console at Home › Shadowsocks › Shadowsocks Nodes.
    • Use the Lex chatbot.
  2. How to enable the HTTPS(SSL certificate) for the Manager stack?

    HTTPS will be enabled by default if you specify a domain for the template parameter SSMDomain.

    The TLS certificate is issued for the domain SSMDomain with AWS ACM service, the service is free, there's no charge for the certificates.


Setup Development Environment

Re-generate the sample config files

# use subshell
    # Unset the environment variables if they are set, otherwise the command will use the values in the environment.
    unset $(declare -p | grep ^XACVC | awk -F= '{print $1}')
    declare -p | grep ^XACVC

    # Generate the sample config file(s): sample-00-sb.conf
    xsh aws/cfn/vpn/config -x 00 -p vpn-00 -b sample -e sb

    # Generate the sample config file(s): sample-0-sb.conf, sample-1-sb.conf, sample-2-sb.conf
    xsh aws/cfn/vpn/config -x 0-2 -p vpn-{0..2} -b sample -e sb

Create the Lambda Layer Packages

  1. requests

    cd lambdas/layers
    mkdir -p python
    pip install requests -t python
    # find and delete all .pyc files and __pycache__ directories
    find python -name '__pycache__' -type d -exec rm -r {} +
    find python -name '*.pyc' -type f -delete
    zip -r9 python
    rm -rf python
  2. tldextract (no longer required)

    cd lambdas/layers
    mkdir -p python
    pip install tldextract -t python
    # find and delete all .pyc files and __pycache__ directories
    find python -name '__pycache__' -type d -exec rm -r {} +
    find python -name '*.pyc' -type f -delete
    zip -r9 python
    rm -rf python


  • Add a default Shadowsocks user like the default user for L2TPD.


  1. The stack ends up at 'CREATE_FAILED' status.

    Log in to the AWS web console, go to CloudFormation, check the event list of the stack, found the failed events to locate the root reason, check the event list of the nested stack if necessary.

  2. For any problem related to the repos that aws-cfn-vpn depends on, check with the depended repos, here is the quick dial of star gates.

    1. aws-cfn-vpc
    2. aws-cfn-vpc-peer-acceptor
    3. aws-cfn-vpc-peer-requester
    4. aws-cfn-config-provider
    5. aws-cfn-vpn-lexbot
    6. aws-cfn-acm
    7. aws-ec2-shadowsocks-libev
    8. shadowsocks-libev-v2ray
    9. shadowsocks-manager
    10. aws-ec2-ses
    11. aws-ec2-xl2tpd
    12. chap-manager
  3. Failed to delete the manager stack.

    If VPC peer connections exist in the manager stacks, deleting the stacks will fail.


    1. Delete all the node stacks before deleting the manager stack.

    2. Manually delete all existing peer connections belong to that stack first. This can be done with AWS web console, or the CLI:

      $ aws ec2 describe-vpc-peering-connections
      $ aws ec2 delete-vpc-peering-connection --vpc-peering-connection-id <peering-connection-id>
  4. Encountering errors while executing EC2 userdata.

    This might be caused by using the untested AWS AMI. The EC2 userdata is tested only with the following AMIs:

    • Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03.0 (HVM), SSD Volume Type
    • Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type - This AMI is RECOMMENDED for aws-cfn-vpn

    Feel free to open pull requests for the verified compatible AMIs.