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LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation

1) Introduction

For Linux, a Makefile is distributed to automate the process
recompilation. However, the Makefile is provided for illustrative purposes only
and may need to be modified, depending on the Linux distribution used.

The compilation process allows to generate graphics and images
products using Gnuplot and Dia software. It is best that all images
be imported in EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) or
any other vector format picture. Other types of images may be
supported, depending on the version of LaTeX.

2) Folders

   ./dia          Images generated by Dia Diagram Editor.
                   Place the ".dia" file in this directory and it
                   will be compiled as required. The resulting file is
                   the extension ".png". An example is provided.

   ./gnuplot      Gnuplot generated graphics. Place a file with the extension 
		  ".gp"in this directory and the compilation process will generate a 
                   ".png" file. You must specify in the Makefile the 
                   dependencies with data files to ensure
                   recompilation of the graph if data change.
		   An example is provided.

   ./images       Static images. Use as much as possible in a format
                  vector (EPS, SVG, etc). You can use GIMP to
		  convert images.

3) Files

   Makefile                     Dépendancies between files	(DO NOT MODIFY)
   MemoireThese.sty             style sheet			(DO NOT MODIFY)
   polymtl.bst                  BibTeX bibliography style	(DO NOT MODIFY)
   Document.tex                 Main file			(DO NOT MODIFY)

   0-Definitions_Etudiant.tex   Student information
   1-Dedicace.tex               Dedication
   2-Remerciements.tex          Acknowledgements.
   3-Abstract.tex               Summary in English 
   3-Resume_sujet.tex           Summary in French
   4-Sigles_Abrev.tex           symbols and abbreviations
   5-Introduction.tex           Introduction
   6-Revue_litterature.tex      Critical review of the relevant literature
   7-Theme1.tex			First topic (Doctorate) or "Details of the Solution" (Master's)
   7-Theme2.tex			Second topic (Doctorate) or "Theoretical and experimental results" (Maîtrise).
   7-Theme3.tex			Third topic (Doctorate) or delete the file for a master's.
   8-Conclusion.tex             Conclusion
   Document.bib                 Bibliography. See examples.

   etexcmds.sty                 DO NOT MODIFY
   infwarerr.sty                DO NOT MODIFY
   soulutf8.sty                 DO NOT MODIFY
   aeguill.sty			NE PAS MODIFIER

NB In case you are writing a document that includes only two
topics rather than three, simply delete Theme3.tex.

4) LaTeX Document

There are two modes ("draft" and "final") for the LaTeX document. "Draft" mode
generates a DVI file without image, but reserve space in the
text. "Draft" mode also makes it easy to recognize overflows
as a black square is added to the fault line.

    The "final" mode generates the final version of a document. It includes all
images but does not identify lines that cross in the right margin.
You should always read the messages displayed by LaTeX to correct errors.

    When an overflow caused by a word that LaTeX does not recognize,
it is possible to specify how to divide the word. This
situation occurs most often with words that include accents. For
example, if the word "stereophonic" overflows at the end of the line, you could write
"ster \ -reo \ -pho \ -ni \ -that" to tell LaTeX how it can separate the syllables.

4.1) Linux

    The LaTeX document is compiled using the command "make". It is
    recompiled as many times as required to eliminate unresolved dependencies.
    In addition, it supports compiling the bibliography and regenerates all
    files in directories "gnuplot" and "dia".

    "Make help" displays all the options.

    NB According to the Linux distribution used, some software
    may need to be installed manually.

5) Display results in Linux

    To see the results of the compilation, you can use the command
    Xdvi (type "make show"). This allows you to see the changes after a recompile.

6) LaTeX References

The not so short introduction to LaTeX

"The LaTeX Companion". Frank Mittelbach et Michel Goosens. Addison Wesley.

"Guide To LaTeX". Helmut Kopka. Addison Wesley.

"The LaTeX Graphics Companion". Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goosens et al. Addison Wesley.

"LaTeX: A Document Preparation System". Leslie Lamport. Addison Wesley.

Official Web site:


Master thesis fall 2017






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