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Next.js 13.4.13 React 18.2.0 Zustand 4.4.1 Tailwindcss 3.3.3 Typescript 5.1.6

Table of Contents




Project Features

  • Wishlist
  • Cart
  • Product Details
  • Product List
  • Product Filter
  • Product Pagination
  • Product Categories
  • Subscriptions
  • Guest Checkout
  • Guest Payment

Projects Features to be implemented

  • User Authentication
  • User Profile
  • User Orders
  • User Order Details
  • User Order History
  • Product Reviews
  • Product Search

Project Structure

  • app/: The app directory is where you'll find the main route components Next.js 13.0+ uses to build the application. These components are used to render the different pages of your application.

  • components/: This directory contains reusable React components used throughout the application, such as navigation bars, buttons, and form elements.

  • hooks/: This directory contains custom React hooks that can be used throughout the application.

  • lib/: This directory contains utility functions and reusable logic that can be used throughout the application.

  • public/: This directory is used for serving static assets, such as images or fonts, that need to be publicly accessible.

  • styles/: This directory contains global styles and theme configuration for the application.

  • actions/: This directory contains the actions for fething data from the backend.