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Spatial Containers, Pareto Fronts, and Pareto Archives

Two-dimensional front

While most problems need to simultaneously organize objects according to many criteria, associative containers can only index objects in a single dimension. This library provides a number of containers with optimal asymptotic complexity to represent multi-dimensional associative containers.

These containers are useful in many applications such as games, maps, nearest neighbor search, range search, compression algorithms, statistics, mechanics, graphics libraries, database queries, finance, multi-criteria decision making, optimization, machine learning, hyper-parameter tuning, approximation algorithms, networks, routing algorithms, robust optimization, design, and systems control.

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Table of Contents

Quick start

Spatial Containers

This library defines and implements spatial containers, which are an extension of the AssociativeContainer named requirement for multi-dimensional containers:

=== "C++"

```cpp hl_lines="4"
// Unidimensional associative container 
std::map<double, unsigned> m;
// Multidimensional associative container
pareto::spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> n;

=== "Python"

```python hl_lines="4"
# Unidimensional associative container
m = sortedcontainers.SortedDict()
# Multidimensional associative container
n = pareto.spatial_map(3)

Spatial containers allow you to later find its elements with query iterators:

=== "C++"

spatial_map<double, 2, unsigned> m;
m(-2.5, -1.5) = 17;
m(-2.1, -0.5) = 32;
m(-1.6, 0.9) = 36;
m(-0.6, 0.9) = 13;
m(-0.5, 0.8) = 32;
std::cout << "Closest elements to [0, 0]:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.find_nearest({0.,0.}, 2); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cout << "Elements between [-1, -1] and [+1, +1]:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.find_intersection({-1.,-1.}, {+1, +1}); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << ": " << it->second << std::endl;

=== "Python"

m = pareto.spatial_map()
m[-2.5, -1.5] = 17
m[-2.1, -0.5] = 32
m[-1.6, 0.9] = 36
m[-0.6, 0.9] = 13
m[-0.5, 0.8] = 32
print("Closest elements to [0, 0]:")
for [k, v] in m.find_nearest(pareto.point([0.,0.]), 2):
    print(k, ":", v)

print("Elements between [-1, -1] and [+1, +1]:")
for [k, v] in m.find_intersection(pareto.point([-1.,-1.]), pareto.point([+1, +1])):
    print(k, ":", v)


=== "Output"

Closest elements to [0, 0]:
[-0.5, 0.8]: 32
[-0.6, 0.9]: 13
Elements between [-1, -1] and [+1, +1]:
[-0.6, 0.9]: 13
[-0.5, 0.8]: 32

Multi-dimensional associative containers are useful in applications where you need to simultaneously order objects according to a number for criteria, such as in:

  • games
  • maps
  • nearest neighbor search
  • range search
  • compression algorithms
  • statistics
  • mechanics
  • graphics libraries
  • database queries.

Many applications already need to implement such kinds of containers, although in a less generic way.

!!! info "Complexity" Inserting, removing, and finding solutions cost $O(m \log n)$, where $m$ is the number of dimensions and $n$ is the number of elements.

!!! tip "Unidimensional Spatial Containers" When $m=1$, a pareto::spatial_map internally decays into a std::multimap, which is useful for applications where we don't know $m$ beforehand or need to handle many possible values of $m$ without maintaining two different implementations.

!!! info "Runtime dimensions" Some problems are so dynamic that even the number of dimensions changes at runtime. In these applications, you can set the number of compile-time dimensions to 0, and the containers will accept keys with any number of dimensions. This, of course, comes at a cost of an extra dynamic memory allocation per element.

The usual find(k), lower_bound(k), and upper_bound(k) functions of unidimensional maps are not enough for spatial containers. We fix this with query iterators, that explore the spatial data according to a list of predicates. Queries can limit or expand their search region with a conjunction of predicates such as intersections, disjunctions, and nearest points.

!!! tip "Predicate Lists" To make queries more efficient, the pareto::predicate_list object compresses redundant predicates and sorts these predicates by how restrictive they are. All tree nodes store their minimum bounding rectangles, and these underlying data structures are then explored to avoid nodes that might not pass the predicate list. This allows us to find each query element in $O(m \log n)$ time, regardless of how complex the query is.

Front Container

The pareto::front object defines a container for Pareto fronts, which is both an adapter and an extension of the spatial containers to deal with objects representing conflicting alternatives:

=== "C++"

// Three-dimensional Pareto front
pareto::front<double, 3, unsigned> m;

=== "Python"

# Three-dimensional Pareto front
# The dimension will be set when you insert the first element
m = pareto.front()

When inserting a new element in the front, all solutions dominated by the new solution are erased with spatial queries.

=== "C++"

front<double, 2, unsigned> pf;
pf(0., 1.) = 17; // Good at x[0]
pf(1., 0.) = 32; // Good at x[1]
pf(2., 1.) = 36; // Dominated by [1., 0.]
for (const auto &[k, v] : pf) {
    std::cout << k << " -> " << v << std::endl;

=== "Python"

pf = pareto.front()
# Good at x[0]
pf[0., 1.] = 17
# Good at x[1]
pf[1., 0.] = 32
# Dominated by [1., 0.]
pf[2., 1.] = 36
for [k, v] in pf:
    print(k, " -> ", v)

=== "Output"

[0, 1] -> 17
[1, 0] -> 32

Pareto fronts are useful in any application where we need to store the best objects according to a number of criteria, such as:

  • finance
  • multi-criteria decision making
  • optimization
  • machine learning
  • hyper-parameter tuning
  • approximation algorithms
  • P2P networks
  • routing algorithms
  • robust optimization
  • design
  • systems control

!!! tip You can think of fronts as a container for dynamic multidimensional max/min-finding.

!!! example Suppose you want to choose between a number of investment portfolios. By looking at the historical data, you have noticed each portfolio has an average return and some average risk (something like the covariance between the assets). Because there is an exponential number of portfolio candidates, you can instead iteratively update the front with the best portfolios for your criteria and use these portfolios as a reference to test new portfolios. You would then have front like the following:

 ![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front2d_b.svg)

These objectives often go in different directions (e.g., minimize price vs. maximize quality). In these situations, you can specify a direction for each dimension.

=== "C++"

// C++ Three-dimensional Pareto front
pareto::front<double, 2, unsigned> m({min, max});

=== "Python"

# Python Three-dimensional Pareto front
m = pareto.front(['min','max'])

!!! example 2-dimensional front

In more than two dimensions, we usually represent the fronts with parallel coordinates:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front3d.svg)

!!! tip "Plotting Fronts" The header pareto/matplot/front.h includes some snippets to plot these fronts with Matplot++.

Data scientists often use linear lists to represent these fronts, with a cost of $O(mn^2)$ for several operations. This makes it unfeasible to represent the thousands or millions of solutions we usually have in a non-polynomial multidimensional optimization problem due to the curse of dimensionality. With spatial indexes, this cost reduces to only $O(m \log n)$.

!!! tip "Indicators" Because Pareto fronts include solutions that are incomparable by definition, we need metrics to tell us the quality of a front. The front objects implement lots of performance indicators that can give us measures of:

* hypervolume
* convergence
* cardinality
* distribution
* correlation

Archive Container

The pareto::archive container is also both an adapter and an extension of spatial containers to cache objects representing conflicting alternatives:

=== "C++"

// Three-dimensional Pareto archive
pareto::archive<double, 3, unsigned> m;

=== "Python"

# Python Three-dimensional Pareto archive
m = pareto.archive()

They are useful in dynamic applications where the best objects might not be available in the future and we might need a second best. Archives are especially useful in all dynamic applications that use fronts, such as:

  • P2P networks
  • multi-criteria decision making
  • generate-and-test optimization algorithms
  • robust optimization

!!! tip You can think of archives as a multidimensional stack.

!!! example This is what a two-dimensional archive would look like:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/archive2d.svg)

!!! tip "Plotting Archives" The header pareto/matplot/archive.h includes some snippets to plot these archives with Matplot++.

!!! info "Archive Capacity" All archive constructors include an optional parameter to define the maximum number of elements in the archive. If no maximum capacity for the archive is explicitly set, the capacity is set to $\min(50 \times 2^m, 100000)$. The exponential factor $2^m$ in this heuristic is meant to take the curse of dimensionality in consideration.

Data scientists often use linear lists to represent these fronts, with a cost of $O(mn^3)$ p��1 for several operations. With spatial indexes, this cost reduces to just $O(m \log^2 n)$.

You have probably noticed by now that containers for fronts and archives have lots of use cases:

Use case Common keys
Machine Learning Accuracy vs. Complexity vs. Time
Approximation algorithms Error vs. Time
Product design Investment vs. Profit vs. Safety vs. Performance vs. Scope
P2P networks Latency vs. Trust vs. Availability
Robust optimization Average quality vs. Robustness
Design Average quality vs. Standard deviation
Systems control Performance vs. Price vs. Quality
Portfolio optimization Expected return vs. Risk
More... ...


These containers formally follow and extend on the named requirements of the C++ standard library. If you know how to use std::map, you already know how to use 90% any of these containers. You can use m.erase(it), m.insert(v), m.empty(), m.size(), m.begin() , and m.end() like you would with any other associative container.

!!! important "Python Bindings" Although this library is completely implemented in C++17, because data scientists love Python, we also include Python bindings for all these data structures. We further replicate the syntax of the native Python data structures, so that m.erase(k) becomes del m[k], if m.empty() becomes if m:, and m.insert(k,v) becomes m[k] = v. If you're a C++ programmer using Python, the C++ container syntax is still available in Python.

!!! summary "C++ Concepts / Named Requirements" Formally, these containers implement the Container, ReversibleContainer, AllocatorAwareContainer, and AssociativeContainer Concepts / Named Requirements. Their iterators also implement the LegacyBidirectionalIterator concepts and they can use memory allocators that follow the Allocator concept. The extensions are formally defined as the concepts SpatialContainer, FrontContainer, and ArchiveContainer, whose pre- and post- conditions are checked with our unit tests.

All that means they work transparently with other native data structures. We include lots of unit tests, benchmarks, and continuous integration to make sure this compatibility is maintained. This also means they're easy to integrate with other libraries. For instance, the source file examples/matplotpp_example.cpp and the headers in source/pareto/matplot exemplify how to create the plots you are seeing in this documentation with Matplot++.


The problem of storing multidimensional data is simple to explain but not so easy to solve. It might seem like linear lists, even with their $O(n^2)$ pair-wise comparisons, wouldn't fair much worse than these alternative containers. Even large scale multidimensional problems have at least some subproblems with less than a hundred solutions.

One common problem in scientific applications is that most of these containers can only outperform linear lists when storing thousands of objects. This happens mainly because data structures based on trees require one memory allocation per node.

!!! info "Setting the Number of Dimensions" The first strategy we use to mitigate this problem is to allow the number of dimensions to be set at compile-time or runtime. This reduces the number of memory allocations because setting the dimension at runtime require one extra memory allocation per node.

!!! info "Memory Allocation" However, to make these associative containers fully competitive with linear lists in all scenarios, we need memory allocators. To avoid one dynamic allocation per node, pool allocators, like linear lists, pre-allocate fixed-size chucks of memory for tree nodes.

All containers implement the [AllocatorAwareContainer]( concept, that includes constructors that can receive custom allocators. All memory allocations happen through these custom allocators. If no allocator is provided, the build script will try to infer a proper allocator for each data structure.



Embed as header-only

Copy the files from the source directory of this project to your include directory.

If you want to use std::pmr allocators by default, set the macro BUILD_PARETO_WITH_PMR before including the files.

=== "C++"

#include <pareto/front.h>

Each header in pareto represents a data structure.

!!! warning Make sure you have C++17+ installed

Embed as CMake subdirectory

You can use pareto directly in CMake projects as a subproject.

Clone the whole project inside your own project:

git clone

and add the subdirectory to your CMake script:


When creating your executable, link the library to the targets you want:

add_executable(my_target main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE pareto)

Your target will be able to see the pareto headers now.

Embed with CMake FetchContent

FetchContent is a CMake command to automatically download the repository:


        GIT_TAG origin/master # or whatever tag you want

if (NOT pareto_POPULATED)
    add_subdirectory(${pareto_SOURCE_DIR} ${pareto_BINARY_DIR} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL)
endif ()

# ...
target_link_libraries(my_target PRIVATE pareto)

Your target will be able to see the pareto headers now.

Embed with CPM.cmake

CPM.cmake is a nice wrapper around the CMake FetchContent function. Install CPM.cmake and then use this command to add Pareto to your build script:

        NAME Pareto
        GITHUB_REPOSITORY alandefreitas/pareto
        GIT_TAG origin/master # or whatever tag you want
# ...
target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC pareto)

Your target will be able to see the pareto headers now.

Find as CMake package

If you are using CMake and have the library installed on your system, you can then find Pareto with the usual find_package command:

find_package(Pareto REQUIRED)
# ...
target_link_libraries(my_target PUBLIC pareto)

Your target will be able to see the pareto headers now.

!!! warning "find_package on windows" There is no easy default directory for find_package on windows. You have to set it yourself.


Embed as project file

Get the python binary from the release section and put it in your project directory. You can then use the library with:

import pareto

Find as package

If you have installed the library on your system, all you need in your source code is:

import pareto

!!! warning There's no pip install pareto yet. Because this is a compiled library, creating a pip package is a little more complicated. It's still in our to-do list.


Get one of binary packages from the release section. These file names have the following syntax:

  • Python Binary
    • This is only the binary for Python.
    • Copy this file to your site-packages directory or to your project directory.
    • No need to pip install
  • pareto-< version >-< OS >.< package extension >
    • These packages contain the Python bindings and the C++ library.
  • Binary Packages < OS >
    • These files contain all packages for a given OS.

If using one the installers, make sure you install the Python bindings to your site-packages directory (this is the default directory for most packages). You can find your site-packages directory with:

python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib());"

These binaries refer to the last release version. If you need a more recent version of pareto, you can download the binary packages from the CI artifacts or build the library from the source files.

Once the package is installed, you can use the Python library with

import pareto

or link your C++ program to the library and include the directories where you installed pareto.

Unless you changed the default options, the C++ library is likely to be in /usr/local/ (Linux / Mac OS) or C:/Program Files/ (Windows). The installer will try to find the directory where you usually keep your libraries but that's not always perfect.

CMake should be able to locate the ParetoConfig.cmake script automatically if you installed the library under /usr/local/ (Linux / Mac OS).

!!! warning "find_package on windows" There is no easy default directory for find_package on windows. You have to set it yourself.




Update your C++ compiler to at least C++17:

=== "Ubuntu"

# install GCC10
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install gcc-10
sudo apt install g++-10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-10 10
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-10 10
# Choose gcc-10 there as the default compiler
update-alternatives --config g++

=== "Mac OS"

# Download clang
curl --output clang.tar.xz -L
mkdir clang
tar -xvJf clang.tar.xz -C clang
# Copy the files to use/local
cd clang/clang+llvm-11.0.0-x86_64-apple-darwin
sudo cp -R * /usr/local/
# Make it your default compiler
export CXX=/usr/local/bin/clang++

=== "Windows"

Update your [Visual Studio Compiler](


Update your CMake to at least CMake 3.16+. You can check your CMake version with:

cmake --version

If you need to update it, then

=== "Ubuntu + apt"

sudo apt upgrade cmake

=== "Mac OS + Homebrew"

sudo brew upgrade cmake

=== "Website"

Download CMake from []( and install it


Make sure you have Python 3.6.9+ installed:

python3 --version

If you need to update, then

=== "Ubuntu"

Use `apt-get` or download it from

=== "Mac OS"

sudo brew upgrade python3

or download the latest release version from

=== "Windows"

Download Python from []( and install it

If using a Python installer, make sure you add the application directory to your PATH environment variable.


After installing or updating the dependencies, clone the project with

git clone
cd pareto

and then build it with

=== "Ubuntu"

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -version
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
# The next command for installing
sudo cmake --install .
# The next command for building the packages / installers
sudo cpack .

=== "Mac OS"

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -version
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
# The next command for installing
cmake --install .
# The next command for building the packages / installers
cpack .

=== "Windows"

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -version
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
# The next command for installing
cmake --install .
# The next command for building the packages / installers
cpack .

Spatial Containers


Just like you can create a uni-dimensional map with:

=== "C++"

std::multimap<double, unsigned> m1;
// or
std::unordered_map<double, unsigned> m2;

=== "Python"

m1 = sortedcontainers.SortedDict()
# or
m2 = dict()

Spatial containers allow you to create an $m$-dimensional map with something like:

=== "C++"

pareto::spatial_map<double, 2, unsigned> m1;
pareto::spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m2;
pareto::spatial_map<double, 4, unsigned> m3;
pareto::spatial_map<double, 5, unsigned> m4;

=== "Python"

# The dimension will be set when you insert the first point
m1 = pareto.spatial_map()

A spatial_map is currently defined as an alias to an r_tree. If you want to be specific about which data structure to use, you can directly define:

=== "C++"

pareto::r_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m1;
pareto::r_star_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m2;
pareto::kd_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m3;
pareto::quad_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m4;
pareto::implicit_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m5;

=== "Python"

m1 = pareto.r_tree()
m2 = pareto.r_star_tree()
m3 = pareto.kd_tree()
m4 = pareto.quad_tree()
m5 = pareto.implicit_tree()

Here's a summary of what each container is good at:

Container Best Application Optimal
kd_tree Non-uniformly distributed objects Yes
r_tree Non-uniformly distributed objects that might overlap in space Yes
r_star_tree Same as r_tree with more expensive insertion and less expensive queries Yes
quad_tree Uniformly distributed objects No
implicit_tree Benchmarks only No

Although pareto::front and pareto::archive also implement the SpatialContainer concept, they serve a different purpose we discuss in Sections Front Concept and Archive Concept. However, their interface remains unchanged for the most common use cases:

=== "C++"

pareto::front<double, 3, unsigned> pf;
pareto::archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar;

=== "Python"

pf = pareto.front()
ar = pareto.archive()

!!! info "Complexity" * Containers with optimal asymptotic complexity have a $O(m \log n)$ cost to search, insert and remove elements.

* Quadtrees do not have optimal asymptotic complexity because removing elements might require reconstructing subtrees with cost $O(m n \log n)$. 

* The container `implicit_tree` is emulates a tree with a `std::vector`. You can think of it as a multidimensional [`flat_map`]( However, unlike a flat map, sorting the elements in a single dimension does not make operations much unless $m \leq 3$. Its basic operations cost $O(mn)$ and it's mostly used as a reference for our benchmarks.


This table summarizes the public types in all SpatialContainers:

Name Type Notes
value_type std::pair<const pareto::point<K,M>,T> The pair key is const, like in other associative containers
reference value_type&
const_reference value_type const &
iterator Iterator pointing to a value_type A LegacyBidirectionalIterator convertible to const_iterator
const_iterator Iterator pointing to a const value_type Implements LegacyBidirectionalIterator concept
difference_type A signed integer
size_type An unsigned integer
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
key_type pareto::point<K,M> key_type is not const, so you can use it to construct and manipulate new points
mapped_type T
key_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> key_compare defines a lexicographic ordering relation over keys using dimension_compare
value_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> value_compare defines an ordering relation over value_type using key_compare
allocator_type A, or pareto::default_allocator<value_type> by default allocator_type::value_type is the same as value_type
dimension_type K
dimension_compare C, or std::less<K> by default dimension_compare defines an ordering relation over each key_value dimension using C
box_type pareto::query_box<dimension_type, M>
predicate_list_type pareto::predicate_list<dimension_type, M, T>


dimension_type refers to a single dimension in key_type. Although this is usually a number, it might be an object of any other type.

!!! info "Key type" While the container is defined with the uni-dimensional key K, the container expands that into an M-dimensional point of type pareto::point<K,M>. This does not break any named requirement for containers, as types can be different from their template parameters.

!!! info "Iterators to constant keys" The first type in value_type (const pareto::point<K,M>) is const. This is a requirement of associative containers. Otherwise, the user could externally change keys through references and the container nodes would no longer be properly ordered.

!!! info "Bidirectional Iterators" A spatial_map<K,M,T,A>::iterator is a LegacyBidirectionalIterator convertible to a const_iterator (but to the other way around). This means iterators can move forward and backward. However, we can also use queries to explore specific regions of space, so it's still reasonably easy to look for random points and things like that.


The constructors defined by pareto::spatial_map<K,M,T,C,A>::spatial_map (or any other spatial container) instantiate new containers from a variety of data sources and optionally using a user supplied allocator alloc or comparison function object comp.

Container + AllocatorAwareContainer
explicit spatial_map(const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
spatial_map(const spatial_map &rhs)
spatial_map(const spatial_map &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
spatial_map(spatial_map &&rhs) noexcept
spatial_map(spatial_map &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer
explicit spatial_map(const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> spatial_map(InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
spatial_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> spatial_map(InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
spatial_map(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Assignment
spatial_map &operator=(const spatial_map &rhs)
spatial_map &operator=(spatial_map &&rhs) noexcept
AssociativeContainer Assignment
spatial_map &operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> il) noexcept


Parameter Description
alloc allocator to use for all memory allocations of this container
comp comparison function object to use for all comparisons of keys
first, last the range to copy the elements from
rhs another container to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with
il initializer list to initialize the elements of the container with


Type requirements
-InputIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
-Compare must meet the requirements of Compare.
-Allocator must meet the requirements of Allocator.


Method Complexity
Empty constructor $O(1)$
Copy constructor $O(mn)$
Move constructor $O(1)$ if get_allocator() == rhs.get_allocator()
Construct from range, or assignment $O(m n \log n)$


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/spatial_map.h>
#include <pareto/kd_tree.h>
// ...
// Constructing the default spatial map
pareto::spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m;
// Constructing a kd-tree spatial map
pareto::kd_tree<double, 3, unsigned> m;

=== "Python"

import pareto
# ...
# Constructing the default spatial map
m = pareto.spatial_map() 
# // Constructing a kd-tree spatial map
m = pareto.kd_tree() 


allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;

Return value

The associated allocator.


$$ O(1) $$


One of the reasons associative containers perform much worse than sequence containers for small containers is that associative containers, being internally represented as trees, require one memory allocation for each new element. An allocator is an object that defines how memory is allocated for a container. Because tree nodes usually have fixed size, pool allocators for associative containers usually allocate a large block of memory for nodes before new nodes are created. Thus, associative containers can have a performance similar to sequential containers even when the container has few elements.

!!! info "The Allocator Concept" An allocator must implement the Allocator concept, while an allocator aware container must implement the AllocatorAwareContainer concept, which includes constructors accepting allocators as parameters. Internally, a container that is allocator aware should use only the allocator to create new nodes.

Besides the constructors defined in the previous section, spatial containers also define the function allocator_type get_allocator() const; to return the current allocator being used by the container. If two allocators compare equal, that means they use the same memory resources. When two containers do not use the same allocator, the move constructor costs $O(mn)$ instead of $O(1)$.

!!! info "Default Allocator" By default, all containers in this library use a std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator with an internal std::pmr::unsynchronized_pool_resource as their default allocator (see our Benchmarks).

!!! warning "PMR implementations" Because many compilers haven't completely implemented std::pmr yet, the build script will look for std::pmr and fallback to std::allocator if std::pmr is not available yet.

!!! note "Note on previous versions of Pareto" Previous versions of this library included a stateful memory allocator based on pools and slots. Because the C++ requirements for allocators are not kind to simple stateful allocators whose elements have fixed size, our allocator ended up looking more and more like a simpler version of the std::pmr::polymorphic_allocator. Fortunately, these std::pmr is now part of the standard library and our containers are now allocator aware, so you can just use pmr or any other efficient allocator for these containers.


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/spatial_map.h>
// ...
pareto::spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m;
// Get a copy of the container allocator
auto alloc = m.get_allocator();

Element Access

Access and throw exception if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &at(const key_type &k);
const mapped_type &at(const key_type &k) const;
Access and create new element if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &operator[] (const key_type &k);
mapped_type &operator[] (key_type &&k);
template <typename... Targs> mapped_type &operator()(const dimension_type &x1, const Targs &...xs);


  • k - the key of the element to find
  • x1 - the value of the element to find in the first dimension
  • xs - the value of the element to find in other dimensions

Return value

A reference to the element associated with that key.


std::out_of_range if the container does not have an element with the specified key


$$ O(m \log n) $$


While the at function throws an error when the element is not found, operator[] creates a new element with that key if the element is not found. Like other libraries that handle multidimensional data, we use the operator() for element access as a convenience because the operator[] does not allow multiple parameters. We can still use operator[] with a front::key_type though.

!!! note Like std::map, and unlike std::multimap, spatial containers implement the element access operators even though duplicate keys are permitted. The reason std::multimap does not implement these operators is because the operator might be ambiguous when there is more than one element that matches the given key.

By convention we formally remove this ambiguity by always using the first element that matches that key. It's up to the library user to decide if this behaviour is appropriate for their application. If not, the modifier functions should be used instead.


=== "C++"

spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m;
// Set some values
m(-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798) = 17;
m(-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346) = 32;
m(-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953) = 36;
m(-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932) = 13;
m(-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287) = 32;
m(-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137) = 6;
m(-2.31613, -0.219302, 0) = 8;
m(-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653) = 10;
m(-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125) = 39;
m(0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664) = 25;
m(-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513) = 20;
m(-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008) = 11;
m(-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019) = 17;
m(0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665) = 13;
m(-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224) = 11;
m(-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346) = 20;
m(0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614) = 6;
m(0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833) = 30;
m(0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375) = 12;
m(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) = 24;
// Access value
std::cout << "Element access: " << m(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

m = pareto.spatial_map()
# Set some values
m[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] = 17
m[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] = 32
m[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] = 36
m[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] = 13
m[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] = 32
m[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] = 6
m[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] = 8
m[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] = 10
m[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] = 39
m[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] = 25
m[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] = 20
m[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] = 11
m[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] = 17
m[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] = 13
m[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] = 11
m[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] = 20
m[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] = 6
m[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] = 30
m[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] = 12
m[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] = 24
# Access value
print('Element access:', m[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771])

=== "Output"

Element access: 24


Get constant iterators
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
Get iterators
iterator begin() noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
Get reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rend() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rbegin() noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rend() noexcept;
Get constant reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crend() const noexcept;

Return value

  • begin() - Iterator to the first element in the container
  • end() - Iterator to the past-the-end element in the container (see notes)


$$ O(1) $$


At each iteration, these iterators report the next tree element in a depth-first search algorithm. The reverse iterators perform a reversed depth-first search algorithm, where we get the next element at the rightmost element of the left sibling node or return the parent node when there are no more siblings.

!!! info All spatial maps have two kinds of iterators: the usual iterators and query iterators. Query iterators contain a list of predicates and skip all elements that do not match these predicates. The functions in this section describe only the usual iterators.

Query iterators and normal iterators compare equal when they point to the same element, but this doesn't mean their next element is the same element.

!!! info "Python Iterators" The Python interface uses ranges instead of single iterators. The begin and end functions are not directly exposed.

!!! note "Note for C++ Beginners"

The iterators `begin()` point to the first element in the container. The iterators `end()` point to one position after the last element in the container.

![Iterators from C++ reference](

This means that, given an iterator `it` initially equivalent to `begin()`, we can iterate elements `while (it != end()) { ++it; }`. If the `spatial_map` is empty, `begin()` returns an iterator equal to `end()`.

The functions beginning with c return constant iterators. When we dereference a constant iterators with operator*, they only return references to constant values (const value_type&).

The functions beginning with r return reverse iterators. Reverse iterators go from the last to the first element.

!!! example "Example of reverse iterators" Reverse Iterators from C++ reference

The functions beginning with cr return constant reverse iterators.

!!! note "Intermediate C++** Like all other associative containers, non-const iterators return references to std::pair<const key_type, mapped_type> and not std::pair<key_type, mapped_type> like one might think. This is meant to protect the associative relationship between nodes in the container.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

std::cout << "Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (const auto& [point, value]: m) {
    std::cout << point << " -> " << value << std::endl;

std::cout << "Reversed Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.rbegin(); it != m.rend(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [point, value] in m:
    print(point, '->', value)

print('Reversed Iterators')
for [point, value] in reversed(m):
    print(point, '->', value)

=== "Output"

[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
Reversed Iterators:
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32

Capacity and Reference Points

Check size
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type max_size() const noexcept;
Check dimensions
[[nodiscard]] size_t dimensions() const noexcept;
Get max/min values
dimension_type max_value(size_t dimension) const;
dimension_type min_value(size_t dimension) const;


  • dimension - index of the dimension for which we want the minimum or maximum value

Return value

  • empty()- true if and only if container (equivalent but more efficient than begin() == end())
  • size() - The number of elements in the container
  • max_size() - An upper bound on the maximum number of elements the container can hold
  • dimensions() - Number of dimensions in the container (same as M, when M != 0)
  • max_value() - Maximum value in a given dimension
  • min_value() - Minimum value in a given dimension


$$ O(1) $$


Because all container nodes keep their minimum bounding rectangles, we can get these values in constant time.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

if (!m.empty()) {
    std::cout << "Map is not empty" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "Map is empty" << std::endl;
std::cout << m.size() << " elements in the spatial map" << std::endl;
std::cout << m.dimensions() << " dimensions" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m.dimensions(); ++i) {
    std::cout << "Min value in dimension " << i << ": " << m.min_value(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max value in dimension " << i << ": " << m.max_value(i) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

if m:
    print('Map is not empty')
    print('Map is empty')

print(len(m), 'elements in the spatial map')
print(m.dimensions(), 'dimensions')
for i in range(m.dimensions()):
    print('Min value in dimension', i, ': ', m.min_value(i))
    print('Max value in dimension', i, ': ', m.max_value(i))


=== "Output"

Map is not empty
20 elements in the spatial map
3 dimensions
Min value in dimension 0: -2.57664
Max value in dimension 0: 1.49101
Min value in dimension 1: -1.52034
Max value in dimension 1: 3.24052
Min value in dimension 2: -2.92346
Max value in dimension 2: 2.78224


Container + AllocatorAwareContainer
Exchanges the contents of the container with those of rhs
void swap(kd_tree &rhs) noexcept;
Erases all elements from the container
void clear();
Inserts element(s) into the container
iterator insert(const value_type &v);
iterator insert(value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(P &&v);
iterator insert(iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, P &&v);
template <class Inputiterator> void insert(Inputiterator first, Inputiterator last);
void insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> init);
Inserts a new element into the container constructed in-place with the given args
template <class... Args> iterator emplace(Args &&...args);
template <class... Args> iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args &&...args);
Removes specified elements from the container
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
size_type erase(const key_type &k);
Attempts to extract ("splice") each element in source and insert it into *this
void merge(spatial_map &source) noexcept;
void merge(spatial_map &&source) noexcept;


  • rhs - container to exchange the contents with
  • v - element value to insert
  • first, last - range of elements to insert/erase
  • init - initializer list to insert the values from
  • hint - iterator, used as a suggestion as to where to start the search
  • position - iterator pointer to element to erase
  • k - key value of the elements to remove
  • source - container to get elements from

Return value

  • iterator - Iterator to the new element (insert) or following the last removed element (erase)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased


  • insert, emplace, erase: $O(m \log n)$
  • swap: $O(1)$
  • merge: $O(mn)$


The containers cannot take advantage of the hints yet.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

m.insert({{1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771}, 24});
m.erase({1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771});

=== "Python"

m.insert([pareto.point([1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]), 24])
del m[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]

Lookup and Queries

Returns the number of elements matching specific key
size_type count(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> size_type count(const L &p) const
Finds element with specific key
iterator find(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> iterator find(const L &p)
template <class L> const_iterator find(const L &p) const;
Checks if the container contains element with specific key
bool contains(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> bool contains(const L &p) const;
Get iterator to first element that passes the predicates
const_iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) const noexcept;
iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) noexcept;
Find intersection between point and container
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p) const;
Find intersection between container and query box
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find points inside a query box (excluding borders)
iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const
Find points outside a query box
iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find the elements closest to a point
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p) const;
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k) const;
iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k) const;
Find min/max elements
iterator max_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator max_element(size_t dimension) const
iterator min_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator min_element(size_t dimension) const


  • ps - a list of predicates
  • p - a point of type key_value or convertible to key_value
  • lb and ub - lower and upper bounds of the query box
  • k - number of nearest elements

Return value

  • count(): size_type: number of elements with a given key
  • container(): bool: true if and only if the container contains an element with the given key p
  • find_*: iterator and const_iterator - Iterator to the first element that passes the query predicates
    • find returns a normal iterator
    • all other find_* functions return a query iterator (see below)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased


$$ O(m \log n) $$


Query iterators might store a list of predicates that limit iterators to query results. A query iterator skips all elements that do not match its predicates.

There are five types of predicates:

Predicate type Description
intersects return only elements that intersect a given query box.
within return only elements within a given query box. This is the same as intersects but it excludes the borders.
disjoint return only elements that do not intersect a given query box.
nearest return only the $k$ nearest elements to a reference point or query box.
satisfies return only elements that pass a predicate provided by the user.

!!! info "Predicate lists" Query iterators contain an element of type pareto::predicate_list. When a predicate_list is being constructed, it will: 1) compress to predicates to eliminate any redundancy in the search requirements, and 2) sort the predicates by how restrictive they are so that the search for the next element is as efficient as possible.

!!! warning "Comparing Iterators" Although a normal iterator and a query iterator that point to the same element compare equal, this does not mean their operator++ will return the same element. The past-the-end element of all query iterators is also the end() iterator.

!!! warning "Lower and Upper bounds" Because of how spatial container work, we do not guarantee equivalent elements are necessarily stored in sequence. Thus, unlike std::multimap there are no equal_range, lower_bound and upper_bound functions. The same behaviour must be achieved with the find_intersection function.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

for (auto it = m.find_intersection({-10,-10,-10}, {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.find_within({-10,-10,-10}, {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.find_disjoint({-10,-10,-10}, {+0.71, +1.19, +0.98}); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = m.find_nearest({-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}, 2); it != m.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
auto it = m.find_nearest({2.5, 2.5, 2.5});
std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [point, value] in m.find_intersection(pareto.point([-10, -10, -10]), pareto.point([-1.21188, -1.24192, +10])):
    print(point, '->', value)

for [point, value] in m.find_within(pareto.point([-10, -10, -10]), pareto.point([-1.21188, -1.24192, +10])):
    print(point, '->', value)

for [point, value] in m.find_disjoint(pareto.point([+0.2, +0.19, -1]), pareto.point([+0.71, +1.19, +10])):
    print(point, '->', value)

for [point, value] in m.find_nearest(pareto.point([-1.21188, -1.24192, 10]), 2):
    print(point, '->', value)

for [point, value] in m.find_nearest(pareto.point([2.5, 2.5, 10])):
    print(point, '->', value)

=== "Output"

[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25


Returns the function that compares keys
key_compare key_comp() const noexcept;
Returns the function that compares keys in objects of type value_type
value_compare value_comp() const noexcept
Returns the function that compares keys in a single dimension
dimension_compare dimension_comp() const noexcept;

Return value

A callable function that compares dimensions, keys, or values.


$$ O(1) $$


These functions return copies of the container's constructor argument comp, or a wrappers around these copies.

!!! info "Observers" These observers are useful in template functions that might receive spatial containers unknown to the function.

Most applications don't really need these observers. If you created the container, you already know the container compares its keys.  

=== "C++"

auto fn = m.dimension_comp();
if (fn(2.,3.)) {
    std::cout << "2 is less than 3" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "2 is not less than 3" << std::endl;

=== "Output"

2 is less than 3

Relational Operators

These are non-member functions.

Compares the values in the multimap
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator==(const spatial_map<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const spatial_map<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator!=(const spatial_map<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const spatial_map<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);


  • lhs, rhs - spatial_maps whose contents to compare

Return value

true if the internal contents of the spatial_maps are equal, false otherwise.


$$ O(n) $$


!!! warning This operator tells us if the internal trees are equal and not if they contain the same elements. This is because the standard defines that this operation should take $O(n)$ time. Two trees might contain the same elements in different subtrees if their insertion order was different.

If you need to compare if *the elements* of `lhs` and `rhs` are the same, regardless of their internal representation, you have to iterate `lhs` and iteratively call `find` on the second container. This operation takes $O(m n \log n)$ time.

We do not include operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>= for spatial containers because std::lexicographical_compare would be semantically meaningless in a multidimensional context where we need to return a value in $O(n)$ time and, by definition, there is no priority between key dimensions.


=== "C++"

spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m2(m);
if (m == m2) {
    std::cout << "The containers have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (m.size() != m2.size()) {
        std::cout << "The containers do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The containers might not have the same elements" << std::endl;
        // You need a for loop after here to make sure

spatial_map<double, 3, unsigned> m3(m.begin(), m.end());
if (m == m3) {
    std::cout << "The containers have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (m.size() != m3.size()) {
        std::cout << "The containers do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The containers might not have the same elements" << std::endl;
        // You need a for loop after here to make sure

=== "Python"

m2 = pareto.spatial_map(m)
if m == m2:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(m) != len(m2):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

m3 = pareto.spatial_map()
for [k, v] in m:
    m3[k] = v

if m == m3:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(m) != len(m3):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

=== "Output"

The containers have the same elements
The containers might not have the same elements

Front Container

Front Concept

Most lifelike problems involve several conflicting goals. For this reason, the concepts of Pareto fronts and archives have applications that range from economics to engineering. In Game Theory, we have these kinds of outcomes:

Outcome Description
Pareto efficient or Pareto optimal No other outcome can increase the utility in one goal without decreasing the utility of any other goal
Pareto inefficient There is another that can improve at least one goal without harming other goals
Pareto improvement over $p$ Better than the Pareto inefficient outcome $p$
Pareto dominated by $p$ Outcome $p$ can improve at least one goal without harming other goals
Pareto dominated by $p$ Outcome $p$ can improve at least one goal without harming other goals

Although many outcomes can be Pareto optimal, no outcome dominates an outcome that is Pareto optimal. The set of all Pareto optimal outcomes is the Pareto front (also Pareto frontier, or Pareto set).

!!! example "Example: Pareto front" This is a two-dimensional Pareto front. The region in gray is dominated by the front.

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front2d_b.svg)

In this example, we consider lower values of $f(x)$ to be a gain of utility

!!! summary "Formal Definition: Pareto front" The set $P$ of all Pareto optimal outcomes, is defined as

P = \{\; x \;|\; \tilde \exists y\; \exists i\; (f_i(y) < f_i(x)) \;\} = \{\; x \;|\; \tilde \exists y\; (y \prec x)\}

where $f_i(x)$ is the $i$-th goal in our problem

Every game has at least one outcome that is Pareto optimal.

The container pareto::front is an extension and an adapter of spatial containers for Pareto fronts. The container uses query predicates to find and erase any dominated solution whenever a new solution is inserted.


This table summarizes the public types in a pareto::front<K,M,T,C>:

Concept/Type Name Type Notes
value_type container_type::value_type The pair key is const, like in other associative containers
reference value_type&
const_reference value_type const &
iterator Iterator pointing to a value_type A LegacyBidirectionalIterator convertible to const_iterator
const_iterator Iterator pointing to a const value_type Implements LegacyBidirectionalIterator concept
difference_type A signed integer
size_type An unsigned integer
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
key_type pareto::point<K,M> Unlike in value_type, key_type is not const, so you can use it to construct and manipulate new points
mapped_type T
key_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> key_compare defines a lexicographic ordering relation over keys using dimension_compare
value_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> value_compare defines an ordering relation over value_type using key_compare
allocator_type container_type::allocator_type allocator_type::value_type is the same as value_type
dimension_type K
dimension_compare container_type::dimension_compare, or std::less<K> by default dimension_compare defines an ordering relation over each key_value dimension using C
box_type pareto::query_box<dimension_type, M>
predicate_list_type pareto::predicate_list<dimension_type, M, T>
container_type C C needs to follow the SpatialContainer concept


The underlying container C (or front::container_type) used to store the values also needs to be a SpatialContainer. The allocator type and comparison functions are provided by these containers. If no container is provided, the default pareto::spatial_map is used as default.

!!! tip "Concepts" All other requirements of a SpatialContainer also apply here. Even if you only intend to use fronts in your application, we recommend you to read the sections on spatial containers.

!!! note "Container Adapters" The type names and template parameters for the SpatialAdapter concept are inspired by other container adapters, such as std::stack. However, pareto::front is both an adapter and an extension of SpatialContainer. That is, unlike std::stack, its interface expands on top of the underlying container rather than limiting it.


Container + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit front(const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
front(const front &rhs)
front(const front &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
front(front &&rhs) noexcept
front(front &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit front(const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class DirectionIt> front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
front(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class DirectionIt> front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt> front(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
front(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
front(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Assignment
front &operator=(const front &rhs)
front &operator=(front &&rhs) noexcept
AssociativeContainer Assignment
front &operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> il) noexcept


Parameter Description
alloc allocator to use for all memory allocations of this container
comp comparison function object to use for all comparisons of keys
first, last the range to copy the elements from
rhs another container to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with
il initializer list to initialize the elements of the container with
first_dir, last_dir the range to copy the target directions from
il_dir initializer list to initialize the target directions of the container with


Type requirements
-InputIt and DirectionIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
-Compare must meet the requirements of Compare.
-Allocator must meet the requirements of Allocator.


Method Complexity
Empty constructor $O(1)$
Copy constructor $O(mn)$
Move constructor $O(1)$ if get_allocator() == rhs.get_allocator()
Construct from range, or assignment $O(m n \log n)$


All constructors in FrontContainer replicate the constructors for spatial containers with an extra parameter to provide target directions (minimization / maximization). If the dimensions are not supposed to be minimized, we can define one optimization direction for each dimension.

!!! note "Default directions" By default, all directions are minimized. Whenever we insert an element in a front, it erases all elements dominated by the new solution:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front2d_b.svg)

!!! example "Varying directions" If we set all directions to maximization, this is what a 2-dimensional front looks like:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front2d.svg)

And these are the combinations for two-dimensional fronts:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front2d_directions.svg)

In more than two dimensions, we usually represent fronts with parallel coordinates:

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/front3d.svg)

!!! tip "Plotting fronts" The header pareto/matplot/front.h contains an example of a function to plot fronts with Matplot++. The file examples/matplotpp_example.cpp includes an example that uses these plot functions. In Python, you can use Matplotlib like you would with any other linear list of points.


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/front.h>
#include <pareto/kd_tree.h>
// ...
// Constructing the default front
front<double, 3, unsigned> pf({min, max, min});
// Constructing a front based on kd trees
front<double, 3, unsigned, kd_tree<double, 3, unsigned>> pf2({min, max, min});

=== "Python"

import pareto
# ...
# Constructing the default front
pf = pareto.front(['min', 'max', 'min']);
# Constructing a front based on kd trees
pf2 = pareto.kd_front(['min', 'max', 'min']);


allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;

Return value

The associated allocator.


$$ O(1) $$


This function returns the allocator of the underlying container.

!!! info See the section on spatial map allocators for more information.


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/front.h>
// ...
pareto::front<double, 3, unsigned> pf;
// Get a copy of the container allocator
auto alloc = pf.get_allocator();

Element Access

Access and throw exception if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &at(const key_type &k);
const mapped_type &at(const key_type &k) const;
Access and create new element if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &operator[] (const key_type &k);
mapped_type &operator[] (key_type &&k);
template <typename... Targs> mapped_type &operator()(const dimension_type &x1, const Targs &...xs);


  • k - the key of the element to find
  • x1 - the value of the element to find in the first dimension
  • xs - the value of the element to find in other dimensions

Return value

A reference to the element associated with that key.


std::out_of_range if the container does not have an element with the specified key


$$ O(m \log n) $$


Unlike in a pareto::spatial_map, the insert operation for fronts is allowed to fail when the new element is already dominated by the front. In this case, the operator[] will return a reference to a placeholder that is not ultimately inserted in the front.

!!! info See the section on spatial containers / element access for more information.


=== "C++"

front<double, 3, unsigned> pf({min, max, min});
// Set some values
pf(-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798) = 17;
pf(-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346) = 32;
pf(-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953) = 36;
pf(-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932) = 13;
pf(-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287) = 32;
pf(-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137) = 6;
pf(-2.31613, -0.219302, 0) = 8;
pf(-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653) = 10;
pf(-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125) = 39;
pf(0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664) = 25;
pf(-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513) = 20;
pf(-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008) = 11;
pf(-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019) = 17;
pf(0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665) = 13;
pf(-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224) = 11;
pf(-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346) = 20;
pf(0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614) = 6;
pf(0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833) = 30;
pf(0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375) = 12;
pf(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) = 24;

// Access value
if (pf.contains({1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771})) {
    std::cout << "Element access: " << pf(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "{1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771} was dominated" << std::endl;

=== "Python"

pf = pareto.front()
# Set some values
pf[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] = 17
pf[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] = 32
pf[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] = 36
pf[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] = 13
pf[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] = 32
pf[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] = 6
pf[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] = 8
pf[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] = 10
pf[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] = 39
pf[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] = 25
pf[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] = 20
pf[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] = 11
pf[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] = 17
pf[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] = 13
pf[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] = 11
pf[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] = 20
pf[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] = 6
pf[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] = 30
pf[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] = 12
pf[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] = 24

# Access value
if [1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] in pf:
    print('Element access:', pf[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771])
    print("[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] was dominated")


=== "Output"

Element access: 24


Get constant iterators
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
Get iterators
iterator begin() noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
Get reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rend() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rbegin() noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rend() noexcept;
Get constant reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crend() const noexcept;

Return value

  • begin() - Iterator to the first element in the container
  • end() - Iterator to the past-the-end element in the container (see notes)


$$ O(1) $$


All requirements of a SpatialContainer also apply here.

!!! info See the section on spatial containers / iterators for more information.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

std::cout << "Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (const auto& [point, value]: pf) {
    std::cout << point << " -> " << value << std::endl;

std::cout << "Reversed Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = pf.rbegin(); it != pf.rend(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [point, value] in m:
    print(point, '->', value)

print('Reversed Iterators')
for [point, value] in reversed(m):
    print(point, '->', value)

=== "Output"

[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
Reversed Iterators:
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32

Capacity and Reference Points

Check size
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type max_size() const noexcept;
Check dimensions
[[nodiscard]] size_type dimensions() const noexcept;
Get max/min values
dimension_type max_value(size_type dimension) const;
dimension_type min_value(size_type dimension) const;
Reference points
key_type ideal() const;
dimension_type ideal(size_type dimension) const;
key_type nadir() const;
dimension_type nadir(size_type dimension) const;
key_type worst() const;
dimension_type worst(size_type dimension) const;
Target directions
[[nodiscard]] bool is_minimization() const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_maximization() const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_minimization(size_t dimension) const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_maximization(size_t dimension) const noexcept


  • dimension - index of the dimension for which we want the minimum or maximum value

Return value

  • empty()- true if and only if container (equivalent but more efficient than begin() == end())
  • size() - The number of elements in the container
  • max_size() - An upper bound on the maximum number of elements the container can hold
  • dimensions() - Number of dimensions in the container (same as M, when M != 0)
  • max_value(d) - Maximum value in a given dimension d
  • min_value(d) - Minimum value in a given dimension d
  • ideal() - Key with best value possible in each dimension
  • ideal(d) - Best value possible in a given dimension d
  • nadir() - Key with worst value possible in each dimension
  • nadir(d) - Worst value possible in a given dimension d
  • worst() - Key with worst value possible in each dimension
  • worst(d) - Worst value possible in a given dimension d
  • is_minimization(), is_maximization(): true if and only if all directions are minimization / maximization
  • is_minimization(i), is_maximization(i): true if and only if dimension i is minimization / maximization


$$ O(1) $$


Because all container nodes keep their minimum bounding rectangles, we can find these values in constant time. These reference points are important components of other queries and indicators for fronts, so it's useful to obtain these values in constant time.

!!! info "The nadir point" Although nadir and worst return the same values for fronts, they are semantically different and, do not return the same values for archives. The nadir point refers to the worst objective values over the efficient set of values in a multiobjective optimization problem, while the worst point simply refers to the worst values in a container.

The nadir point approximation is usually obtained by iteratively optimizing a problem as $m$ uni-dimensional problems. The best estimate of the nadir point happens to be the worst point here because the front container doesn't have enough information about the underlying problem. This, however, is not the case for the archive container, which is the reason why we keep this distinction here.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

if (pf.empty()) {
    std::cout << "Front is empty" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "Front is not empty" << std::endl;
std::cout << pf.size() << " elements in the front" << std::endl;
std::cout << pf.dimensions() << " dimensions" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pf.dimensions(); ++i) {
    if (pf.is_minimization(i)) {
        std::cout << "Dimension " << i << " is minimization" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Dimension " << i << " is maximization" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Best value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.ideal(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Min value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.min_value(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.max_value(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Best value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.ideal(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Nadir value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.nadir(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Worst value in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.worst(i) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ideal point: " << pf.ideal() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Nadir point: " << pf.nadir() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Worst point: " << pf.worst() << std::endl;

=== "Python"

if pf:
    print('Front is not empty')
    print('Front is empty')

print(len(pf), 'elements in the front')
print(pf.dimensions(), 'dimensions')
for i in range(pf.dimensions()):
    if pf.is_minimization(i):
        print('Dimension', i, ' is minimization')
        print('Dimension', i, ' is maximization')
    print('Best value in dimension', i, ':', pf.ideal(i))
    print('Min value in dimension', i, ':', pf.min_value(i))
    print('Max value in dimension', i, ':', pf.max_value(i))
    print('Best value in dimension', i, ':', pf.ideal(i))
    print('Nadir value in dimension', i, ':', pf.nadir(i))
    print('Worst value in dimension', i, ':', pf.worst(i))

print('Ideal point:', pf.ideal())
print('Nadir point:', pf.nadir())
print('Worst point:', pf.worst())


=== "Output"

Front is not empty
20 elements in the front
3 dimensions
Dimension 0 is minimization
Best value in dimension 0: -2.57664
Min value in dimension 0: -2.57664
Max value in dimension 0: 1.49101
Best value in dimension 0: -2.57664
Nadir value in dimension 0: 1.49101
Worst value in dimension 0: 1.49101
Dimension 1 is maximization
Best value in dimension 1: 3.24052
Min value in dimension 1: -1.52034
Max value in dimension 1: 3.24052
Best value in dimension 1: 3.24052
Nadir value in dimension 1: -1.52034
Worst value in dimension 1: -1.52034
Dimension 2 is minimization
Best value in dimension 2: -2.92346
Min value in dimension 2: -2.92346
Max value in dimension 2: 2.78224
Best value in dimension 2: -2.92346
Nadir value in dimension 2: 2.78224
Worst value in dimension 2: 2.78224
Ideal point: [-2.57664, 3.24052, -2.92346]
Nadir point: [1.49101, -1.52034, 2.78224]
Worst point: [1.49101, -1.52034, 2.78224]

Dominance Relationships

Front-Point Dominance
bool dominates(const key_type &p)
bool strongly_dominates(const key_type &p) const
bool is_partially_dominated_by(const key_type &p) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const key_type &p) const
bool non_dominates(const key_type &p) const
Front-Front Dominance
bool dominates(const front &P) const
bool strongly_dominates(const front &P) const
bool is_partially_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool non_dominates(const front &P) const


  • p - point we are checking for dominance
  • P - front we are checking for dominance

Return value

  • bool- true if and only if the point p or front P is dominated, is strongly dominated, partially dominates, completely dominates, or non-dominates *this


  • is_completely_dominated_by: $O(1)$ for points and $O(n)$ for fronts
  • All others: $O(m \log n)$ for points and $O(m n \log n)$ for fronts


A solution $x_1$ (weakly) dominates $x_2$ (denoted $x_1 \prec x_2$) if $x_1$ is 1) better than $x_2$ in at least one dimension and 2) not worse than $x_2$ in any dimension:

!!! example "Point-point dominance" Point/point dominance

The `pareto::point` object contains function to check dominance between points without depending on the front. 

We can also check for dominance between fronts and points (denoted $p \prec P$ or $P \prec p$). This is a fundamental component of the insertion and removal algorithms.

!!! example "Front-point dominance" Front/point dominance

!!! warning "Non-dominance" Saying $p$ non-dominates $P$ is different from saying $p$ does not dominate $P$. The first means $p$ and $P$ are incomparable, the second means $p$ and $P$ are either incomparable or $p$ dominates $P$.

At last, we can check dominance relationships between fronts. The dominance relationships between front $P_1$ and front $P_2$ (denoted $P_1 \prec P_2$) is defined when all points in $P_1$ are dominated by some point in $P_2$. This establishes an order relationship which is a chief component of the archive data structure.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

// Point-point dominance
using point_type = front<double, 3, unsigned>::key_type;
point_type p1({0, 0, 0});
point_type p2({1, 1, 1});
std::vector<bool> is_minimization = {true, false, true};
std::cout << (p1.dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 dominates p2" : "p1 does not dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (p1.strongly_dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 strongly dominates p2" : "p1 does not strongly dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (p1.non_dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 non-dominates p2" : "p1 does not non-dominate p2") << std::endl;

// Front-point dominance
std::cout << (pf.dominates(p2) ? "pf dominates p2" : "pf does not dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.strongly_dominates(p2) ? "pf strongly dominates p2" : "pf does not strongly dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.non_dominates(p2) ? "pf non-dominates p2" : "pf does not non-dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.is_partially_dominated_by(p2) ? "pf is partially dominated by p2" : "pf is not is partially dominated by p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.is_completely_dominated_by(p2) ? "pf is completely dominated by p2" : "pf is not is completely dominated by p2") << std::endl;

// Front-front dominance
front<double, 3, unsigned> pf2({min, max, min});
for (const auto& [p,v]: pf) {
    pf2[point_type({p[0] - 1, p[1] + 1, p[2] - 1})] = v;
std::cout << (pf.dominates(pf2) ? "pf dominates pf2" : "pf does not dominate pf2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.strongly_dominates(pf2) ? "pf strongly dominates pf2" : "pf does not strongly dominate pf2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.non_dominates(pf2) ? "pf non-dominates pf2" : "pf does not non-dominate pf2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.is_partially_dominated_by(pf2) ? "pf is partially dominated by pf2" : "pf is not is partially dominated by pf2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (pf.is_completely_dominated_by(pf2) ? "pf is completely dominated by pf2" : "pf is not is completely dominated by pf2") << std::endl;

=== "Python"

# Point-point dominance
p1 = pareto.point([0, 0, 0])
p2 = pareto.point([1, 1, 1])
is_minimization = [True, False, True]
print('p1 dominates p2' if p1.dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not dominate p2')
print('p1 strongly dominates p2' if p1.strongly_dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not strongly dominate p2')
print('p1 non-dominates p2' if p1.non_dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not non-dominate p2')

# Front-point dominance
print('pf dominates p2' if pf.dominates(p2) else 'pf does not dominate p2')
print('pf strongly dominates p2' if pf.strongly_dominates(p2) else 'pf does not strongly dominate p2')
print('pf non-dominates p2' if pf.non_dominates(p2) else 'pf does not non-dominate p2')
print('pf is partially dominated by p2' if pf.is_partially_dominated_by(p2) else 'pf is not is partially dominated by p2')
print('pf is completely dominated by p2' if pf.is_completely_dominated_by(p2) else 'pf is not is completely dominated by p2')

# Front-front dominance
pf2 = pareto.front(['min', 'max', 'min'])
for [p, v] in pf:
    pf2[pareto.point([p[0] - 1, p[1] + 1, p[2] - 1])] = v

print('pf dominates pf2' if pf.dominates(pf2) else 'pf does not dominate pf2')
print('pf strongly dominates pf2' if pf.strongly_dominates(pf2) else 'pf does not strongly dominate pf2')
print('pf non-dominates pf2' if pf.non_dominates(pf2) else 'pf does not non-dominate pf2')
print('pf is partially dominated by pf2' if pf.is_partially_dominated_by(pf2) else 'pf is not is partially dominated by pf2')
print('pf is completely dominated by pf2' if pf.is_completely_dominated_by(pf2) else 'pf is not is completely dominated by pf2')

=== "Output"

p1 does not dominate p2
p1 does not strongly dominate p2
p1 non-dominates p2
pf dominates p2
pf strongly dominates p2
pf does not non-dominate p2
pf is not is partially dominated by p2
pf is not is completely dominated by p2
pf does not dominate pf2
pf does not strongly dominate pf2
pf does not non-dominate pf2
pf is partially dominated by pf2
pf is completely dominated by pf2



Exact Hypervolume
dimension_type hypervolume() const
dimension_type hypervolume(key_type reference_point) const
Monte-Carlo Hypervolume
dimension_type hypervolume(size_t sample_size) const
dimension_type hypervolume(size_t sample_size, const key_type &reference_point) const


  • reference_point - point used as reference for the hypervolume calculation. When not provided, it defaults to the nadir() point.
  • sample_size - number of samples for the hypervolume estimate

Return value

  • Hypervolume indicator


  • Exact hypervolume: $O(n^{m-2} \log n)$
  • Monte-Carlo hypervolume approximation: $O(s m \log n)$, where $s$ is the number of samples


Because the solutions in a front are incomparable, we need performance indicators to infer the quality of a front. Indicators can measure several front attributes, such as cardinality, convergence, distribution, and spread. Correlation indicators can also estimate the relationship between objectives in a set.

The most popular indicator of a front quality is its hypervolume, as it measures both convergence and distribution quality. The front hypervolume refers to the total hypervolume dominated by the front.

!!! info "Hypervolume Approximation" When $m$ is large, the exact hypervolume calculation becomes impractical. Our benchmarks provide a reference on the impact of these approximations.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

std::cout << "Exact hypervolume: " << pf.hypervolume(pf.nadir()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples): " << pf.hypervolume(10000, pf.nadir()) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

print('Exact hypervolume:', pf.hypervolume(pf.nadir()))
print('Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples):', pf.hypervolume(10000, pf.nadir()))

=== "Output"

Exact hypervolume: 55.4029
Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples): 54.4734


double coverage(const front &rhs) const
double coverage_ratio(const front &rhs) const


  • rhs - front being compared

Return value

  • C-metric indicator


$$ O(m n \log n) $$


Cardinality indicators compare two fronts and indicate how many points in one front are non-dominated by points in the other front. The coverage ratio compares which front dominates more points in the other with lhs.coverage(rhs) / rhs.coverage(lhs).


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

std::cout << "C-metric: " << pf.coverage(pf2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Coverage ratio: " << pf.coverage_ratio(pf2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "C-metric: " << pf2.coverage(pf) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Coverage ratio: " << pf2.coverage_ratio(pf) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

print('C-metric:', pf.coverage(pf2))
print('Coverage ratio:', pf.coverage_ratio(pf2))
print('C-metric:', pf2.coverage(pf))
print('Coverage ratio:', pf2.coverage_ratio(pf))

=== "Output"

C-metric: 0
Coverage ratio: 0
C-metric: 1
Coverage ratio: inf


Convergence Indicators
double gd(const front &reference) const
double igd(const front &reference) const
double igd_plus(const front &reference) const
double hausdorff(const front &reference) const
Standard deviation of Convergence Indicators
double std_gd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd_plus(const front &reference) const


  • reference - Target front. An estimate of the best front possible for the problem.

Return value

  • How far the current front is from the reference front


$$ O(m n \log n) $$


Convergence indicators measure the distance from a front approximation to the exact Pareto front, or at least a better approximation of the exact front.


=== "C++"

front<double, 3, unsigned> pf_star({min, max, min});
for (const auto &[p,v] : pf) {
    pf_star(p[0] - 1.0, p[1] + 1.0, p[2] - 1.0) = v;
std::cout << "GD: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDGD: " << pf.std_gd(pf_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "IGD: " << pf.igd(pf_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDGD: " << pf.std_igd(pf_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hausdorff: " << pf.hausdorff(pf_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "IGD+: " << pf.igd_plus(pf_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDIGD+: " << pf.std_igd_plus(pf_star) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

pf_star = pareto.front(['min', 'max', 'min'])
for [p, v] in pf:
    pf_star[p[0] - 1.0, p[1] + 1.0, p[2] - 1.0] = v

print('STDGD:', pf.std_gd(pf_star))
print('IGD:', pf.igd(pf_star))
print('STDGD:', pf.std_igd(pf_star))
print('Hausdorff:', pf.hausdorff(pf_star))
print('IGD+:', pf.igd_plus(pf_star))
print('STDIGD+:', pf.std_igd_plus(pf_star))

=== "Output"

GD: 1.54786
STDGD: 0.0465649
IGD: 1.52137
STDGD: 0.0472864
Hausdorff: 1.54786
IGD+: 1.48592
STDIGD+: 0.0522492


Front Distribution
[[nodiscard]] double uniformity() const
[[nodiscard]] double average_distance() const
[[nodiscard]] double average_nearest_distance(size_t k = 5) const
[[nodiscard]] double average_crowding_distance() const
Point Distribution
double crowding_distance(const_iterator element, key_type worst_point, key_type ideal_point) const
double crowding_distance(const_iterator element) const
double crowding_distance(const key_type &point) const


  • k - number of nearest elements to consider
  • element - element for which we want the crowding distance (see below)
  • key_type - point for which we want the crowding distance (see below)
  • worst_point, ideal_point - reference extreme points for the crowding distance

Return value

  • uniformity: minimal distance between two points in the front
  • average_distance: average distance between points in the front
  • average_nearest_distance: average distance between points and their nearest points
  • average_crowding_distance: average crowding distance (see below) between points in the front
  • crowding_distance: the crowding distance of a single element


  • uniformity: $O(m n \log n)$
  • average_distance: $O(m n^2)$
  • average_nearest_distance: $O(k m n \log n)$
  • average_crowding_distance: $O(m n \log n)$
  • crowding_distance: $O(m \log n)$


Distribution indicators measure how uniformly the points are distributed on the front. This is useful for a better approximation of the target front.

!!! info "The Crowding Distance" The crowding distance indicator replaces the usual euclidean distance between points ($\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^m (p_i - q_i)^2}$) with the coordinate distance between the nearest points in each dimension ($\sum_{i=1}^m | p_i - nearest_{1}(p_i, m) | + | p_i - nearest_2(p_i, m)|$).


=== "C++"

std::cout << "Uniformity: " << pf.uniformity() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average distance: " << pf.average_distance() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average nearest distance: " << pf.average_nearest_distance(5) << std::endl;
auto near_origin = pf.find_nearest({0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
std::cout << "Crowding distance: " << pf.crowding_distance(near_origin) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average crowding distance: " << pf.average_crowding_distance() << std::endl;

=== "Python"

print("Uniformity:", pf.uniformity())
print("Average distance:", pf.average_distance())
print("Average nearest distance:", pf.average_nearest_distance(5))
near_origin = next(pf.find_nearest(pareto.point([0.0, 0.0])))
print("Crowding distance:", pf.crowding_distance(near_origin[0]))
print("Average crowding distance:", pf.average_crowding_distance())

=== "Output"

Uniformity: 0.355785
Average distance: 2.75683
Average nearest distance: 1.45177
Crowding distance: 3.04714
Average crowding distance: 4.04349


Conflict / Harmony
dimension_type direct_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double maxmin_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
Normalized Conflict / Harmony
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_direct_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_maxmin_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const


  • a, b - dimension indices

Return value

  • The direct, max-min, or non-parametric conflict between two objectives.
  • The normalized indicators divide the results by the maximum value possible for that correlation indicator.


  • Direct: $O(n)$
  • Max-min: $O(n)$
  • Non-parametric: $O(n \log n)$


Correlation indicators can measure the relationship between objectives in a front. The more conflict between a pair of objectives, the more important it is to focus on these objectives. Objectives with little conflict are good candidates to be latter aggregated into a simpler objective function.


=== "C++"

std::cout << "Direct conflict(0,1): " << pf.direct_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized direct conflict(0,1): " << pf.normalized_direct_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maxmin conflict(0,1): " << pf.maxmin_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1): " << pf.normalized_maxmin_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-parametric conflict(0,1): " << pf.conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized conflict(0,1): " << pf.normalized_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;

std::cout << "Direct conflict(1,2): " << pf.direct_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized direct conflict(1,2): " << pf.normalized_direct_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maxmin conflict(1,2): " << pf.maxmin_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2): " << pf.normalized_maxmin_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-parametric conflict(1,2): " << pf.conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized conflict(1,2): " << pf.normalized_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

print('Direct conflict(0,1):', pf.direct_conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized direct conflict(0,1):', pf.normalized_direct_conflict(0, 1))
print('Maxmin conflict(0,1):', pf.maxmin_conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1):', pf.normalized_maxmin_conflict(0, 1))
print('Non-parametric conflict(0,1):', pf.conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized conflict(0,1):', pf.normalized_conflict(0, 1))

print('Direct conflict(1,2):', pf.direct_conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized direct conflict(1,2):', pf.normalized_direct_conflict(1, 2))
print('Maxmin conflict(1,2):', pf.maxmin_conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2):', pf.normalized_maxmin_conflict(1, 2))
print('Non-parametric conflict(1,2):', pf.conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized conflict(1,2):', pf.normalized_conflict(1, 2))

=== "Output"

Direct conflict(0,1): 34.3539
Normalized direct conflict(0,1): 0.360795
Maxmin conflict(0,1): 7.77615
Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1): 0.388808
Non-parametric conflict(0,1): 184
Normalized conflict(0,1): 0.92
Direct conflict(1,2): 32.0107
Normalized direct conflict(1,2): 0.280515
Maxmin conflict(1,2): 5.85805
Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2): 0.292903
Non-parametric conflict(1,2): 146
Normalized conflict(1,2): 0.73


Container + AllocatorAwareContainer
Exchanges the contents of the container with those of rhs
void swap(kd_tree &rhs) noexcept;
Erases all elements from the container
void clear();
Inserts element(s) into the container
iterator insert(const value_type &v);
iterator insert(value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(P &&v);
iterator insert(iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, P &&v);
template <class Inputiterator> void insert(Inputiterator first, Inputiterator last);
void insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> init);
Inserts a new element into the container constructed in-place with the given args
template <class... Args> iterator emplace(Args &&...args);
template <class... Args> iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args &&...args);
Removes specified elements from the container
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
size_type erase(const key_type &k);
Attempts to extract ("splice") each element in source and insert it into *this
void merge(front &source) noexcept;
void merge(front &&source) noexcept;


  • rhs - container to exchange the contents with
  • v - element value to insert
  • first, last - range of elements to insert/erase
  • init - initializer list to insert the values from
  • hint - iterator, used as a suggestion as to where to start the search
  • position - iterator pointer to element to erase
  • k - key value of the elements to remove
  • source - container to get elements from

Return value

  • iterator - Iterator to the new element (insert) or following the last removed element (erase)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased


  • insert, emplace, erase: $O(m \log n)$
  • swap: $O(1)$
  • merge: $O(mn)$


The insertion operator will already remove any points that are dominated by the new point so that the front invariants are never broken. For this reason, unlike in a spatial container, the insertion operator might fail in fronts. This insert function returns an iterator to the new element and a boolean indicating if an element has been inserted.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

pf.insert({{1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771}, 24});
pf.erase({1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771});

=== "Python"

pf.insert([pareto.point([1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]), 24])
del pf[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]

Lookup and Queries

Returns the number of elements matching specific key
size_type count(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> size_type count(const L &p) const
Finds element with specific key
iterator find(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> iterator find(const L &p)
template <class L> const_iterator find(const L &p) const;
Checks if the container contains element with specific key
bool contains(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> bool contains(const L &p) const;
Get iterator to first element that passes the predicates
const_iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) const noexcept;
iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) noexcept;
Find intersection between point and container
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p) const;
Find intersection between container and query box
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find points inside a query box (excluding borders)
iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const
Find points outside a query box
iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find the elements closest to a point
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p) const;
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k) const;
iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k) const;
Find min/max elements
iterator max_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator max_element(size_t dimension) const
iterator min_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator min_element(size_t dimension) const
Find sets of dominated elements
const_iterator find_dominated(const key_type &p) const
iterator find_dominated(const key_type &p)
Find nearest point excluding $p$
const_iterator find_nearest_exclusive(const key_type &p) const
iterator find_nearest_exclusive(const key_type &p)
Find extreme elements
const_iterator ideal_element(size_t d) const
iterator ideal_element(size_t d)
const_iterator nadir_element(size_t d) const
iterator nadir_element(size_t d)
const_iterator worst_element(size_t d) const
iterator worst_element(size_t d)


  • ps - a list of predicates
  • p - a point of type key_value or convertible to key_value
  • lb and ub - lower and upper bounds of the query box
  • k - number of nearest elements

Return value

  • count(): size_type: number of elements with a given key
  • container(): bool: true if and only if the container contains an element with the given key p
  • find_*: iterator and const_iterator - Iterator to the first element that passes the query predicates
    • find returns a normal iterator
    • all other find_* functions return a query iterator (see below)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased


$$ O(m \log n) $$


The front concept contains two extra functions for queries:

  • find_dominated find all points in a front dominated by p
  • find_nearest_exclusive finds the point closest to p, excluding p itself from the query

!!! info All other definitions and requirements of a SpatialContainer also apply here.

It also contains functions to find the best and worst elements in a given dimension.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

for (auto it = pf.find_intersection(pf.ideal(), {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != pf.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = pf.find_within(pf.ideal(), {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != pf.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = pf.find_disjoint(pf.worst(), {+0.71, +1.19, +0.98}); it != pf.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = pf.find_nearest({-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}, 2); it != pf.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
auto it_near = pf.find_nearest({2.5, 2.5, 2.5});
std::cout << it_near->first << " -> " << it_near->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = pf.find_dominated({-10, +10, -10}); it != pf.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pf.dimensions(); ++i) {
    std::cout << "Ideal element in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.ideal_element(i)->first << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Nadir element in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.nadir_element(i)->first << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Worst element in dimension " << i << ": " << pf.worst_element(i)->first << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [k, v] in pf.find_intersection(pf.ideal(), pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in pf.find_within(pf.ideal(), pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in pf.find_disjoint(pf.worst(), pareto.point([+0.71, +1.19, +0.98])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in pf.find_nearest(pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]), 2):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in pf.find_nearest(pareto.point([2.5, 2.5, 2.5])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in pf.find_dominated(pareto.point([-10, +10, -10])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for i in range(pf.dimensions()):
    print('Ideal element in dimension', i, ': ', pf.ideal_element(i)[0])
    print('Nadir element in dimension', i, ': ', pf.nadir_element(i)[0])
    print('Worst element in dimension', i, ': ', pf.worst_element(i)[0])

=== "Output"

[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
Ideal element in dimension 0: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Nadir element in dimension 0: [0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375]
Worst element in dimension 0: [0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375]
Ideal element in dimension 1: [0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614]
Nadir element in dimension 1: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Worst element in dimension 1: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Ideal element in dimension 2: [-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346]
Nadir element in dimension 2: [-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]
Worst element in dimension 2: [-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]


Returns the function that compares keys
key_compare key_comp() const noexcept;
Returns the function that compares keys in objects of type value_type
value_compare value_comp() const noexcept
Returns the function that compares keys in a single dimension
dimension_compare dimension_comp() const noexcept;

Return value

A callable function that compares dimensions, keys, or values.


$$ O(1) $$


These functions return copies of the container's constructor argument comp, or a wrappers around these copies.


=== "C++"

auto fn = pf.dimension_comp();
if (fn(2.,3.)) {
    std::cout << "2 is less than 3" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "2 is not less than 3" << std::endl;

=== "Output"

2 is less than 3

Relational Operators

These are non-member functions.

Compares the values in the multimap
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator==(const front<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator!=(const front<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);
Front-Front Comparison
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs);
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
Front-Point Comparison
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const front<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const typename front<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const front<K, M, T, C> &rhs)


  • lhs, rhs - fronts or key_types whose contents to compare

Return value

  • operator==, operator!=: true if the internal contents of the fronts are equal, false otherwise.
  • operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>=: true if front lhs (or a front containing only lhs as a point) dominates rhs


  • operator==, operator!=: $O(mn)$
  • operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>=: $O(m n \log n)$ for fronts and $O(m \log n)$ for points

$$ O(1) $$


In addition to the equality and inequality operators defined for spatial containers, the front contains includes relational operators.

In the context of fronts, operator< return true if the front lhs dominates the front rhs. When one of these parameters is a point, we treat this point as if it were front with a single point.

!!! info Although these operators could be defined in other ways, the operators operator<, operator>, operator<=, operator>= as defined here are are later useful for pareto::archive containers, which need to sort fronts by their dominance relationships.


=== "C++"

front<double, 3, unsigned> pf3(pf);
if (pf == pf3) {
    std::cout << "The fronts have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (pf.size() != pf3.size()) {
        std::cout << "The fronts do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The fronts might not have the same elements"
                  << std::endl;

front<double, 3, unsigned> pf4(pf.begin(), pf.end());
if (pf == pf4) {
    std::cout << "The fronts have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (pf.size() != pf4.size()) {
        std::cout << "The fronts do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The fronts might not have the same elements"
                  << std::endl;

if (pf_star < pf) {
    std::cout << "pf* dominates pf" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "pf* does not dominate pf" << std::endl;

=== "Python"

pf3 = pareto.front(pf)
if pf == pf3:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(pf) != len(pf3):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

pf4 = pareto.front()
for [k, v] in pf:
    pf4[k] = v

if pf == pf4:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(pf) != len(pf4):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

if pf_star < pf:
    print('pf* dominates pf')
    print('pf* does not dominate pf')


=== "Output"

The fronts have the same elements
The fronts do not have the same elements
pf* dominates pf

Archive Container

Archive Concept

It's often useful to cache elements even if they are not in the Pareto front. For instance, in dynamic applications, we might need a replacement for an element in the front that's not longer available, or only few elements might make it to the front and we might need more options. In these cases, you can use Pareto archives to keep track of the elements which are second-best, third-best, ....

A Pareto archive $A$ is then a list of Pareto fronts $[P^1, P^2, \dots, P^{|A|}]$ ordered by their ranks. In other words, the archive front $P^{i+1}$ is the Pareto front we would have if we removed $P^i \cup P^{i-1} \cup \dots \cup P^1$ from $F$.

!!! example "Pareto archive" A two-dimensional Pareto archive

![2-dimensional front](docs/img/archive2d.svg)

An archive works as if it were a multidimensional stack

!!! summary "Formal Definition: Pareto archive" A Pareto archive $A$ is a list of Pareto fronts $[P^1, P^2, \dots, P^{|A|}]$ ordered by their ranks. Given the set of feasible solutions $F$, a front $P^i$ is and archive $A$ are defined as

A & = \{P^1, P^2, \dots\} \\
P^i & = \begin{cases} P &\mbox{if } i = 1 \\ \{ x \in F \;|\; \tilde \exists y \in (F \setminus P^{i-1} \setminus P^{i-2} \setminus \dots \setminus P^1) \; y \prec x \} &\mbox{if } i \neq 1 \end{cases}

The archive interface has all the functions a usual front has: insertion, removal, and querying. Searching operations identify the proper front for the elements. Functions for indicators and dominance relationships use the first fronts as reference.

When we insert a new element into the archive, and this element dominates other solutions in the archive, the container moves the dominated elements to higher fronts efficiently instead of erasing them.


This table summarizes the public types in a pareto::archive<K,M,T,C>:

Concept/Type Name Type Notes
value_type container_type::value_type The pair key is const, like in other associative containers
reference value_type&
const_reference value_type const &
iterator Iterator pointing to a value_type A LegacyBidirectionalIterator convertible to const_iterator
const_iterator Iterator pointing to a const value_type Implements LegacyBidirectionalIterator concept
difference_type A signed integer
size_type An unsigned integer
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
key_type pareto::point<K,M> Unlike in value_type, key_type is not const, so you can use it to construct and manipulate new points
mapped_type T
key_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> key_compare defines a lexicographic ordering relation over keys using dimension_compare
value_compare std::function<bool(const value_type &, const value_type &)> value_compare defines an ordering relation over value_type using key_compare
allocator_type container_type::allocator_type allocator_type::value_type is the same as value_type
dimension_type K
dimension_compare container_type::dimension_compare, or std::less<K> by default dimension_compare defines an ordering relation over each key_value dimension using C
box_type pareto::query_box<dimension_type, M>
predicate_list_type pareto::predicate_list<dimension_type, M, T>
container_type C C needs to follow the SpatialContainer concept
front_set_type std::set<front_type, std::less<>, front_set_allocator_type>; Set of fronts


!!! note All requirements of fronts also apply here.


Container + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit archive(const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(const archive &rhs)
archive(const archive &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(archive &&rhs) noexcept
archive(archive &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Constructors
explicit archive(const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
FrontContainer Constructors
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class DirectionIt> archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class DirectionIt> archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt> archive(InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
ArchiveContainer Constructors
explicit archive(size_type capacity, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(size_type capacity, const archive &rhs)
archive(size_type capacity, const archive &rhs, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, archive &&rhs) noexcept
archive(size_type capacity, archive &&rhs, const allocator_type &alloc) noexcept
explicit archive(size_type capacity, const C &comp, const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const C &comp = C(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = allocator_type())
template <class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const dimension_compare &comp = dimension_compare(), const allocator_type &alloc = construct_allocator<allocator_type>())
template <class InputIt, class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class DirectionIt> archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, DirectionIt first_dir, DirectionIt last_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
template <class InputIt> archive(size_type capacity, InputIt first, InputIt last, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<value_type> il, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
archive(size_type capacity, std::initializer_list<bool> il_dir, const allocator_type &alloc)
AssociativeContainer + AllocatorAwareContainer Assignment
archive &operator=(const archive &rhs)
archive &operator=(archive &&rhs) noexcept
AssociativeContainer Assignment
archive &operator=(std::initializer_list<value_type> il) noexcept


Parameter Description
alloc allocator to use for all memory allocations of this container
comp comparison function object to use for all comparisons of keys
first, last the range to copy the elements from
rhs another container to be used as source to initialize the elements of the container with
il initializer list to initialize the elements of the container with
first_dir, last_dir the range to copy the target directions from
il_dir initializer list to initialize the target directions of the container with
capacity maximum archive capacity


Type requirements
-InputIt and DirectionIt must meet the requirements of LegacyInputIterator.
-Compare must meet the requirements of Compare.
-Allocator must meet the requirements of Allocator.


Method Complexity
Empty constructor $O(1)$
Copy constructor $O(mn)$
Move constructor $O(1)$ if get_allocator() == rhs.get_allocator()
Construct from range, or assignment $O(m n \log n)$


An archive is also an adapter and an extension of spatial containers. An archive contains a std::set of fronts ordered by their dominance relationships. Unlike in a front, whenever we insert an element in the archive, it moves all elements dominated by the new element to higher fronts.

The archive constructors overload all front constructors with an extra parameter for the archive capacity. If no maximum capacity for the archive is set, the capacity is set by default to $\min(50 \times 2^m, 100000)$. The exponential factor $2^m$ in this heuristic is meant to take the curse of dimensionality into account.

The container makes sure the archive never has more elements than allowed by the capacity parameter. If the capacity exceeds, the container will remove the element in the most crowded regions of the worst front in the archive.


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/archive.h>
#include <pareto/kd_tree.h>
// ...
// Constructing the default archive
size_t capacity = 1000;
archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar(capacity, {min, max, min});
// Constructing a archive based on kd trees
archive<double, 3, unsigned, kd_tree<double, 3, unsigned>> ar2(capacity, {min, max, min});

=== "Python"

import pareto
# ...
# Constructing the default archive
capacity = 1000
ar = pareto.archive(capacity, ['min', 'max', 'min']);
# Constructing a archive based on kd trees
ar2 = pareto.kd_archive(capacity, ['min', 'max', 'min']);

!!! tip If you need to plot these archives, examples/matplotpp_example.cpp includes an example that uses Matplot++. In Python, you can use Matplotlib.


allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;

Return value

The associated allocator.


$$ O(1) $$


This function returns the allocator of the underlying container.

Because an archive handles a set of containers, some which are exponentially smaller than other, the archive does not delegate the task of handling the allocators to its underlying containers. Instead, the archive keeps a copy of the allocator and constructs each new underlying container with this allocator. If the archive contains a PMR allocator, the new container also shares the same memory resources. This is intended to make memory allocations faster for the last fronts, which are usually allocated and deallocated often with few elements.

!!! info See the section on spatial map allocators for more information.


=== "C++"

#include <pareto/archive.h>
// ...
pareto::archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar;
// Get a copy of the container allocator
auto alloc = ar.get_allocator();

Element Access

Access and throw exception if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &at(const key_type &k);
const mapped_type &at(const key_type &k) const;
Access and create new element if it doesn't exist
mapped_type &operator[](const key_type &k);
mapped_type &operator[](key_type &&k);
template <typename... Targs> mapped_type &operator()(const dimension_type &x1, const Targs &...xs);


  • k - the key of the element to find
  • x1 - the value of the element to find in the first dimension
  • xs - the value of the element to find in other dimensions

Return value

A reference to the element associated with that key.


std::out_of_range if the container does not have an element with the specified key


$$ O(m \log n) $$


Unlike in a pareto::spatial_map, the insert operation for archives is allowed to fail when the new element is already dominated by all fronts and exceeds the maximum capacity of the archive. In this case, the operator[] will return a reference to a placeholder that is not ultimately inserted in the front.

!!! info See the section on spatial containers / element access for more information.


=== "C++"

archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar({min, max, min});
// Set some values
ar(-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798) = 17;
ar(-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346) = 32;
ar(-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953) = 36;
ar(-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932) = 13;
ar(-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287) = 32;
ar(-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137) = 6;
ar(-2.31613, -0.219302, 0) = 8;
ar(-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653) = 10;
ar(-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125) = 39;
ar(0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664) = 25;
ar(-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513) = 20;
ar(-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008) = 11;
ar(-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019) = 17;
ar(0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665) = 13;
ar(-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224) = 11;
ar(-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346) = 20;
ar(0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614) = 6;
ar(0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833) = 30;
ar(0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375) = 12;
ar(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) = 24;

// Access value
if (ar.contains({1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771})) {
    std::cout << "Element access: " << ar(1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771) << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "{1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771} was dominated" << std::endl;

=== "Python"

ar = pareto.archive()
# Set some values
ar[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] = 17
ar[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] = 32
ar[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] = 36
ar[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] = 13
ar[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] = 32
ar[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] = 6
ar[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] = 8
ar[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] = 10
ar[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] = 39
ar[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] = 25
ar[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] = 20
ar[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] = 11
ar[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] = 17
ar[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] = 13
ar[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] = 11
ar[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] = 20
ar[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] = 6
ar[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] = 30
ar[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] = 12
ar[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] = 24

# Access value
if [1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] in ar:
    print('Element access:', ar[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771])
    print("[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] was dominated")


=== "Output"

Element access: 24


Get constant iterators
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
Get iterators
iterator begin() noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
Get reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> rend() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rbegin() noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<iterator> rend() noexcept;
Get constant reverse iterators
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crbegin() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> crend() const noexcept;
Get constant iterators to front set
front_set_type::const_iterator begin_front() const noexcept;
front_set_type::const_iterator end_front() const noexcept;
front_set_type::const_iterator cbegin_front() const noexcept;
front_set_type::const_iterator cend_front() const noexcept;
Get iterators to front set
front_set_type::iterator begin_front() noexcept;
front_set_type::iterator end_front() noexcept;
Get reverse iterators to front set
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::const_iterator> rbegin_front() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::const_iterator> rend_front() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::iterator> rbegin_front() noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::iterator> rend_front() noexcept;
Get constant reverse iterators to front set
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::const_iterator> crbegin_front() const noexcept;
std::reverse_iterator<front_set_type::const_iterator> crend_front() const noexcept;

Return value

  • begin() - Iterators to the first element in the container
  • end() - Iterator to the past-the-end element in the container
  • begin_front() - Iterators to the first front in the archive
  • end_front() - Iterator to the past-the-end front in the archive


$$ O(1) $$


The begin() and begin_front() functions provide two ways to access the elements in the archive: (i) element by element, or (ii) front by front.

!!! info See the section on spatial containers / iterators for more information.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

std::cout << "Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (const auto& [point, value]: ar) {
    std::cout << point << " -> " << value << std::endl;
std::cout << "Reversed Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.rbegin(); it != ar.rend(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
std::cout << "Front Iterators:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.begin_front(); it != ar.end_front(); ++it) {
    std::cout << "Front with " << it->size() << " elements" << std::endl;
    for (const auto &[k, v] : *it) {
        std::cout << k << " -> " << v << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [point, value] in ar:
    print(point, '->', value)

print('Reversed Iterators')
for [point, value] in reversed(ar):
    print(point, '->', value)

print('Front Iterators')
for pf in ar.fronts():
    print('Front with', len(pf), 'elements')
    for [point, value] in pf:
        print(point, '->', value)


=== "Output"

[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
Reversed Iterators:
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
Front Iterators:
Front with 20 elements
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771] -> 24

Capacity and Reference Points

Check size
[[nodiscard]] bool empty() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type size() const noexcept;
[[nodiscard]] size_type max_size() const noexcept;
Check dimensions
[[nodiscard]] size_type dimensions() const noexcept;
Get max/min values
dimension_type max_value(size_type dimension) const;
dimension_type min_value(size_type dimension) const;
Reference points
key_type ideal() const;
dimension_type ideal(size_type dimension) const;
key_type nadir() const;
dimension_type nadir(size_type dimension) const;
key_type worst() const;
dimension_type worst(size_type dimension) const;
Target directions
[[nodiscard]] bool is_minimization() const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_maximization() const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_minimization(size_t dimension) const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] bool is_maximization(size_t dimension) const noexcept
[[nodiscard]] size_t capacity() const noexcept
size_type size_fronts() const noexcept


  • dimension - index of the dimension for which we want the minimum or maximum value

Return value

  • empty()- true if and only if container (equivalent but more efficient than begin() == end())
  • size() - The number of elements in the container
  • max_size() - An upper bound on the maximum number of elements the container can hold
  • dimensions() - Number of dimensions in the container (same as M, when M != 0)
  • max_value(d) - Maximum value in a given dimension d
  • min_value(d) - Minimum value in a given dimension d
  • ideal() - Key with best value possible in each dimension
  • ideal(d) - Best value possible in a given dimension d
  • nadir() - Key with worst value possible in each dimension
  • nadir(d) - Worst value possible in a given dimension d
  • worst() - Key with worst value possible in each dimension
  • worst(d) - Worst value possible in a given dimension d
  • is_minimization(), is_maximization(): true if and only if all directions are minimization / maximization
  • is_minimization(i), is_maximization(i): true if and only if dimension i is minimization / maximization
  • capacity(): maximum number of elements in the archive
  • size_front(): number of fronts in the archive


$$ O(1) $$


For archives, the nadir and worst function will not necessarily return the same points and values because the worst point in a given dimension does have to match the worst value in the first front of the archive.

!!! note All other requirements of fronts apply here.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

if (ar.empty()) {
    std::cout << "Front is empty" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "Front is not empty" << std::endl;
std::cout << ar.size() << " elements in the front" << std::endl;
std::cout << ar.dimensions() << " dimensions" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ar.dimensions(); ++i) {
    if (ar.is_minimization(i)) {
        std::cout << "Dimension " << i << " is minimization" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Dimension " << i << " is maximization" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Best value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.ideal(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Min value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.min_value(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Max value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.max_value(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Best value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.ideal(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Nadir value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.nadir(i) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Worst value in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.worst(i) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ideal point: " << ar.ideal() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Nadir point: " << ar.nadir() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Worst point: " << ar.worst() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Capacity: " << ar.capacity() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Number of fronts: " << ar.size_fronts() << std::endl;

=== "Python"

if ar:
    print('Front is not empty')
    print('Front is empty')

print(len(ar), 'elements in the front')
print(ar.dimensions(), 'dimensions')
for i in range(ar.dimensions()):
    if ar.is_minimization(i):
        print('Dimension', i, ' is minimization')
        print('Dimension', i, ' is maximization')
    print('Best value in dimension', i, ':', ar.ideal(i))
    print('Min value in dimension', i, ':', ar.min_value(i))
    print('Max value in dimension', i, ':', ar.max_value(i))
    print('Best value in dimension', i, ':', ar.ideal(i))
    print('Nadir value in dimension', i, ':', ar.nadir(i))
    print('Worst value in dimension', i, ':', ar.worst(i))

print('Ideal point:', ar.ideal())
print('Nadir point:', ar.nadir())
print('Worst point:', ar.worst())
print('Capacity:', ar.capacity())
print('Number of fronts:', ar.size_fronts())

=== "Output"

Archive is not empty
20 elements in the archive
3 dimensions
Dimension 0  is minimization
Best value in dimension 0 : -2.57664
Min value in dimension 0 : -2.57664
Max value in dimension 0 : 1.49101
Best value in dimension 0 : -2.57664
Nadir value in dimension 0 : 1.49101
Worst value in dimension 0 : 1.49101
Dimension 1  is maximization
Best value in dimension 1 : 3.24052
Min value in dimension 1 : -1.52034
Max value in dimension 1 : 3.24052
Best value in dimension 1 : 3.24052
Nadir value in dimension 1 : -1.52034
Worst value in dimension 1 : -1.52034
Dimension 2  is minimization
Best value in dimension 2 : -2.92346
Min value in dimension 2 : -2.92346
Max value in dimension 2 : 2.78224
Best value in dimension 2 : -2.92346
Nadir value in dimension 2 : 2.78224
Worst value in dimension 2 : 2.78224
Ideal point: [-2.57664, 3.24052, -2.92346]
Nadir point: [1.49101, -1.52034, 2.78224]
Worst point: [1.49101, -1.52034, 2.78224]
Capacity: 1000
Number of fronts: 1

Dominance Relationships

Archive-Point Dominance
bool dominates(const key_type &p)
bool strongly_dominates(const key_type &p) const
bool is_partially_dominated_by(const key_type &p) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const key_type &p) const
bool non_dominates(const key_type &p) const
Archive-Front Dominance
bool dominates(const front &P) const
bool strongly_dominates(const front &P) const
bool is_partially_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const front &P) const
bool non_dominates(const front &P) const
Archive-Archive Dominance
bool dominates(const archive &A) const
bool strongly_dominates(const archive &A) const
bool is_partially_dominated_by(const archive &A) const
bool is_completely_dominated_by(const archive &A) const
bool non_dominates(const archive &A) const


  • p - point we are checking for dominance
  • P - front we are checking for dominance
  • A - archive we are checking for dominance

Return value

  • bool- true if and only if the point p (or front P, or archive A) is dominated, is strongly dominated, partially dominates, completely dominates, or non-dominantes *this


  • is_completely_dominated_by: $O(1)$ for points and $O(n)$ for fronts
  • All others: $O(m \log n)$ for points and $O(m n \log n)$ for fronts


The dominance between archives is defined in terms of the first front in the archive.

!!! note See the section fronts / dominance relationships for more details


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

// Point-point dominance
using point_type = archive<double, 3, unsigned>::key_type;
point_type p1({0, 0, 0});
point_type p2({1, 1, 1});
std::vector<bool> is_minimization = {true, false, true};
std::cout << (p1.dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 dominates p2" : "p1 does not dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (p1.strongly_dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 strongly dominates p2" : "p1 does not strongly dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (p1.non_dominates(p2, is_minimization) ? "p1 non-dominates p2" : "p1 does not non-dominate p2") << std::endl;

// Archive-point dominance
std::cout << (ar.dominates(p2) ? "ar dominates p2" : "ar does not dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.strongly_dominates(p2) ? "ar strongly dominates p2" : "ar does not strongly dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.non_dominates(p2) ? "ar non-dominates p2" : "ar does not non-dominate p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.is_partially_dominated_by(p2) ? "ar is partially dominated by p2" : "ar is not is partially dominated by p2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.is_completely_dominated_by(p2) ? "ar is completely dominated by p2" : "ar is not is completely dominated by p2") << std::endl;

// Archive-archive dominance
archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar2({min, max, min});
for (const auto& [p,v]: ar) {
    ar2[point_type({p[0] - 1, p[1] + 1, p[2] - 1})] = v;
std::cout << (ar.dominates(ar2) ? "ar dominates ar2" : "ar does not dominate ar2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.strongly_dominates(ar2) ? "ar strongly dominates ar2" : "ar does not strongly dominate ar2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.non_dominates(ar2) ? "ar non-dominates ar2" : "ar does not non-dominate ar2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.is_partially_dominated_by(ar2) ? "ar is partially dominated by ar2" : "ar is not is partially dominated by ar2") << std::endl;
std::cout << (ar.is_completely_dominated_by(ar2) ? "ar is completely dominated by ar2" : "ar is not is completely dominated by ar2") << std::endl;

=== "Python"

# Point-point dominance
p1 = pareto.point([0, 0, 0])
p2 = pareto.point([1, 1, 1])
is_minimization = [True, False, True]
print('p1 dominates p2' if p1.dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not dominate p2')
print('p1 strongly dominates p2' if p1.strongly_dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not strongly dominate p2')
print('p1 non-dominates p2' if p1.non_dominates(p2, is_minimization) else 'p1 does not non-dominate p2')

# Archive-point dominance
print('ar dominates p2' if ar.dominates(p2) else 'ar does not dominate p2')
print('ar strongly dominates p2' if ar.strongly_dominates(p2) else 'ar does not strongly dominate p2')
print('ar non-dominates p2' if ar.non_dominates(p2) else 'ar does not non-dominate p2')
print('ar is partially dominated by p2' if ar.is_partially_dominated_by(p2) else 'ar is not is partially dominated by p2')
print('ar is completely dominated by p2' if ar.is_completely_dominated_by(p2) else 'ar is not is completely dominated by p2')

# Archive-archive dominance
ar2 = pareto.archive(['min', 'max', 'min'])
for [p, v] in ar:
    ar2[pareto.point([p[0] - 1, p[1] + 1, p[2] - 1])] = v

print('ar dominates ar2' if ar.dominates(ar2) else 'ar does not dominate ar2')
print('ar strongly dominates ar2' if ar.strongly_dominates(ar2) else 'ar does not strongly dominate ar2')
print('ar non-dominates ar2' if ar.non_dominates(ar2) else 'ar does not non-dominate ar2')
print('ar is partially dominated by ar2' if ar.is_partially_dominated_by(ar2) else 'ar is not is partially dominated by ar2')
print('ar is completely dominated by ar2' if ar.is_completely_dominated_by(ar2) else 'ar is not is completely dominated by ar2')

=== "Output"

p1 does not dominate p2
p1 does not strongly dominate p2
p1 non-dominates p2
ar dominates p2
ar strongly dominates p2
ar does not non-dominate p2
ar is not is partially dominated by p2
ar is not is completely dominated by p2
ar does not dominate ar2
ar does not strongly dominate ar2
ar does not non-dominate ar2
ar is partially dominated by ar2
ar is completely dominated by ar2


Exact Hypervolume
dimension_type hypervolume() const
dimension_type hypervolume(key_type reference_point) const
Monte-Carlo Hypervolume
dimension_type hypervolume(size_t sample_size) const
dimension_type hypervolume(size_t sample_size, const key_type &reference_point) const
double coverage(const front &rhs) const
double coverage_ratio(const front &rhs) const
Convergence Indicators
double gd(const front &reference) const
double igd(const front &reference) const
double igd_plus(const front &reference) const
double hausdorff(const front &reference) const
Standard deviation of Convergence Indicators
double std_gd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd_plus(const front &reference) const
First Front Distribution
[[nodiscard]] double uniformity() const
[[nodiscard]] double average_distance() const
[[nodiscard]] double average_nearest_distance(size_t k = 5) const
[[nodiscard]] double average_crowding_distance() const
Point Distribution
double crowding_distance(const_iterator element, key_type worst_point, key_type ideal_point) const
double crowding_distance(const_iterator element) const
double crowding_distance(const key_type &point) const
Conflict / Harmony
dimension_type direct_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double maxmin_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
Normalized Conflict / Harmony
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_direct_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_maxmin_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
[[nodiscard]] double normalized_conflict(const size_t a, const size_t b) const
double coverage(const front &rhs) const
double coverage_ratio(const front &rhs) const
Convergence Indicators
double gd(const front &reference) const
double igd(const front &reference) const
double igd_plus(const front &reference) const
double hausdorff(const front &reference) const
Standard deviation of Convergence Indicators
double std_gd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd(const front &reference) const
double std_igd_plus(const front &reference) const


  • reference_point - point used as reference for the hypervolume calculation. When not provided, it defaults to the nadir() point.
  • sample_size - number of samples for the hypervolume estimate
  • rhs - front or archive being compared
  • reference - Target front. An estimate of the best front possible for the problem.
  • k - number of nearest elements to consider
  • element - element for which we want the crowding distance (see below)
  • key_type - point for which we want the crowding distance (see below)
  • worst_point, ideal_point - reference extreme points for the crowding distance
  • a, b - dimension indices

Return value

  • (see section Indicators for fronts)


  • (see section Indicators for fronts)


The archive indicators use their first front as reference.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

// Hypervolume
std::cout << "Exact hypervolume: " << ar.hypervolume(ar.nadir()) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples): " << ar.hypervolume(10000, ar.nadir()) << std::endl;

// Coverage
std::cout << "C-metric: " << ar.coverage(ar2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Coverage ratio: " << ar.coverage_ratio(ar2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "C-metric: " << ar2.coverage(ar) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Coverage ratio: " << ar2.coverage_ratio(ar) << std::endl;

// Convergence
archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar_star({min, max, min});
for (const auto &[p,v] : ar) {
    ar_star(p[0] - 1.0, p[1] + 1.0, p[2] - 1.0) = v;

std::cout << "GD: " << << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDGD: " << ar.std_gd(ar_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "IGD: " << ar.igd(ar_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDGD: " << ar.std_igd(ar_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Hausdorff: " << ar.hausdorff(ar_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "IGD+: " << ar.igd_plus(ar_star) << std::endl;
std::cout << "STDIGD+: " << ar.std_igd_plus(ar_star) << std::endl;

// Distribution
std::cout << "Uniformity: " << ar.uniformity() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average distance: " << ar.average_distance() << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average nearest distance: " << ar.average_nearest_distance(5) << std::endl;
auto near_origin = ar.find_nearest({0.0, 0.0, 0.0});
std::cout << "Crowding distance: " << ar.crowding_distance(near_origin) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Average crowding distance: " << ar.average_crowding_distance() << std::endl;

// Correlation
std::cout << "Direct conflict(0,1): " << ar.direct_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized direct conflict(0,1): " << ar.normalized_direct_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maxmin conflict(0,1): " << ar.maxmin_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1): " << ar.normalized_maxmin_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-parametric conflict(0,1): " << ar.conflict(0,1) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized conflict(0,1): " << ar.normalized_conflict(0,1) << std::endl;

std::cout << "Direct conflict(1,2): " << ar.direct_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized direct conflict(1,2): " << ar.normalized_direct_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Maxmin conflict(1,2): " << ar.maxmin_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2): " << ar.normalized_maxmin_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Non-parametric conflict(1,2): " << ar.conflict(1,2) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Normalized conflict(1,2): " << ar.normalized_conflict(1,2) << std::endl;

=== "Python"

# Hypervolume
print('Exact hypervolume:', ar.hypervolume(ar.nadir()))
print('Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples):', ar.hypervolume(10000, ar.nadir()))

# Coverage
print('C-metric:', ar.coverage(ar2))
print('Coverage ratio:', ar.coverage_ratio(ar2))
print('C-metric:', ar2.coverage(ar))
print('Coverage ratio:', ar2.coverage_ratio(ar))

# Convergence
ar_star = pareto.archive(['min', 'max', 'min'])
for [p, v] in ar:
    ar_star[p[0] - 1.0, p[1] + 1.0, p[2] - 1.0] = v

print('STDGD:', ar.std_gd(ar_star))
print('IGD:', ar.igd(ar_star))
print('STDGD:', ar.std_igd(ar_star))
print('Hausdorff:', ar.hausdorff(ar_star))
print('IGD+:', ar.igd_plus(ar_star))
print('STDIGD+:', ar.std_igd_plus(ar_star))

# Distribution
print("Uniformity:", ar.uniformity())
print("Average distance:", ar.average_distance())
print("Average nearest distance:", ar.average_nearest_distance(5))
near_origin = next(ar.find_nearest(pareto.point([0.0, 0.0])))
print("Crowding distance:", ar.crowding_distance(near_origin[0]))
print("Average crowding distance:", ar.average_crowding_distance())

# Correlation
print('Direct conflict(0,1):', ar.direct_conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized direct conflict(0,1):', ar.normalized_direct_conflict(0, 1))
print('Maxmin conflict(0,1):', ar.maxmin_conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1):', ar.normalized_maxmin_conflict(0, 1))
print('Non-parametric conflict(0,1):', ar.conflict(0, 1))
print('Normalized conflict(0,1):', ar.normalized_conflict(0, 1))

print('Direct conflict(1,2):', ar.direct_conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized direct conflict(1,2):', ar.normalized_direct_conflict(1, 2))
print('Maxmin conflict(1,2):', ar.maxmin_conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2):', ar.normalized_maxmin_conflict(1, 2))
print('Non-parametric conflict(1,2):', ar.conflict(1, 2))
print('Normalized conflict(1,2):', ar.normalized_conflict(1, 2))

=== "Output"

Exact hypervolume: 55.4029
Hypervolume approximation (10000 samples): 56.0535
C-metric: 0
Coverage ratio: 0
C-metric: 1
Coverage ratio: inf
GD: 1.54786
STDGD: 0.0465649
IGD: 1.52137
STDGD: 0.0472864
Hausdorff: 1.54786
IGD+: 1.48592
STDIGD+: 0.0522492
Uniformity: 0.355785
Average distance: 2.75683
Average nearest distance: 1.45177
Crowding distance: 3.04714
Average crowding distance: 4.04349
Direct conflict(0,1): 34.3539
Normalized direct conflict(0,1): 0.360795
Maxmin conflict(0,1): 7.77615
Normalized maxmin conflict(0,1): 0.388808
Non-parametric conflict(0,1): 184
Normalized conflict(0,1): 0.92
Direct conflict(1,2): 32.0107
Normalized direct conflict(1,2): 0.280515
Maxmin conflict(1,2): 5.85805
Normalized maxmin conflict(1,2): 0.292903
Non-parametric conflict(1,2): 146
Normalized conflict(1,2): 0.73


Container + AllocatorAwareContainer
Exchanges the contents of the container with those of rhs
void swap(kd_tree &rhs) noexcept;
Erases all elements from the container
void clear();
Inserts element(s) into the container
iterator insert(const value_type &v);
iterator insert(value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(P &&v);
iterator insert(iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, const value_type &v);
iterator insert(const_iterator, value_type &&v);
template <class P> iterator insert(const_iterator hint, P &&v);
template <class Inputiterator> void insert(Inputiterator first, Inputiterator last);
void insert(std::initializer_list<value_type> init);
Inserts a new element into the container constructed in-place with the given args
template <class... Args> iterator emplace(Args &&...args);
template <class... Args> iterator emplace_hint(const_iterator, Args &&...args);
Removes specified elements from the container
iterator erase(const_iterator position);
iterator erase(iterator position);
iterator erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last);
size_type erase(const key_type &k);
Attempts to extract ("splice") each element in source and insert it into *this
void merge(archive &source) noexcept;
void merge(archive &&source) noexcept;
void merge(front_type &source) noexcept;
void merge(front_type &&source) noexcept;
void resize(size_t new_size);


  • rhs - container to exchange the contents with
  • v - element value to insert
  • first, last - range of elements to insert/erase
  • init - initializer list to insert the values from
  • hint - iterator, used as a suggestion as to where to start the search
  • position - iterator pointer to element to erase
  • k - key value of the elements to remove
  • source - container to get elements from
  • new_size - new capacity of the archive

Return value

  • iterator - Iterator to the new element (insert) or following the last removed element (erase)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased


  • insert, emplace, erase: $O(m \log n)$
  • swap: $O(1)$
  • merge: $O(mn)$


Manipulating archives does not have the same side effects as manipulating fronts:

  1. The insertion operator will move any points that are worse than the new point to higher fronts.
  2. The removal operator will bring any previously dominated elements closer to the best fronts.

When resize(size_t new_size) is called with a new size smaller than the current number of elements in the archive, the archive if pruned. The pruning algorithm will remove the last front in the archive until the new size is achieved. If the last front has more elements that we need to remove, up to $2 * \log_2 capacity$ elements are removed by their crowding distances and other elements are removed randomly.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

ar.insert({{1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771}, 24});
ar.erase({1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771});

=== "Python"

ar.insert([pareto.point([1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]), 24])
del ar[1.49101, 3.24052, 0.724771]

Lookup and Queries

Returns the number of elements matching specific key
size_type count(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> size_type count(const L &p) const
Finds element with specific key
iterator find(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> iterator find(const L &p)
template <class L> const_iterator find(const L &p) const;
Checks if the container contains element with specific key
bool contains(const key_type &p) const;
template <class L> bool contains(const L &p) const;
Get iterator to first element that passes the predicates
const_iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) const noexcept;
iterator find(const predicate_list_type &ps) noexcept;
Find intersection between point and container
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &p) const;
Find intersection between container and query box
iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_intersection(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find points inside a query box (excluding borders)
iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_within(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const
Find points outside a query box
iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub);
const_iterator find_disjoint(const key_type &lb, const key_type &ub) const;
Find the elements closest to a point
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p) const;
iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const key_type &p, size_t k) const;
iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k);
const_iterator find_nearest(const box_type &b, size_t k) const;
Find min/max elements
iterator max_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator max_element(size_t dimension) const
iterator min_element(size_t dimension)
const_iterator min_element(size_t dimension) const
Find sets of dominated elements
const_iterator find_dominated(const key_type &p) const
iterator find_dominated(const key_type &p)
Find nearest point excluding $p$
const_iterator find_nearest_exclusive(const key_type &p) const
iterator find_nearest_exclusive(const key_type &p)
Find extreme elements
const_iterator ideal_element(size_t d) const
iterator ideal_element(size_t d)
const_iterator nadir_element(size_t d) const
iterator nadir_element(size_t d)
const_iterator worst_element(size_t d) const
iterator worst_element(size_t d)
Find sets of dominated elements
front_set_type::const_iterator find_front(const key_type &p) const
front_set_type::iterator find_front(const key_type &p)


  • ps - a list of predicates
  • p - a point of type key_value or convertible to key_value
  • lb and ub - lower and upper bounds of the query box
  • k - number of nearest elements

Return value

  • count(): size_type: number of elements with a given key
  • container(): bool: true if and only if the container contains an element with the given key p
  • find_*: iterator and const_iterator - Iterator to the first element that passes the query predicates
    • find returns a normal iterator
    • all other find_* functions return a query iterator (see below)
  • size_type - Number of elements erased
  • front_set_type::const_iterator - find first front not dominated by p


Let $|A|$ denote the number of fronts in the archive:

  • find_front - $O(\log |A|)$
  • others - O(m |A| \log n)

Due to the curse of dimensionality, we usually expect that $|A| \ll n$, especially as $m$ grows.


The function find_front will look for the first front that does not dominate the element p. This is an important sub-component of the insertion algorithm.

!!! note All other definitions and requirements of a FrontContainer also apply here.


Continuing from the previous example:

=== "C++"

for (auto it = ar.find_intersection(ar.ideal(), {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != ar.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.find_within(ar.ideal(), {-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}); it != ar.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.find_disjoint(ar.worst(), {+0.71, +1.19, +0.98}); it != ar.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.find_nearest({-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224}, 2); it != ar.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
auto it_near = ar.find_nearest({2.5, 2.5, 2.5});
std::cout << it_near->first << " -> " << it_near->second << std::endl;
for (auto it = ar.find_dominated({-10, +10, -10}); it != ar.end(); ++it) {
    std::cout << it->first << " -> " << it->second << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ar.dimensions(); ++i) {
    std::cout << "Ideal element in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.ideal_element(i)->first << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Nadir element in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.nadir_element(i)->first << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Worst element in dimension " << i << ": " << ar.worst_element(i)->first << std::endl;

=== "Python"

for [k, v] in ar.find_intersection(ar.ideal(), pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in ar.find_within(ar.ideal(), pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in ar.find_disjoint(ar.worst(), pareto.point([+0.71, +1.19, +0.98])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in ar.find_nearest(pareto.point([-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]), 2):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in ar.find_nearest(pareto.point([2.5, 2.5, 2.5])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for [k, v] in ar.find_dominated(pareto.point([-10, +10, -10])):
    print(k, "->", v)

for i in range(ar.dimensions()):
    print('Ideal element in dimension', i, ': ', ar.ideal_element(i)[0])
    print('Nadir element in dimension', i, ': ', ar.nadir_element(i)[0])
    print('Worst element in dimension', i, ': ', ar.worst_element(i)[0])

=== "Output"

[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346] -> 32
[-1.63295, 0.912108, -2.12953] -> 36
[-0.653036, 0.927688, -0.813932] -> 13
[-0.508188, 0.871096, -2.25287] -> 32
[0.453686, 1.02632, -2.24833] -> 30
[0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375] -> 12
[-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798] -> 17
[-2.55905, -0.271349, 0.898137] -> 6
[-2.31613, -0.219302, 0] -> 8
[-0.894115, 1.01387, 0.462008] -> 11
[-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224] -> 11
[-0.639149, 1.89515, 0.858653] -> 10
[-0.401531, 2.30172, 0.58125] -> 39
[-1.09756, 1.33135, 0.569513] -> 20
[-1.45049, 1.35763, 0.606019] -> 17
[-0.00292544, 1.29632, -0.578346] -> 20
[0.0728106, 1.91877, 0.399664] -> 25
[0.152711, 1.99514, -0.112665] -> 13
[0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614] -> 6
Ideal element in dimension 0: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Nadir element in dimension 0: [0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375]
Worst element in dimension 0: [0.693712, 1.12267, -1.37375]
Ideal element in dimension 1: [0.157424, 2.30954, -1.23614]
Nadir element in dimension 1: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Worst element in dimension 1: [-2.57664, -1.52034, 0.600798]
Ideal element in dimension 2: [-2.14255, -0.518684, -2.92346]
Nadir element in dimension 2: [-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]
Worst element in dimension 2: [-2.3912, 0.395611, 2.78224]


Returns the function that compares keys
key_compare key_comp() const noexcept;
Returns the function that compares keys in objects of type value_type
value_compare value_comp() const noexcept
Returns the function that compares keys in a single dimension
dimension_compare dimension_comp() const noexcept;

Return value

A callable function that compares dimensions, keys, or values.


$$ O(1) $$


These functions return copies of the container's constructor argument comp, or a wrappers around these copies.


=== "C++"

auto fn = pf.dimension_comp();
if (fn(2.,3.)) {
    std::cout << "2 is less than 3" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "2 is not less than 3" << std::endl;

=== "Output"

2 is less than 3

Relational Operators

These are non-member functions.

Compares the values in the multimap
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator==(const archive<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);
template <class K, size_t M, class T, class C, class A> bool operator!=(const archive<K, M, T, C, A> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C, A> &rhs);
Archive-Archive Comparison
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs);
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
Archive-Point Comparison
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const archive<K, M, T, C> &lhs, const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<(const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>(const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator<=(const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)
template <typename K, size_t M, typename T, typename C> bool operator>=(const typename archive<K, M, T, C>::key_type &lhs, const archive<K, M, T, C> &rhs)


$$ O(mn) $$


Same notes as SpatialContainer.


=== "C++"

archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar3(ar);
if (ar == ar3) {
    std::cout << "The archives have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (ar.size() != ar3.size()) {
        std::cout << "The archives do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The archives might not have the same elements"
                  << std::endl;

archive<double, 3, unsigned> ar4(ar.begin(), ar.end());
if (ar == ar4) {
    std::cout << "The archives have the same elements" << std::endl;
} else {
    if (ar.size() != ar4.size()) {
        std::cout << "The archives do not have the same elements" << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "The archives might not have the same elements"
                  << std::endl;

if (ar_star < ar) {
    std::cout << "ar* dominates ar" << std::endl;
} else {
    std::cout << "ar* does not dominate ar" << std::endl;

=== "Python"

ar3 = pareto.archive(ar)
if ar == ar3:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(ar) != len(ar3):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

ar4 = pareto.archive()
for [k, v] in ar:
    ar4[k] = v

if ar == ar4:
    print('The containers have the same elements')
    if len(ar) != len(ar4):
        print('The containers do not have the same elements')
        print('The containers might not have the same elements')
        # You need a for loop after here to make sure

if ar_star < ar:
    print('ar* dominates ar')
    print('ar* does not dominate ar')


=== "Output"

The archives have the same elements
The archives do not have the same elements
ar* dominates ar


The directory tests/benchmarks include a number of benchmarks we run regularly to infer the performance of our implementations.

This section presents the results for each spatial container used with fronts. After building the library, you can replicate these benchmarks locally with:

containers_benchmark --benchmark_repetitions=30 --benchmark_display_aggregates_only=true --benchmark_out=containers_benchmark.json --benchmark_out_format=json

You can later create these plots with the target benchmark_analysis (requires Matplot++).

This section presents some benchmarks comparing the following data structures in Pareto fronts:

  • Implicit Tree
  • Quadtree
  • $k$d-tree
  • R-tree
  • R*-Tree
  • Boost.Geometry R-Tree

!!! info "Boost.Geometry" We started this library by looking at some alternatives for spatial containers. The alternative that gave us the best results at the time was Boost.Geometry. The header source/pareto/boost_tree.h implements a wrapper on this library that implements a subset of our interface so that we could run these benchmarks. This header is intended for benchmarks only.

Although the basic operations in the Boost.Geometry wrapper have optimal asymptotic complexity, this wrapper is an optional dependency mostly used as a reference for our benchmarks. It takes some workarounds to make this wrapper work as the other containers in this library and it's soon to be deprecated so that this library can move forward. These are a few reasons why we are deprecating Geometry.Boost as a spatial container:

* You can't define the dimensions and predicates in runtime, which are important use cases for us
* Boost.Geometry doesn't completely follow the same C++ named requirements for containers
* It is not specialized for point trees, so we had better performance with our containers
* The query iterators are not bidirectional
* It depends on Boost libraries and functions that are now deprecated


Construct (n=50) Construct (n=500) Construct (n=5000)


Insertion (n=50) Insertion (n=500) Insertion (n=5000)


Removal (n=50) Removal (n=500) Removal (n=5000)


Check dominance (n=50) Check dominance (n=500) Check dominance (n=5000)

Query Intersection

Query and iterate (n=50) Query and iterate (n=500) Query and iterate (n=5000)

Query Nearest

Find nearest 5 and iterate (n=50) Find nearest 5 and iterate (n=500) Find nearest 5 and iterate (n=5000)

IGD indicator

IGD (n=50) IGD (n=500) IGD (n=5000)

Hypervolume indicator


IGD (n=50) IGD (n=500) IGD (n=5000)

Samples vs. Time

Hypervolume (m=1) Hypervolume (m=2) Hypervolume (m=3) Hypervolume (m=5) Hypervolume (m=9)

Samples vs. Gap from the exact hypervolume

Hypervolume Gap




If you're looking for an interesting project to contribute, look no more. Here are some cool features that might improve this project and help humanity:

  • Spatial Containers
    • Features
      • Heteregenous keys
      • max_dist predicate
      • spatial_set
    • Performance
      • Make erase not invalidate iterators
      • Make use hints
      • Making runtime dimensions competitive with compile-time dimensions
      • Avoid unnecessary copies in general
      • Keep vectors sorted when $m &lt; 3$
    • Code quality
      • Remove redundancies in container code
      • Avoid copies in insertion and removal algorithms
      • Implement comp_ for predicates and unit tests
      • Deprecate find_* in favour of find(predicate_list) only
      • Implement node handles node_type
  • Front Container
    • More indicators
    • Special dominance relationships like $\epsilon$-dominance and cone-$\epsilon$-dominance
  • Archives Container
    • Improve performance of archive queries
    • Let archive iterators move logically to next fronts
  • Python bindings
    • Replicate Matplot++ examples with Matplotlib
    • Integrate scikit-build [ 1, 2, 3 ]
  • Examples
    • Adjust the Matplot++ examples to receive axes_handle as parameter
    • More interesting examples

Contributions in which we are not interested:

  • "I don't like this optional feature so I removed/deprecated it"
  • "I removed this feature to support older versions of C++" but have not provided an equivalent alternative
  • "I removed this feature so I don't have to update CMake" but have not provided an equivalent alternative
  • "I'm creating this high-cost promise that we'll support ________ forever" but I'm not sticking around
  • In doubt, please open a discussion first

Contributing Guidelines

If contributing with code, please leave these flags ON (-DBUILD_WITH_PEDANTIC_WARNINGS=ON -DBUILD_BOOST_TREE=ON -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDING=ON), use cppcheck, and clang-format.

Example: CLion

CLion Settings with Pedantic Mode


Alan De Freitas
Jonathan Kuck


We would like to thank the developers of these libraries:


These are some references we used for this work:

  • J. Blank and K. Deb, pymoo: Multi-objective Optimization in Python, IEEE Access, 2020, 1-1

  • ECJ then and now, Luke, Sean, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, 1223--1230, 2017

  • PlatEMO: A MATLAB platform for evolutionary multi-objective optimization [educational forum], Tian, Ye and Cheng, Ran and Zhang, Xingyi and Jin, Yaochu, IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 12, 4, 73--87, 2017, IEEE

  • PISA---a platform and programming language independent interface for search algorithms, Bleuler, Stefan and Laumanns, Marco and Thiele, Lothar and Zitzler, Eckart, International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 494--508, 2003, Springer

  • ParadisEO-MOEO: A framework for evolutionary multi-objective optimization, Liefooghe, Arnaud and Basseur, Matthieu and Jourdan, Laetitia and Talbi, El-Ghazali, International Conference on Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 386--400, 2007, Springer

  • Opt4J: a modular framework for meta-heuristic optimization, Lukasiewycz, Martin and Glass=tex, Michael and Reimann, Felix and Teich, Jurgen, Proceedings of the 13th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, 1723--1730, 2011

  • MOEA framework: a free and open source java framework for multiobjective optimization, Hadka, David, 2012, Version

  • Redesigning the jMetal multi-objective optimization framework, Nebro, Antonio J and Durillo, Juan J and Vergne, Matthieu, Proceedings of the companion publication of the 2015 annual conference on genetic and evolutionary computation, 1093--1100, 2015

  • jMetal: A Java framework for multi-objective optimization, Durillo, Juan J and Nebro, Antonio J, Advances in Engineering Software, 42, 10, 760--771, 2011, Elsevier

  • An extensible JCLEC-based solution for the implementation of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, Ramirez, Aurora and Romero, Jose Raul and Ventura, Sebastian, Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation, 1085--1092, 2015

  • EvA: a tool for optimization with evolutionary algorithms, Wakunda, Jurgen and Zell, Andreas, EUROMICRO 97. Proceedings of the 23rd EUROMICRO Conference: New Frontiers of Information Technology (Cat. No. 97TB100167), 644--651, 1997, IEEE

  • Interpersonal Comparisons of the Good: Epistemic not Impossible, Coakley, Mathew, Utilitas, 28, 3, 288--313, 2016, Cambridge University Press

  • Multiobjective genetic algorithms, Fonseca, Carlos M and Fleming, Peter J, IEE colloquium on genetic algorithms for control systems engineering, 6--1, 1993, IET

  • The efficiency theorems and market failure, Hammond, P, Elements of General Equilibrium Analysis, 211--260, 1998, Oxford: Blackwell

  • MCDM---if not a roman numeral, then what?, Zionts, Stanley, Interfaces, 9, 4, 94--101, 1979, INFORMS

  • Performance indicators in multiobjective optimization, Audet, Charles and Bigeon, J and Cartier, D and Le Digabel, Sebastien and Salomon, Ludovic, Optimization Online, 2018

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