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TicketShow E-commerce Microservices App

Server-side network for the E-commerce ticketing application. Cloud Services & Distributed Systems.


  • Kubernetes, Docker, Typescript, Jest, Supertest, React, Next.js, Nats, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Stripe API, GitHub, Redis, Bull.

Features Implemented:

  • Developed 5+ Node.js microservices hosted and containerized on Kubernetes using Typescript, Docker, GCP/GKE, MongoDB. Designed integrations with APIs like Stripe for payments ✅

  • Used Kubernetes-focused architecture. K8s Ingress Nginx for load balancing. NATS streaming service and queue groups for equal event distribution. Improved SEO by leveraging server side rendering using Next.js ✅

  • Implemented cross-service data replication to handle concurrency issues, making services easily discoverable,decentralized, with zero trust security ✅

  • Developed robust test suites leveraging: Jest for unit tests, Postman and Supertest for integration testing, mock callbacks for event publication reporting, and Github Pipelines for: build, test, deploy, and CI/CD DevOps procedures ✅

Routes Documentation:


Microservices Breakdown:

  • Auth, client, expiration, payments, orders, tickets, client (frontend)

Event Bus:

  • Nats streaming service

Load Balancer:

  • K8s Ingress Nginx

K8s deployments:

  • infra/k8s

Common library:

  • ticketing-npm
k8s ingress

Video Walkthrough:

k8scluster docker

Getting Started 🐳 :

  • Install dependencies in each service by cding into each service and running: npm install
  • Ex: cd tickets -> npm install Building the first docker image:
 docker build -t yourDockerUsername/nameOfTheService .

Then push it to docker hub

 docker push yourDockerUsername/nameOfTheService 

To start all microservices, run the following command using Skaffold:

skaffold dev

This command will initiate the development environment and deploy the microservices using Kubernetes.

Environment Variables:

Make sure to provide the JWT key and Stripe secret key as an environment variable.

kubectl create secret generic your-secret --from-l

Running Tests:

To run tests ☝️ for the microservices, use the following npm script from the serice that hosts tests:

npm run tests

To test nats streaming service: first port forward nats using

  kubectl port-forward <pod Name> <from matrching port>: <to forwarding port> 
  Ex: kubectl port-forward nats-depl-78874bcd8f-m6vxg 4222:4222

Make sure you are in the root directory wherere skaffold.yaml file is located

Common Troubleshoot:

Encountering errors like "502 Bad Gateway" or connection refused (econnrefused

  • Delete the ingress
kubectl delete namespace ingress-nginx

Future Development: ❤️

  • Frontend (client)
  • Add in HTTPS support
  • Add in email support
  • Add in 'build' steps for prod cluster (building Docker images in a prod style)
  • Create a staging cluster
  • Adding addtional services








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