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David Karnok edited this page May 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Note that this page is a developer checklist for the missions and may not reflect the actual implemented gameplay.

Level 1: Lieutenant

Mission 1

Status: OK

Objective: Rebuild Achilles

Success condition: original: N/A

Failure condition: Achilles gets destroyed. Fired!

Mission 2

Status: OK

Objective: Protect the random trader ships from pirates

Success condition: original: all traders saved?

Failure condition: more than one trader lost?

Fired when all traders lost?

Video: random trader under attack

Remark: attack probably happens once per week, has TTL of several days

Task 1..3

Individual tasks for traders.

Rewards: 500 cr, 1000 cr, 5000 cr

Last attack will contain a pirate destroyer

Remark: interleaved with Mission 3 and 4

Mission 3

Status: OK

Objective: Escort a cargo ship "Transport"

Success condition: ship not destroyed, reward: Shield1

Failure condition: ship destroyed

Video: Escort cargo ; Merchant attacked ; Merchant destroyed

Remark: Pirate attack near San Sterling

Mission 4

Status: OK

Objective: Resolve pirate battle near Naxos

Success condition: single pirate ship survived

Failure condition: single pirate ship destroyed

Video: Naxos unknown ships?

Remark: the single "Rebel" pirate ship will be your ally in the battle.

Mission 5

Status: OK

Objective: Cover the Thorin's retreat from Garthog forces

Success condition: Thorin survives

Failure condition: Thorin lost, Fired!

Video: Request reinforcements: Success: +3 Fighter 1 douglas_thorin_escort, douglas_thorin_escort_reinforcements

Movie: thorin_escort

Remark: if you saved the pirate in Mission 4, you get single-time help in the defense.

Level 2: Captain

    • Cruiser 1 without radar
    • 2 Fighter 2
    • Centronom
    • New Caroline

Mission 6

Status: OK

Sequence: 1

Objective: Defend Achilles from Garthog surprise attack


  • scripted fleet attacks Achilles after a few days in the rank
  • Ground units will attack cheapest buildings first
  • Do not let the user produce Cruiser 1

Success condition: Garthogs defeated (either in orbit or on ground)

Failure condition: Achilles taken by Garthog. Fired!

Mission 7

Status: OK

Task 1

Sequence: 2

Objective: Defend trader from Garthog pirates

Video: merchant_under_attack_garthog

Reward: 5000 cr

Task 2

Sequence: after first virus infection

Objective: Defend trader from Garthog pirates again

Reward: Good relations with FreeTraders later on in the game

Mission 8

Status: OK

Sequence: 3

Objective: Complete the test


  • Activated by going to the bridge
  • Flashbacks starts after this by 2 months

Mission 9

Status: OK

Sequence 4:

Objective: Deal with the San Sterling Smuggler

Success condition: either destroyed or smuggler flees

Failure condition:

  • smuggler reaches the planet san_sterling_smuggler_escaped
  • any other trader destroyed by you san_sterling_smuggler_killed_innocent

Video: san_sterling_smuggler, san_sterling_smuggler_killed, merchant_in

Mission 10

Status: OK

Sequence: 5

Objective: Escort governor of Centronom

Success condition: original: always, ensure safe arrival

Failure condition: governor's fleet destroyed

Video: douglas_escort_centronom_governor ; colony_ship_arrival


  • Appears at San Sterling, heading to Naxos

Mission 11

Status: OK

Sequence: 6

Objective: Defend the planet from Garthog attack

Success condition: planet saved

Failure condition: planet lost


  • Garthog will choose the least defended planet
  • Display send messages according to the chosen planet

Mission 12

Status: OK

Sequence: 7

Objective: Virus infection on New Caroline

Success condition: planet survived

Failure condition: planet lost

Video: new_caroline_virus, new_caroline_virus_again, etc.


  • Report the infection to colonel message
  • Receive hubble2 on Naxos and San Sterling
  • Turn back traders. Need ability to choose a target from overlapping units!

Task 1

First virus infection

Task 2

Subsequent virus infection

Task 3

Subsequent virus infection, unless reported to colonel

Task 4

Subsequent virus infection, unless reported to colonel

Task 5

Subsequent virus infection, unless reported to colonel

Mission 13

Status: OK

Sequence: 9

Objective: Escort admiral Benson to New Caroline

Failure condition: Not met with Benson

Video: douglas_escort_admiral_benson ; douglas_escort_admiral_benson_failed ; colony_ship_arrival_2

Reward: 5 Laser ?


  • Admiral's fleet starts off from Achilles
  • Attacked by Garthog fleet containing one Battleship

Mission 14

Status: OK

Sequence: 10

Objective: Destroy the virus carriers

Success: virus carriers destroyed

Failure: N/A


  • Becomes available after Task 2 and report to colonel, or after task 5

Mission 15

Status: OK


  • See spy movie
  • Talk to Kelly in the bar

Mission 16

Status: OK

Objective: Escort money carrier


  • 2 weeks later
  • New Caroline -> San Sterling
  • Attacked by few Garthog fighters and destroyers

video: flagship_arrival (maybe swap with Benson's video, as this is not a flagship as banson's ship is it)

Mission 17

Status: OK

Objective: Stop the stolen prototype

Reward: Move to level 3


  • 1 week after money escort
  • Appears near New Caroline -> Garthog N?
  • Garthog: 2 Battleships, few destroyers, fighters, 1 Human Destroyer 2

Level 3: Commander


  • +1 Flagship with 4 light tanks

Mission 18

Status: OK

Objective: Defeat the Garthogs

Task 1..5

Objective: Capture Garthog N

Mission 19

Status: OK

Objective: Blockade of Zeuson

Success condition: Rebel governor turned back

Failure condition: Rebel governor escaped or killed?


  • After 4-5 days, a FreeTraders "Unknown" will leave Zeuson, should flee

Video: take_prisoner

Mission 20

Status: OK

Objective: Talk to Brian


  • Flashback after zeuson blockade

Mission 21

Status: OK

Objective: Escort prototype

Reward: Destroyer 2 available


  • 2 weeks after blockade
  • Zeuson -> somewhere right
  • Attacked by 1+10+30 garthog fleet

Level 4: Admiral


  • +Thorin, 6 light tanks, 1 Cruiser 1, 6 Fighter 2

Mission 22

Status: OK

Objective: build, research, colonize

Success condition: Own 7 more planets (either colonization or capture)

Reward: Promotion to Grand admiral

Mission 23

Status: OK

Task 1

Objective: Talk to the doctor in the Bar

Task 2

Objective: Contact the Earth development center of robotics


  • Flashback after 2-3 days of promotion

Mission 24

Status: OK

Objective: Make first contact with the Dargslan

Reward: Promotion to Grand admiral


  • either the planet count, or the first battle with the Dargslan will trigger Level 5

Level 5: Grand Admiral

Mission 25

Status: OK

Objective: Defeat the Dargslan

Success condition: Dargslans own 0 planets