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Gillespie Stochastic Simulation implememntation in pytorch

This repo implements direct and first reaction methods of Gillespie stochastic simulation algorithm for solving the Master equation. The code is based on PyTorch and can be used on CPU and GPU alike. The repo was developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04 WSL2.


Using a conda environment

git clone
cd ssa-solvers
conda create --name $NAME -y python==3.10
conda activate $NAME
pip install -e .

Using docker

Build the docker image

docker build . --tag ssa_solvers

Make sure the docker container can write in the directory ./logs by running

chmod 775 -R logs

Connect to the container running bash while mounting the ./logs directory

docker run -it --rm --net=host --gpus all -v ./logs:/home/docker_user/project/logs --group-add $(id -g) --user docker_user ssa_solvers bash

This command uses the Nvidia docker wrapper for GPU access, see Nvidia docker installation notes for details.

To run notebooks

docker run -it --rm --net=host --gpus all -v ./logs:/home/docker_user/project/logs --group-add $(id -g) --user docker_user ssa_solvers jupyter lab

Creating a new chemical reaction system class for simulation

The base reaction system is encoded in BaseChemicalReactionSystem class in ssa_solvers.chemical_reaction_system. To perform simulations one needs to create a subclass of BaseChemicalReactionSystem with the following fields overloaded:

self.stoichiometry_matrix - Stoichiometric matrix of the chemical reaction system

self._params - Dictionary of parameters of the chemical reaction system with a string key for parameter name and a float value for parameter value

self._species - Dictionary of species of the chemical reaction system with a string key for species name and an integer value for species index in the species vector

The following method calculates the propensity vector based on the current population, e.g.:

def propensities(self, pops: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    propensities = [
    return torch.vstack(propensities)

Defining configuration file

cfg = {
       'name': 'mRNAsRNAInTrans',
       'stochastic_sim_cfg': {'checkpoint_freq': 1,
                              'save_to_file': True,
                              'trajectories_per_batch': 50000,
                              'path': './logs/',
                              'solver': 'direct',
                              'precision': 'fp32'},
       'ode_sim_cfg': {'solver': 'RK23',
                       'atol': 1e-4,
                       'rtol': 1e-10}

cfg['name'] - Reaction system name

cfg['stochastic_sim_cfg'] - parameters for stochastic simulation:

  • checkpoint_freq - frequency of checkpoints
  • save_to_file - if True the results are saved to a CSV file, otherwise kept in memory
  • trajectories_per_batch - number of trajectories to simulate at once. Set to sys.maxsize if save_to_file = False, i.e., trajecories_per_batch = n_trajectories
  • solver - type of a solver: direct or first_reaction (default:fp16)
  • path - path to save the logs and data
  • precision - float precision for computing statistics: fp64 - double, fp32 - single and fp16 half precision (default: fp16)

cfg['ode_sim_cfg'] - parameters for ODE simulation using solve_ivp method from xitorch package, see xitorch documentation for details

Simulating a chemical reaction system

Define the classes

device = torch.device("cpu")
reaction_system = MyReactionSystem(device=device)
ssa_simulator = StochasticSimulator(


init_pops = torch.zeros(
        (reaction_system_intrans.n_species, ), dtype=torch.int64, device=device)
end_time = 100
    n_trajectories = 100)

Compute mean and variance on the specified grid

n_steps = 100
time_grid = torch.arange(0, end_time, int(
        end_time / n_steps), device=device)
means, stds = ssa_simulator.data_set.mean_and_std(time_grid=time_grid)

Testing pre-defined circuits

Command line scripts

python run_example --circuit CIRCUIT --end_time END_TIME --n_steps N_STEPS --n_traj N_TRAJ --device DEVICE

CIRCUIT - Circuit name (currently implemented mrna, auto)

END_TIME - Simulation end time (positive float)

N_STEPS - Number of steps in the time grid (positive int)

N_TRAJ - Number of trajectories in the stochastic simulation (positive int)

DEVICE - Device for simulations (options: cpu, cuda)






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