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yarn add @airlst/sdk


Set API key

import { Api } from '@airlst/sdk'



Currently available methods:

Event methods

Get all company events

Important: This method requires that API key must be company bound!

import { Event } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Event().list()

Get single event with UUID

import { Event } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Event().get('event-uuid')

Guest methods

List all guests

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').list({ page: 2, search: 'John' })

Method accepts following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
page number Page number
perPage number Number of items per page
search string Quick search
filters array Filters arrays
filters.*.field string Filter field e.g: extended_fields->field1, booking:extended_fields->field1
filters.*.value string Filter field value
filters.*.operator string Filter field operator. Optional. One of: eq (equal), neq (not equal), like, gt (greater than), gte (greater than or equal), lt (less than), lte (less than or equal). If operator is not provided eq will be used as default
sorts array Sorts array
sorts.*.field string Sort field
sorts.*.direction string Sort field direction. One of: asc (ascending), desc (descending)
sorts.*.order number Sort field order. Optional. Defines order/priority of the sort when sorting by multiple fields

Validate guest code

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').validatedCode('guest-code')

Get guest with code

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').get('guest-code')

Create a new guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').create({
  status: 'confirmed',
  contact: {
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Doe',

Create a new companion guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').createCompanion('guest-code', {
  contact: {
    first_name: 'John',
    last_name: 'Doe',

Update existing guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').update('guest-code', { status: 'confirmed' })

Archive guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

await new Guest('event-uuid').archive('guest-code')

Restore an archived guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').restore('guest-code')

Delete guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

await new Guest('event-uuid').delete('guest-code')

Check in a guest

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').checkin('guest-code', {
  type: Guest.CheckinType.CHECK_IN,
  device: 'Mobile',
  location: 'Munich',

Create recommendation

import { Guest } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new Guest('event-uuid').createRecommendation('guest-code', {
    status: 'confirmed',
    contact: {
      first_name: 'John',
      last_name: 'Doe',

Email Template methods

Retrieve all email templates for the event

import { EmailTemplate } from '@airlst/sdk'

const { data } = await new EmailTemplate('event-uuid').list()

Send email template to selected guests

import { EmailTemplate } from '@airlst/sdk'

await new EmailTemplate('event-uuid').send('email-template-uuid',{