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Set of Script to calcualte acceptance and efficiencies of 4mu channel

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Scripts to Caluclate Acceptances:

To calcualte acceptance maps for Jpsi, please run following command

nohup python -u -l -q -b --dir="/uscms/home/muahmad/nobackup/Four_Mu_analysis/DoubleUpsilon/CMSSW_9_4_14_patch1/src/FourMuonAna/Onia/test/" --obsName="pT2mu_rapidity2mu" --obsBins="|0|1|2|3.5|5|6|7|8|9|10|12|15|20|30|40|10000|_|-2.0|-1.75|-1.5|-1.0|-0.5|0.5|1.0|1.5|1.75|2.0|" >& effs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu.log &

It may take a while to calculate everything, progress can be checked by command

tail -f effs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu.log

Explaining some contents: is the main script which does all the work

--obsName: acceptances are caluclated with respect to this variable, currently only supports pT2mu_rapidity2mu (pT and rapidity of Jpsi) but it can easily be ehanced to adapt for more variables

--obsBins: is the binning of acceptance map, |0|1|2|3.5|5|6|7|8|9|10|12|15|20|30|40|10000| is pT2mu bins and |-2.0|-1.75|-1.5|-1.0|-0.5|0.5|1.0|1.5|1.75|2.0| is rapidity bins of Jpsi. Changing binning only requires changes here (on command line)

Inside script: we are importing which contains samples name strings and which reads input files/Trees for each sample. In case you want to change input sample, you need to make change in script

Once acceptance are calucalted the results would be stored in in the form of a python dictonary. which is not easy read by eye. You can use following command to make plot(s) which will read numbers from this python dictionary and plot acceptance maps

python -u -l -q -b --obsName="pT2mu_rapidity2mu" --obsBins="|0|1|2|3.5|5|6|7|8|9|10|12|15|20|30|40|10000|_|-2.0|-1.75|-1.5|-1.0|-0.5|0.5|1.0|1.5|1.75|2.0|" --Mix >& sigeffs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu.log &

Similary progress can be monitored by tail -f sigeffs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu.log

Here is the main plotting script, --obsName and --obsBins should match with acceptance calucations.

You can keep --Mix option or remove it. What it does: it takes SPS and DPS acceptance and mix them with ratio of 80(SPS):20(DPS) and then calculate & plot acceptance for Mix along with all models. All plots will appear under directory JJ_plots. Plots naming convention is explained as follows

acc2d_a_eta_SPS: means acceptance of first Jpsi due to eta cut on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

dacc2d_a_eta_SPS: means erros on acceptance of first Jpsi due to eta cut on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

acc2d_b_eta_SPS: means acceptance of second Jpsi due to eta cut on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

dacc2d_b_eta_SPS: means erros on acceptance of second Jpsi due to eta cut on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

acc2d_a_etapt_SPS: means acceptance of first Jpsi due to eta and pT cuts on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

dacc2d_a_etapt_SPS: means erros on acceptance of first Jpsi due to eta and pT cuts on its daugter muons using SPS sample. you would have similar plot for each model (i.e DPS, JHU,Mix)

Similary For effiency calucaltions

nohup python -u -l -q -b --dir="/uscms/home/muahmad/nobackup/Four_Mu_analysis/DoubleUpsilon/CMSSW_9_4_14_patch1/src/FourMuonAna/Onia/test/" --obsName="pT2mu_rapidity2mu" --obsBins="|0|1|2|3.5|5|6|7|8|9|10|12|15|20|30|40|10000|_|-2.0|-1.75|-1.5|-1.0|-0.5|0.5|1.0|1.5|1.75|2.0|" >& effs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu_eff.log &

This is similar like acceptance, one factor per Jpsi.

nohup python -u -l -q -b --dir="/uscms/home/muahmad/nobackup/Four_Mu_analysis/DoubleUpsilon/CMSSW_9_4_14_patch1/src/FourMuonAna/Onia/test/" --obsName="pT2mu_pT2mu" --obsBins="|0|2.5|5.0|7.5|10.0|20.0|40.0|_|0|2.5|5.0|7.5|10.0|20.0|40.0|" >& effs_pT2mu_pT2mu_JJ_4mu_evteff.log &

This is one factor per event (each event has two Jpsi mesons)

Plotting effciencies:

python -u -l -q -b --obsName="pT2mu_rapidity2mu" --obsBins="|0|1|2|3.5|5|6|7|8|9|10|12|15|20|30|40|_|-2.0|-1.75|-1.5|-1.0|-0.5|0.5|1.0|1.5|1.75|2.0|" --Mix >& sigeffs_pT2mu_rapidity2mu_JJ_4mu_eff.log &

--Mix: This options is same and does mixing of SPS and DPS sample with the ratio of 80 and 20 respectively.

python -u -l -q -b --obsName="pT2mu_pT2mu" --obsBins="|0|2.5|5.0|7.5|10.0|20.0|40.0|_|0|2.5|5.0|7.5|10.0|20.0|40.0|" --symmetrize --Mix >& sigeffs_pT2mu_pT2mu_JJ_4mu_eff.log &

--symmetrize: This option only appear here first time. These above last factors are caluclatued per event as function of pT of Jpsi and each event have two Jpsi mesons. Since the choice of Jpsi_1 and Jpsi_2 are random, so that why we should average non-dignal of matrix (i.e. after --symmetrize option there would an additional plot produced where element of matrix a13 = a31)

Running Closure test:


This read all acceptance and efficiency factors histrograms in root file and perfrom the closure test

closure test resutls will be saved in after running, which is again python dictionary hard to read by eye. But you can run following script to make latex table code python This will print out the latex code to make the table, just copy paste this code on latex and you will get a beautiful table

NTuples production:

All NTuples needed as input exist on cmslpc machine. If needs to reporduce for some reason, please follow instructions here code is here. git branch test_only of following repository


Set of Script to calcualte acceptance and efficiencies of 4mu channel






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