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How to Run a Grinder Build on Jenkins

Lan Xia edited this page Aug 15, 2024 · 35 revisions

How to run a Grinder test job at Adoptium

Table of contents

  1. Quick Start
    1. Rerun OpenJDK tests
    2. Run system_custom target
  2. Reference
    1. Access Permissions
    2. Grouping and Granularity
    3. Input Parameters
      1. Test Repositories
      2. Non-AQA Test Repositories
      3. Platform and Machine Selection
      4. JDK Selection
      5. Test Selection
      6. Additional Test Options
      7. Test Parallelization
      8. Post Run
    4. Grinder Etiquette

Quick Start Documentation

There are far too many input parameters to the AQAvit Jenkins jobs. Luckily almost all of them are optional and can be ignored for some common test scenarios.

Rerun a failing OpenJDK regression test

You can find "Rerun in Grinder" links near the top of the Jenkins job that failed. See Section A in the diagram below. Section B shows the test target summary for a particular job. Section C shows individual testcases, if the type of testing run produces a standard format (NUnit style output).

  • "Rerun in Grinder" link opens a Grinder with pre-populated parameters, but it sets the TARGET as the entire target used by the job (example, TARGET=sanity.openjdk).
  • "Rerun in Grinder on same machine" does the same as Rerun in Grinder, but also sets LABEL=hostname of the machine where it failed
    • In the case you want to rerun on a particular machine that the test failed on, because the test seems to only fail on particular machines, you could change LABEL=hostname, example, LABEL=test-godaddy-centos7-x64-2
  • "Rerun in Grinder with failed targets" does the same as Rerun in Grinder, but changes TARGET=list of failed targets
  • "Rerun failed jdk test cases in Grinder" does the same as Rerun in Grinder, but changes TARGET=jdk_custom and CUSTOM_TARGET=space-separated list of failed testcases to rerun
    • To rerun a single test case in the openjdk group (for example the test case java/math/BigInteger/, group jdk_math for example), click on either rerun link described above (so that the most of the other parameters used in the failing tests are pre-populated and then edit any parameters you want to be able to run a particular variation of the previous run. In this case, you can set TARGET=jdk_custom and CUSTOM_TARGET=java/math/BigInteger/ to rerun just that particular test class.
    • If you want to run a specific list of testcases, you can set TARGET=jdk_custom and space-separated list of test classes for CUSTOM_TARGET=java/math/BigInteger/ java/net/Inet6Address/ to rerun that particular test class
    • If you want to run a directory of tests, TARGET=jdk_custom and CUSTOM_TARGET=jdk/test/java/math/BigInteger to run the test cases within that directory

Run system_custom in a Grinder

  • For running STF based system tests using system_custom target in a Grinder, please ensure the following is set:

    • BUILD_LIST=system
    • TARGET=system_custom
    • CUSTOM_TARGET=-test=<stf_test_class_name> - Optionally, if test requires arguments, CUSTOM_TARGET=-test=<stf_test_class_name> -test-args="x=a,y=b" (e.g. CUSTOM_TARGET=-test=MathLoadTest -test-args="workload=math,timeLimit=5m")
  • Note : <stf_test_class_name> should be the name of the STF class to run, not a Playlist target name. For example, if you want to re-run ClassLoadingTest_5m, using system_custom, you can simply copy the last portion of the command line from the playlist (e.g. -test=ClassloadingLoadTest -test-args="timeLimit=5m") for CUSTOM_TARGET.

Reference Documentation for Jenkins Test Jobs

These instructions describe running Grinder jobs at but also loosely apply to Grinder jobs at the OpenJ9 Jenkins server (and internal servers). Login to the Jenkins server and click Build with Parameters, or go to the Grinder job in your internal Jenkins instance and set your own parameters.

Access Permissions

For access permissions to the Grinder job at, you need to be added to the test-triage Github team (requires 2FA on your Github account).

Grouping and Granularity

We have many tests, so it is important to be able to slice and dice them in different ways in order to be efficient with testing, debugging and triage. Tests are organized into groups typically based on where they came from and what type of test they are [openjdk|perf|system|functional|external].


Input Parameters

AQAvit test jobs Parameters are grouped logically by the type of input they are.

Test Repositories Parameters

Repositories where we pull test material from. Unless you are testing test code, these do not need to be changed.

  • ADOPTOPENJDK_REPO : optional: your fork of aqa-tests
  • ADOPTOPENJDK_BRANCH : optional, your branch off of your fork of aqa-tests
  • OPENJ9_REPO : optional, your fork of openj9
  • OPENJ9_BRANCH : optional, your branch of your fork of openj9
  • OPENJ9_SHA : optional, pin to a specific SHA of openj9
  • JDK_REPO : optional, use test material from a particular OpenJDK repository
  • JDK_BRANCH : optional, use test material from a particular OpenJDK branch
  • OPENJDK_SHA : optional, pin to a particular OpenJDK SHA
  • TKG_OWNER_BRANCH : optional, use a particular adoptium/TKG fork/branch
  • ADOPTOPENJDK_SYSTEMTEST_OWNER_BRANCH : optional, use a particular adoptium/aqa-systemtest fork/branch
  • OPENJ9_SYSTEMTEST_OWNER_BRANCH : optional, use a particular openj9/openj9-systemtest fork/branch
  • STF_OWNER_BRANCH : optional, use a particular adoptium/STF fork/branch
  • JCK_GIT_REPO : optional, use a particular private repository for JCK test material supplied under OCTLA

Non-AQA Test Repositories

Additional test repositories that can be overlaid onto existing AQA test material for extra testing. This is used for laying down smoke tests in the temurin-build repository and installer tests in the installer repository, along with any private vendor tests that can not be run in the open.

  • VENDOR_TEST_REPOS : optional, comma-separated list of repositories containing additional test material
  • VENDOR_TEST_BRANCHES : optional, comma-separated list of branches for additional test material
  • VENDOR_TEST_SHAS : optional, pin to particular SHAS of VENDOR_TEST_REPOS
  • VENDOR_TEST_DIRS : optional, directories within VENDOR_TEST_REPOS where to find test material
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_ID : optional, credentials to use if VENDOR_TEST_REPOS require them

Platform and Machine Selection Parameters

Choose which platform to run tests on, and optionally specify machine label to send the test job to a certain machine is desired.

  • PLATFORM : required, platform on which to run the test (used to determine machines labels to find machines on which to run). Refer to PLATFORM_MAP for a complete list of supported platforms.
  • LABEL : optional, set to hostname for a specific machine, otherwise, if blank, machines matching the PLATFORM labels will be used
  • LABEL_ADDITION : optional, additional label to append to the LABEL for more specificity
  • DOCKER_REQUIRED : optional, boolean appends sw.tool.docker to the LABEL for tests that require Docker to be installed
  • DOCKERIMAGE_TAG : optional, used by external test group to pinpoint a particular image to pull and use by tests
  • EXTRA_DOCKER_ARGS : optional, extra Docker arguments to pass into external test group
  • SSH_AGENT_CREDENTIAL : optional, set if needed to fetch images from a secure registry
  • ACTIVE_NODE_TIMEOUT : optional, minutes to wait on the label-matching node to become active

JDK Selection Parameters

Specify where to pick up JDK from and provide extra details if taking from upstream or customized.

  • SDK_RESOURCE : required, choice between upstream|releases|nightly|customized
  • JDK_VERSION : required, JDK_VERSION that matches the JDK binary under test e.g., 8, 11, 17, etc
  • JDK_IMPL : required, different JVM implementations (hotspot, openj9, sap, ibm)
  • CUSTOMIZED_SDK_URL : optional, use when SDK_RESOURCE=customized, URL to a JDK binary to use for testing, optional, include space-separated link to download native test libs or JRE (if using a different JRE than the one packaged with JDK used for compilation)
  • CUSTOMIZED_SDK_URL_CREDENTIAL_ID : optional, if needed to access CUSTOMIZED_SDK_URL binary
  • TEST_IMAGES_REQUIRED : optional, pick up test images from the same location as SDK_RESOURCE, if they are available
  • UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME : optional, use when SDK_RESOURCE=upstream
  • UPSTREAM_JOB_NUMBER : optional, use in tandem with UPSTREAM_JOB_NAME
  • AUTO_DETECT : optional, boolean to AUTO_DETECT JDK_VERSION, JDK_IMPL and SPEC of JDK_RESOURCE=customized

Test Selection Parameters

Provide parameters for which test material to build and which test targets to run.

  • BUILD_LIST : required, pinpoint the directories that will be compiled e.g., openjdk, system, perf, external, functional. Any standalone sub test directory you wish to compile, perf/dacapo, etc.

  • DYNAMIC_COMPILE : optional, boolean, TKG figures out necessary dependencies and reduces the amount of test material compiled

  • TARGET : required, which test target you want to run. Top-level targets such as sanity.openjdk, extended.system are inappropriate for Grinders as they contain so many sub-targets and have a long execution time. Test targets are defined in playlist.xml files as testCaseName tags (example jdk_math or jdk_custom).

  • CUSTOM_TARGET : if TARGET=jdk_custom|hotspot_custom|langtools_custom, you can set this to be the specific test class name (or test directory or space-separated list of test classes). For example test/jdk/java/math/BigInteger/

Additional Test Options Parameters

  • TEST_FLAG : optional. Only set for feature testing. (i.e., JITAAS, AOT, FIPS140_2, FIPS140_3_OpenJCEPlusFIPS, or FIPS140_3_OpenJCEPlusFIPS.FIPS140-3, etc)
  • EXTRA_OPTIONS : optional, set this to append additional JVM options to the test run
    In general, JVM options can be directly used. Please try to use JVM options as it is. For example, -Xaot:{jdk/incubator/vector/*Vector*Mask.lambda*anyTrue*}(traceFull,traceRelocatableDataCG,traceRelocatableDataDetailsCG,log=log.trc) can be directly used for openjdk tests. However, for system tests, the special characters may need to be escaped in EXTRA_OPTIONS and JVM_OPTIONS.
    Example 1:
    Example 2:
  • JVM_OPTIONS : optional, set this to replace the JVM options of the test run
  • ITERATIONS : number of times to repeat the execution of the test run (on one machine)
  • TIME_LIMIT : optional, hours at which point to limit the Jenkins job to run, if not completed, it aborts at this time limit

Test Parallelization Parameters

Additional test options if you wish to run in various parallel modes

  • PARALLEL : optional, several modes of parallelization supported [None|Dynamic|Subdir|NodesByIterations], where:
    • None -> "run tests serially"
    • Dynamic -> "when running multiple targets, try to retrieve test execution times and dynamically calculate how to divide tests across NUM_MACHINES"
    • NodesByIterations -> "when running a single target, run ITERATIONS of a test across NUM_MACHINES"
  • NUM_MACHINES : optional, how many machines to parallelize across
  • GENERATE_JOBS : optional, boolean to force generate child jobs
  • PERSONAL_BUILD : optional, boolean setting for indicating this is a personal build
  • UPSTREAM_TEST_JOB_NAME : auto-populated, when child jobs generated
  • UPSTREAM_TEST_JOB_NUMBER : auto-populated, when child jobs generated

Post Run Parameters

Parameters to determine what to do with post run artifacts.

  • ARCHIVE_TEST_RESULTS : optional. If checked, the test outputs will be archived regardless of the test result
  • KEEP_REPORTDIR : optional, useful for showing NUnit output details with JUnit Jenkins plugin
  • ARTIFACTORY_SERVER : optional, send artifacts to an Artifactory server if its configured
  • ARTIFACTORY_REPO : optional, use in conjuction with ARTIFACTORY_SERVER
  • ARTIFACTORY_ROOT_DIR : optional, use in conjuction with ARTIFACTORY_SERVER
  • CLOUD_PROVIDER : optional, if set, Jenkins jobs may try to spin up dynamic agents to run tests on, if all real nodes are in use
  • USE_TESTENV_PROPERTIES : optional, boolean, use the values provided in file to pin to particular versions of test material, ignoring all settings in "Test Repositories Parameters"
  • RERUN_ITERATIONS : optional, if set, indicates that when test targets fail, they are to be rerun this many times
  • RELATED_NODES : setting the client machine label for use in client/server testing

Grinder Etiquette

  1. When possible, avoid running top-level targets (all of sanity.openjdk tests, etc, since we have nightly runs for those), or runs with 100x+ ITERATIONS. These can take hours, and will block the regular testing, especially on platforms where we have few machines.
  2. Do not mark Grinder runs as “keep forever”, there is a limited amount of space on Jenkins master. Download any artifacts you need from your run as soon as it finishes to attach to issues, etc, and consider the Jenkins job transient.
  3. When reporting failures in issues, understand that Grinder jobs are transient (not kept for long on Jenkins). Sharing a link to the Grinder is only useful for a short time. Share the "Rerun in Grinder" link which has details of the impl/version/test target, output statistics & test artifacts in the issue, those are more concrete items when reproducing failures. For openjdk test failures, here are some useful triage instructions:
  4. Pro-actively delete Grinder runs that you do not need (setup fails, or mistake in target, etc). We keep last 50 runs, and if you delete your unneeded runs immediately, other jobs will stay a little bit longer giving others more time to grab artifacts.